CDZ What is the hypothesis behind Russia-gate?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
EXACTLY what is being alleged (or even suspected) here? That Donald Trump or his associates are Russian spies? That they hacked DNC emails and fed them to the Russians? Or some other nefarious collusion with foreign nationals to rig the Presidential election?

If not one of these preposterous scenarios, what is the legitimate purpose of the incessant innuendo on the part of the MSM? Is it anything more than political propaganda?
The FBI is trying to understand why the Trump associates were in collusion with the Russian agents.
The director of the FBI said there was no supporting evidence in his files to support the claim and that was months ago.
That is not what he said. He said there was no wire tap of Trump. He did say there was Russian efforts to infiltrate the campaign and that Trump associates were affiliated with the Russians.
The director of the FBI said there was no supporting evidence in his files to support the claim and that was months ago.
That is not what he said. He said there was no wire tap of Trump. He did say there was Russian efforts to infiltrate the campaign and that Trump associates were affiliated with the Russians.

No...that is not what he said.....there were Russian attempts to influence the election....that's it......there was no hacking of machines and there was zero evidence of any cooperation between Trump, his people and the Russians.....cause if there was....we would know it by now and we would have it on every news station 24/7...
no offense but since collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign/administration is the definition of Russiagate given in the OP what does the above post mean? Sure there is enough evidence that Hillary and her campaign colluded with anyone that could fill the campaign chest she would be convicted in a civil court and possibly indicted in criminal court but that isn't what this thread is about.
The FBI is trying to understand why the Trump associates were in collusion with the Russian agents.

Except they have already said there is no evidence of any all....
"They" have said nothing of the sort. The FBI is actively pursuing the investigation, and that is why the Trumpoviches are afraid. The FBI have not said "there was zero evidence of any cooperation between Trump, his people and the Russians...".
The FBI is trying to understand why the Trump associates were in collusion with the Russian agents.

Except they have already said there is no evidence of any all....
"They" have said nothing of the sort. The FBI is actively pursuing the investigation, and that is why the Trumpoviches are afraid. The FBI have not said "there was zero evidence of any cooperation between Trump, his people and the Russians...".

No...they are investigating but stated that they have found no collusion......the New York Times story and the Washington Post story state this....

And the far....are normal contacts between people who actually do business in those more, no less......
The Progressive "leaders" of the Democratic Party needed something to blame Hillary Clinton's defeat on. Rather than admit that they ran a corrupt and dishonest candidate with no new ideas and more scandal baggage than anyone since Nixon...Democratic leaders have decided on blaming Russians for Hillary's loss rather than admit THEIR failed policies are the root cause of Trump's shocking victory! They have no new leaders. They have no new ideas. They promise more "give a ways" trying to buy votes from a base that more and more sees them for what they really are.
The Progressive "leaders" of the Democratic Party needed something to blame Hillary Clinton's defeat on. Rather than admit that they ran a corrupt and dishonest candidate with no new ideas and more scandal baggage than anyone since Nixon...Democratic leaders have decided on blaming Russians for Hillary's loss rather than admit THEIR failed policies are the root cause of Trump's shocking victory! They have no new leaders. They have no new ideas. They promise more "give a ways" trying to buy votes from a base that more and more sees them for what they really are.

And......the fact is that hilary has closer ties to putin and Russia than Trump does......she took in 145 million dollars from putin controlled companies and allies......

So one of the major reasons they lie about Trump and Russia? To hide the actual collusion between hilary and putin and john podesta, her campaign chairman and putin......

They accuse Trump of doing the things she actually did.....
The FBI is trying to understand why the Trump associates were in collusion with the Russian agents.

Except they have already said there is no evidence of any all....
"They" have said nothing of the sort. The FBI is actively pursuing the investigation, and that is why the Trumpoviches are afraid. The FBI have not said "there was zero evidence of any cooperation between Trump, his people and the Russians...".

No...they are investigating but stated that they have found no collusion......the New York Times story and the Washington Post story state this....

And the far....are normal contacts between people who actually do business in those more, no less......
In January we got a PUBLIC VERSION of th rport called on by Obama but given classified version to him and Trump and congress critters gang of 8 and a lower classified to regular congress critters.

Our Intelligence community lied to us in our Public Version Report because they could not report what was going on in their on going investigations that was classified.

