CDZ Fact; Corporate Subsidies and Corporate Welfare Far Exceed All Other Tax Bills


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

Some of it is exaggerated, but alot of it is counting the same money over and over. There is a whole lot of intersection between 'Corporate Tax Subsidies' and 'Corporate Tax Havens'. And How much we could save on lower Pharmaceutical costs is no better than an educated guess, and could cause prices to go up elsewhere, which is the baseline they use here.

But all in all, yes, we are paying more in taxes to allow corporate greed to run rampant over the people of this nation and to subsidize the corporations for for paying themselves about 350 times the average pay of their own workers (it's only about 30 times average pay in every other developed nation), to use illegal black market labor and to off shore our jobs, while underemployment is in double digits and wages stagnate for the rest of us.

The data for the cost of corporate subsidies comes from here:
Add It Up: The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business

The federal tax data is from here: Your 2014 Taxpayer Receipt

How can we balance the federal budget?


"Taxpayer receipt." People still think a gold coin drops somewhere at the fed when their accounts are debited?
Stop making sense; you'll piss off a neo-con.

I am simply amazed that people are not seeing through this fog of disinformation and lies.

I would much rather spend money to feed a starving child, even if their parents are drug dealers, than to pay for billionaire Jeff Greenes fifth mansion in Palm Beach. What Do They Own?: Five Mansions Owned by a Man Who Wants You to Live With Less

Look at what our corporate subsidies are paying for.

Monster Billionaire Mansions

I mean, for Gods sake, how many toilets do you need to have at ones home?
"Taxpayer receipt." People still think a gold coin drops somewhere at the fed when their accounts are debited?

Obviously not, dude.

Which has nothing to do with the subject.

Regardless of how one might imagine the US dollar is created from thin air, the people of this country are being saddled with the bill for the corporate luxuries and partying.

I for one, am sick of it, and it needs to come to an end. These rich thieves are destroying our nation.
"Taxpayer receipt." People still think a gold coin drops somewhere at the fed when their accounts are debited?

Obviously not, dude.

Which has nothing to do with the subject.

Regardless of how one might imagine the US dollar is created from thin air, the people of this country are being saddled with the bill for the corporate luxuries and partying.

I for one, am sick of it, and it needs to come to an end. These rich thieves are destroying our nation.
It actually does. What makes you think your federal taxes are funding subsidies?
"Taxpayer receipt." People still think a gold coin drops somewhere at the fed when their accounts are debited?

Obviously not, dude.

Which has nothing to do with the subject.

Regardless of how one might imagine the US dollar is created from thin air, the people of this country are being saddled with the bill for the corporate luxuries and partying.

I for one, am sick of it, and it needs to come to an end. These rich thieves are destroying our nation.
It actually does. What makes you think your federal taxes are funding subsidies?

Because they are funding subsidies.

The corporations are supposedly persons in our legal system and yet they have artificially low taxes compared to the rest of us and so many exemptions,deductions and subsidies that few of them pay the federal government more than they get from it any more.

Yes, because they are being subsidized.
And now they are going around Threatening US if we do or don't pass some law they don't agree with.

and some people are cheering this.
And now they are going around Threatening US if we do or don't pass some law they don't agree with.

and some people are cheering this.

I am not sure who you are referring to as 'they' here. In context it would be the corporations, but it sounds like maybe yo are talking about lefty protesters instead?

I'm not sure what you mean here.

You do agree that US working class people do have a right to represent their own interests, right? We do have the right to object to tax laws that give corporations everything and more, while the rest of us are seeing our children saddled with a huge tax load for the next three generations. And the welfare wont stop with our generation, so where do the taxes come from to pay for corporate greed when our kids are working and paying Jeff Green to own half a dozen mansions?

Some of it is exaggerated, but alot of it is counting the same money over and over. There is a whole lot of intersection between 'Corporate Tax Subsidies' and 'Corporate Tax Havens'. And How much we could save on lower Pharmaceutical costs is no better than an educated guess, and could cause prices to go up elsewhere, which is the baseline they use here.

But all in all, yes, we are paying more in taxes to allow corporate greed to run rampant over the people of this nation and to subsidize the corporations for for paying themselves about 350 times the average pay of their own workers (it's only about 30 times average pay in every other developed nation), to use illegal black market labor and to off shore our jobs, while underemployment is in double digits and wages stagnate for the rest of us.

The data for the cost of corporate subsidies comes from here:
Add It Up: The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business

The federal tax data is from here: Your 2014 Taxpayer Receipt

How can we balance the federal budget?


I noticed in your infographic, it didn't have the total of the 9.07% paid for debt based currency. :rolleyes-41:

That throws EVERYTHING out of wack. It makes the whole discussion quite fallacious. The left and the right will argue about a raise in minimum wage, but it is academic while the FED is destroying the purchasing power of the dollar. None of these totals can therefor be measured year to year accurately.

Would social insurance programs and social welfare programs be necessary if the elites weren't robbing the wealth of the nation through debt based currency? Buy up land and the resources of the nation, making investments worthless and creating negative interest rates? The whole thing is madness. . . .
Other than that, I have no qualms with the rest of the thread, it just doesn't get to the heart of the real problem. . . .
"Taxpayer receipt." People still think a gold coin drops somewhere at the fed when their accounts are debited?

