CDZ What is torture?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Liberals love to jump up on their soapboxes wagging their fingers when discussing torture. "We are better than this!" "We Americans do not torture!" That makes them feel all fuzzy inside but it puts America and the world at a strategic disadvantage because our enemies not only torture for information, they torture for entertainment. So what is torture? Torture is defined as the act inflicting "severe pain" on an individual. So how is Waterboarding torture? My idea of torture is hooking up a terrorist to a battery or perhaps some creative uses of pig's blood. I would never advocate dismemberment, sexual assault of any kind, or drowning. But if causes no permanent damage and results in saving one innocent life then torture is not only warranted we are idiots to not employ it. How do you define torture and would you advocate the use of it interrogating Terrorists?
What is torture:

Torture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would I ever support it usage?



Because sometimes you have to employ unconventional ways to get the intel you need...


I am not a nice guy and would behead every ISIL member and stick their heads on Pikes to remind the next possible ISIL member what will happen to them if they decide to become a Terrorist...
MOD EDIT - Someone forgot they were in the CDZ.
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Waterboarding is not torture.


It's a technique that induces some serious fear and trauma, and it's used to train military professionals in Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape.

When it comes to flea bitten bearded zealots of the cult of slavery death and conquest, I'm not at all concerned if they're waterboarded.

To me, torture would involve being forced to listen to a liberal political whore's asinine campaign speech. The shrill and monotone voice of hitlery alone is enough to get me to seek distance from it.

Liberals love to jump up on their soapboxes wagging their fingers when discussing torture. "We are better than this!" "We Americans do not torture!" That makes them feel all fuzzy inside but it puts America and the world at a strategic disadvantage because our enemies not only torture for information, they torture for entertainment. So what is torture? Torture is defined as the act inflicting "severe pain" on an individual. So how is Waterboarding torture? My idea of torture is hooking up a terrorist to a battery or perhaps some creative uses of pig's blood. I would never advocate dismemberment, sexual assault of any kind, or drowning. But if causes no permanent damage and results in saving one innocent life then torture is not only warranted we are idiots to not employ it. How do you define torture and would you advocate the use of it interrogating Terrorists?

Col. Bud Day and Leo Thorseness....were both in the Hanoi Hilton with John McCain....they were both tortured and I believe one or both of them were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor....they both say that waterboarding is harsh treatment...but not torture....and considering that they were both tortured by the socialists in Vietnam.....they know what torture is.....
I had an article that stated the reason most branches of the military stopped using waterboarding for training...was it was too successful......they broke all of the trainees.......and the Psychiatrist stated that because they broke them in training they were concerned that it would weaken their resistance to waterboarding in a real world situation.....

And no.....the Japanese, vietnamese socialist version of water boarding is not what the CIA was doing.....
Here you who actually experienced real torture......for years....and support water boarding for terrorists.......

McCain’s fellow POWs support waterboarding

When I was researching my book, “Courting Disaster,” I interviewed many of them, including Col. Bud Day, who received our nation’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor, for his heroic escape from a North Vietnamese prison camp.

When Day was returned to the prison, his right arm was broken in three places and he had been shot in the hand and thigh during his capture. But he continued to resist interrogation and provide false information — suffering such excruciating torture that he became totally physically debilitated and unable to perform even the simplest task for himself. In short, Day is an expert on the subject of torture. Here is what he says about CIA waterboarding:

“I am a supporter of waterboarding. It is not torture. Torture is really hurting someone. Waterboarding is just scaring someone, with no long-term injurious effects. It is a scare tactic that works.”

I asked Day in an e-mail what he would say to the CIA officer who waterboarded Khalid Sheik Mohammed, if he had the chance to speak with him. Day replied immediately: “YOU DID THE RIGHT THING.”

And the other Congressional of Medal Awardee...also agrees......waterboarding is not torture.....