In March, two months later, the FBI Dirctor and others testified under oath in a public hearing before the congressional intelligence committee and Comey said, it was highly unusual for them to come out and report on any investigation that was on going and classified because they don't want communications between the alleged perps to dry up and don't want to give away their source means to the enemy but

he said he would tell us that the FBI is investigating the Russian interference AND

THAT INCLUDES Trump campaign workers coordinating with the Russians and any crimes that may have been committed.

Comey came right out and said The Trump Team is part of this investigation.

I think he had no choice but to admit it because the News media was leaking it little by little, a new leak a day for a bit, it seemed.

But the next day, after Comey testified under oath stating that Trump n team were under a possible criminal investigation,

Nunes pulled his clandestine and illusive stunt and got the press to go on a wild goose chase, which served the purpose of the President, to distract the bad news that came out in that hearing, Trump's team is under FBI investigation.

Comey opening statement HE BEGINS AT THE 5:00 MINUTE MARK

Full House Hearing

Senate Intel hearing
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The FBI is trying to understand why the Trump associates were in collusion with the Russian agents.

Except they have already said there is no evidence of any all....
"They" have said nothing of the sort. The FBI is actively pursuing the investigation, and that is why the Trumpoviches are afraid. The FBI have not said "there was zero evidence of any cooperation between Trump, his people and the Russians...".

No...they are investigating but stated that they have found no collusion......the New York Times story and the Washington Post story state this....

And the far....are normal contacts between people who actually do business in those more, no less......
In January we got a PUBLIC VERSION of th rport called on by Obama but given classified version to him and Trump and congress critters gang of 8 and a lower classified to regular congress critters.

Our Intelligence community lied to us in our Public Version Report because they could not report what was going on in their on going investigations that was classified.

In March, two months later, the FBI Dirctor and others testified under oath in a public hearing before the congressional intelligence committee and Comey said, it was highly unusual for them to come out and report on any investigation that was on going and classified because they don't want communications between the alleged perps to dry up and don't want to give away their source means to the enemy but

he said he would tell us that the FBI is investigating the Russian interference AND

THAT INCLUDES Trump campaign workers coordinating with the Russians and any crimes that may have been committed.

Comey came right out and said The Trump Team is part of this investigation.

I think he had no choice but to admit it because the News media was leaking it little by little, a new lak a day for a bit, it seemed.

But the next day, after Comey testified under oath stating that Trump n team were under a possible criminal investigation,

Nunes pulled his clandestine and illusive stunt and got the press to go on a wild goose chase, which served the purpose of the President, to distract the bad news that came out in that hearing, Trump's team is under FBI investigation.

Comey opening statement

Full House Hearing

Senate Intel hearing

Again...there is nothing you know what "no evidence" means? Of course you left wing morons don't need evidence to destroy people...
The FBI is trying to understand why the Trump associates were in collusion with the Russian agents.

Except they have already said there is no evidence of any all....
"They" have said nothing of the sort. The FBI is actively pursuing the investigation, and that is why the Trumpoviches are afraid. The FBI have not said "there was zero evidence of any cooperation between Trump, his people and the Russians...".

No...they are investigating but stated that they have found no collusion......the New York Times story and the Washington Post story state this....

And the far....are normal contacts between people who actually do business in those more, no less......
In January we got a PUBLIC VERSION of th rport called on by Obama but given classified version to him and Trump and congress critters gang of 8 and a lower classified to regular congress critters.

Our Intelligence community lied to us in our Public Version Report because they could not report what was going on in their on going investigations that was classified.

In March, two months later, the FBI Dirctor and others testified under oath in a public hearing before the congressional intelligence committee and Comey said, it was highly unusual for them to come out and report on any investigation that was on going and classified because they don't want communications between the alleged perps to dry up and don't want to give away their source means to the enemy but

he said he would tell us that the FBI is investigating the Russian interference AND

THAT INCLUDES Trump campaign workers coordinating with the Russians and any crimes that may have been committed.

Comey came right out and said The Trump Team is part of this investigation.

I think he had no choice but to admit it because the News media was leaking it little by little, a new lak a day for a bit, it seemed.