Obviously not, dude.

Which has nothing to do with the subject.

Regardless of how one might imagine the US dollar is created from thin air, the people of this country are being saddled with the bill for the corporate luxuries and partying.

I for one, am sick of it, and it needs to come to an end. These rich thieves are destroying our nation.
It actually does. What makes you think your federal taxes are funding subsidies?

Well, might be the mere fact that he's actually critically examined the matter and actually thought about what he observed.

Some of it is exaggerated, but alot of it is counting the same money over and over. There is a whole lot of intersection between 'Corporate Tax Subsidies' and 'Corporate Tax Havens'. And How much we could save on lower Pharmaceutical costs is no better than an educated guess, and could cause prices to go up elsewhere, which is the baseline they use here.

But all in all, yes, we are paying more in taxes to allow corporate greed to run rampant over the people of this nation and to subsidize the corporations for for paying themselves about 350 times the average pay of their own workers (it's only about 30 times average pay in every other developed nation), to use illegal black market labor and to off shore our jobs, while underemployment is in double digits and wages stagnate for the rest of us.

The data for the cost of corporate subsidies comes from here:
Add It Up: The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business

The federal tax data is from here: Your 2014 Taxpayer Receipt

How can we balance the federal budget?


I noticed in your infographic, it didn't have the total of the 9.07% paid for debt based currency. :rolleyes-41:

That throws EVERYTHING out of wack. It makes the whole discussion quite fallacious. The left and the right will argue about a raise in minimum wage, but it is academic while the FED is destroying the purchasing power of the dollar. None of these totals can therefor be measured year to year accurately.

Would social insurance programs and social welfare programs be necessary if the elites weren't robbing the wealth of the nation through debt based currency? Buy up land and the resources of the nation, making investments worthless and creating negative interest rates? The whole thing is madness. . . .

The point of the tally isn't the specific sums assigned to each category, or how they compare from one year to the next. The point is the relative size of the corporate subsidy category to that of the other categories.

Given that is the point, gains or losses in the purchasing power of a dollar are irrelevant because all the dollars depicted are "spent" in the same accounting period. The gain/loss in the purchase power of a dollar can make the sums shown for each category vary from year to year, but it will not alter the share each category of spending consumes relative to other categories.

For there to be a material misstatement in the meme's depiction of how a $50K/year taxpayer's money is used by the government, and thus the point of it and the OP, there would need to be social programs that consume a larger share of that taxpayer's tax payment than does corporate subsidies.

Some of it is exaggerated, but alot of it is counting the same money over and over. There is a whole lot of intersection between 'Corporate Tax Subsidies' and 'Corporate Tax Havens'. And How much we could save on lower Pharmaceutical costs is no better than an educated guess, and could cause prices to go up elsewhere, which is the baseline they use here.

But all in all, yes, we are paying more in taxes to allow corporate greed to run rampant over the people of this nation and to subsidize the corporations for for paying themselves about 350 times the average pay of their own workers (it's only about 30 times average pay in every other developed nation), to use illegal black market labor and to off shore our jobs, while underemployment is in double digits and wages stagnate for the rest of us.

The data for the cost of corporate subsidies comes from here:
Add It Up: The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business

The federal tax data is from here: Your 2014 Taxpayer Receipt

How can we balance the federal budget?


I noticed in your infographic, it didn't have the total of the 9.07% paid for debt based currency. :rolleyes-41:

That throws EVERYTHING out of wack. It makes the whole discussion quite fallacious. The left and the right will argue about a raise in minimum wage, but it is academic while the FED is destroying the purchasing power of the dollar. None of these totals can therefor be measured year to year accurately.

Would social insurance programs and social welfare programs be necessary if the elites weren't robbing the wealth of the nation through debt based currency? Buy up land and the resources of the nation, making investments worthless and creating negative interest rates? The whole thing is madness. . . .

While the effects of credit based currency could be a root cause to the impact felt on American families, the fact that the corporations are making American families subsidies them through our taxes is fraudulent and theft. It must stop but too many have no idea what is going on and too many are too apathetic until they feel the impact visibly.
Other than that, I have no qualms with the rest of the thread, it just doesn't get to the heart of the real problem. . . .
To a degree that is true, and I agree.

But int he meantime, we should not see our federal revenues consumed by corporate welfare and subsidies.
Let's start with ending subsidies for solar, wind, ethanol, etc. Is that OK with you geniuses?
Let's start with ending subsidies for solar, wind, ethanol, etc. Is that OK with you geniuses?

Yes, it is OK as they have been subsidized enough to get them going. What happened, from experience, is that the subsidies got milked by the big energy companies and power grid companies who blocked anyone outside their good ole boys club from getting grid access so they could build solar panel farms outside the club.

They choked solar power into a marginalized form of energy and are choking it to death as we speak.

Corporations are notoriously inefficient and stay in business largely by manipulating politicians into giving them unfair advantage.

IF alternative energy is truly to take off, it has to come from small businesses which are the biggest employers and movers of the free market in America.

So yes, kill the subsidies and let alternative forms of energy thrive without Big Corporations sucking it dry.

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