Like Day, Col. Leo Thorsness was awarded the Medal of Honor for extraordinary heroism during the Vietnam War. He experienced excruciating torture during his captivity — his back broken, his body wrenched apart. He says what the CIA did to al-Qaeda terrorists in its custody was not torture:

“To me, waterboarding is intensive interrogation. It is not torture. Torture involves extreme, brutal pain — breaking bones, passing out from pain, beatings so severe that blood spatters the walls . . . when you pop shoulders out of joints.. . . In my mind, there’s a difference, and in most POWs’ minds there’s a difference.. . . I would not hesitate a second to use ‘enhanced interrogation,’ including waterboarding, if it would save the lives of innocent people.”

And the most famous supporter of water boarding......

Another torture victim who supports waterboarding is Adm. Jeremiah Denton — the POW who famously winked the word “T-O-R-T-U-R-E” in Morse code during a North Vietnamese propaganda interview.

It was the first message to the outside world that American prisoners were being tortured. Denton later received the Navy Cross for this courageous and costly act of defiance, for which he paid dearly when his captors figured out what he had done. I asked Denton if he thought waterboarding was torture. He told me:

Here you who actually experienced real torture......for years....and support water boarding for terrorists.......

McCain’s fellow POWs support waterboarding

When I was researching my book, “Courting Disaster,” I interviewed many of them, including Col. Bud Day, who received our nation’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor, for his heroic escape from a North Vietnamese prison camp.

When Day was returned to the prison, his right arm was broken in three places and he had been shot in the hand and thigh during his capture. But he continued to resist interrogation and provide false information — suffering such excruciating torture that he became totally physically debilitated and unable to perform even the simplest task for himself. In short, Day is an expert on the subject of torture. Here is what he says about CIA waterboarding:

“I am a supporter of waterboarding. It is not torture. Torture is really hurting someone. Waterboarding is just scaring someone, with no long-term injurious effects. It is a scare tactic that works.”

I asked Day in an e-mail what he would say to the CIA officer who waterboarded Khalid Sheik Mohammed, if he had the chance to speak with him. Day replied immediately: “YOU DID THE RIGHT THING.”
I mentioned the other day in a post that I have been on both ends of waterboarded in training and I have never seen anyone who didn't break. I can almost guarantee that even KSM spilled the beans because nobody can keep from talking.
Definition of torture? There is a definition of it in international law, but probably there is many. In that definition, if it remember right, it was defined through pain, stress, and body function loss. For example, if you castrate your subject at the beginning of the interview, you have already committed torture, before you even began the questioning.

I am not sure how it defines modern torture techniques. The most modern that I heard of was controlled by a computer. The way it worked was that a computer monitors your body functions, and applies various pain levels on various parts of your body, to continuously keep your body functions out of balance. Only electrodes and cheap nurse office sensors are sufficient for it to work. The control software of it is tricky though.

Which terrorist to apply it on? I would recommend only the one whose cousin can't find you to do it on your cousins.
midcan that was a non answer to the question. I can only assume from your indignation at my assumption that all Liberals are against any form of torture, you must be for it.
midcan that was a non answer to the question. I can only assume from your indignation at my assumption that all Liberals are against any form of torture, you must be for it.

They are only against torture until they completely take over a country......then they are all for it....just look at the countries the left has controlled around the world.......
What is torture:

Torture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would I ever support it usage?



Because sometimes you have to employ unconventional ways to get the intel you need...


I am not a nice guy and would behead every ISIL member and stick their heads on Pikes to remind the next possible ISIL member what will happen to them if they decide to become a Terrorist...
That is not torture though. Spiking them up like Dracula did, maybe.
Liberals love to jump up on their soapboxes wagging their fingers when discussing torture. "We are better than this!" "We Americans do not torture!" That makes them feel all fuzzy inside but it puts America and the world at a strategic disadvantage because our enemies not only torture for information, they torture for entertainment. So what is torture? Torture is defined as the act inflicting "severe pain" on an individual. So how is Waterboarding torture? My idea of torture is hooking up a terrorist to a battery or perhaps some creative uses of pig's blood. I would never advocate dismemberment, sexual assault of any kind, or drowning. But if causes no permanent damage and results in saving one innocent life then torture is not only warranted we are idiots to not employ it. How do you define torture and would you advocate the use of it interrogating Terrorists?
But the fact is torture does not save lies. What do people do when they are tortured? They talk and talk and say whatever they think will stop the torture. It has never been a good interrogation method because it yields so much bad information. In an interrogation bad information is worse than no information.

"The barbarous custom of having men beaten who are suspected of having important secrets to reveal must be abolished. It has always been recognized that this way of interrogating men, by putting them to torture, produces nothing worthwhile. The poor wretches say anything that comes into their mind and what they think the interrogator wishes to know."
Napoleon Bonaparte
Having Trump as President will make torture more effective. Check this out, we are torturing some tough dude and he won't talk. Then the interrogator says "You know I'm not sure what Trump is going to do to your family if you won't talk. That is one crazy bastard".
Liberals love to jump up on their soapboxes wagging their fingers when discussing torture. "We are better than this!" "We Americans do not torture!" That makes them feel all fuzzy inside but it puts America and the world at a strategic disadvantage because our enemies not only torture for information, they torture for entertainment. So what is torture? Torture is defined as the act inflicting "severe pain" on an individual. So how is Waterboarding torture? My idea of torture is hooking up a terrorist to a battery or perhaps some creative uses of pig's blood. I would never advocate dismemberment, sexual assault of any kind, or drowning. But if [it] causes no permanent damage and results in saving one innocent life then torture is not only warranted we are idiots to not employ it. How do you define torture and would you advocate the use of it interrogating Terrorists?

Perhaps you should volunteer to be waterboarded so you can determine first hand how torturous an act it is?

Maybe law enforcement, military, intelligence and security agencies should ask potential victims whether they consider waterboarding torturous. If one responds, no, interrogators can then use the tactic to elicit answers?


Has it occurred to you that liberals and conservatives alike are keen to making hasty generalizations and drawing unfounded conclusions from them. What intellectually rigorous research have you conducted that leads you to the conclusions you've articulated in your OP? Have you even so much as bothered to look for and read the critical research others have performed on the matter?

Folks who oppose torture -- liberal or conservative -- are folks who've bothered to review the scientifically conducted research into the tactic, its benefits and downsides. If you were to do so as well, you'll understand that being opposed to the use of torture has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative, but that it has to do with being intelligent enough to know that implementing it is a waste of resources relative to the actual results it delivers.
Having Trump as President will make torture more effective. Check this out, we are torturing some tough dude and he won't talk. Then the interrogator says "You know I'm not sure what Trump is going to do to your family if you won't talk. That is one crazy bastard".
There is no problem getting terrorist to talk. The problem is getting useful information from them.
Liberals love to jump up on their soapboxes wagging their fingers when discussing torture. "We are better than this!" "We Americans do not torture!" That makes them feel all fuzzy inside but it puts America and the world at a strategic disadvantage because our enemies not only torture for information, they torture for entertainment. So what is torture? Torture is defined as the act inflicting "severe pain" on an individual. So how is Waterboarding torture? My idea of torture is hooking up a terrorist to a battery or perhaps some creative uses of pig's blood. I would never advocate dismemberment, sexual assault of any kind, or drowning. But if causes no permanent damage and results in saving one innocent life then torture is not only warranted we are idiots to not employ it. How do you define torture and would you advocate the use of it interrogating Terrorists?

I thought about typing up a thorough response to your insanity. But all it really deserves is "fuck off and die".

So, Fuck off and die!
Liberals turn the subject of torture into climate science. I'm sure I'm going to get some graphs of torture statistics compiled by Professor Plum showing poor correlation between torture and quality of information or some bullshit like that. If our intel people want to use it, then untie their hands and let them. If they don't think it's effective then they won't use it. It isn't a requirement, it is an option. If it yields good information at all, and saves any lives at all, then it is a worthwhile tool. And no, I'm not going to require our intel people to ask a subhuman terrorist if he feels comfortable with waterboarding.

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