But the next day, after Comey testified under oath stating that Trump n team were under a possible criminal investigation,

Nunes pulled his clandestine and illusive stunt and got the press to go on a wild goose chase, which served the purpose of the President, to distract the bad news that came out in that hearing, Trump's team is under FBI investigation.

Comey opening statement

Full House Hearing

Senate Intel hearing

Again...there is nothing you know what "no evidence" means? Of course you left wing morons don't need evidence to destroy people...
you did not watch a single video I wonder you stay clueless, you simply don't want to know the answers to your questions...

START AT THE 5:00 MINUTE MARK in the first video, it EXPLAINS WHY.

Also, the investigation is so BIG that Comey this past week, had to give it its own counterintelligence team, 20 dedicated officers, move them to D.C. in a special unit, to just investigating the Russian Interference and possible Trump team collusion.
money laundering for the Russians and tax evasion is my best bet on the criminal charges that may come out of it and on to trumpsters and not collusion on the election interference....but that's just from what is being reported on the 24/7's and press also doing their own investigations that I have seen...
money laundering for the Russians and tax evasion is my best bet on the criminal charges that may come out of it and on to trumpsters and not collusion on the election interference....but that's just from what is being reported on the 24/7's and press also doing their own investigations that I have seen...

It is a matter of public record that Hillary and Podesta knowingly took illegal Russian money laundered through the Clinton foundation in her case and showing up in the foundation's required financial reports. That, if I am not mistaken, triggers all sorts of possible routes to RICO.
money laundering for the Russians and tax evasion is my best bet on the criminal charges that may come out of it and on to trumpsters and not collusion on the election interference....but that's just from what is being reported on the 24/7's and press also doing their own investigations that I have seen...

Which is based on what, Care? Your fervent wish that it is? So far the only thing I've seen in this whole charade is that Donald Trump and many of the people he's brought into his Administration know people in Russia. What's amusing is that Hillary Clinton ALSO knows people in Russia...and has in fact taken millions of dollars from those people...yet that doesn't seem to be problematic. Why is that?
money laundering for the Russians and tax evasion is my best bet on the criminal charges that may come out of it and on to trumpsters and not collusion on the election interference....but that's just from what is being reported on the 24/7's and press also doing their own investigations that I have seen...

Which is based on what, Care? Your fervent wish that it is? So far the only thing I've seen in this whole charade is that Donald Trump and many of the people he's brought into his Administration know people in Russia. What's amusing is that Hillary Clinton ALSO knows people in Russia...and has in fact taken millions of dollars from those people...yet that doesn't seem to be problematic. Why is that?
based on comments from 3 congressmen/senators on the investigation hearings and based on what we have learned from all the press investigation/articles on it....

Manafort had as many as 10 bank accounts in a CYPRESS BANK known for money laundering for the Russians just like Deutsche Bank who was recently charged , found guilty, and fined, to get around the sanctions we and our allies put on the Russians....some of these accounts of Manafort's pushed millions of dollars in a single day through a single account. deposits then immediate transfers elsewhere...

Pres Trump's possible connection in the money laundering for Russian oligarchs/putin's through real estate sales....Trump bought a mansion in West Pal Beach for 40 million and 3 years later sold it to a putin/Russian Oligarch for 95 million in a DOWN TRENDING DISTRESSED real estate market.... Wilbur Ross, our new Commerce Secretary was the assistant CEO at that CYPRESS BANK that's known for being the Russian Money Laundering Bank and the one Manafort was using to push Russian and Ukrainian money through, was the bank that handled the sale for the Russian Oligarch who bought the Trump owned Mansion for $55 million more than Trump paid for it ...

AND the Oligarch tore down the mansion and has never stepped foot on the property.... weird, eh?

IF you want to truly know, do a google on it, Deutshe Bank, Cypress Bank, Manafort, Trump, Wilbur Ross....

there are some very lengthy, in debth, investigations going on....being reported by the printed Press
money laundering for the Russians and tax evasion is my best bet on the criminal charges that may come out of it and on to trumpsters and not collusion on the election interference....but that's just from what is being reported on the 24/7's and press also doing their own investigations that I have seen...

It is a matter of public record that Hillary and Podesta knowingly took illegal Russian money laundered through the Clinton foundation in her case and showing up in the foundation's required financial reports. That, if I am not mistaken, triggers all sorts of possible routes to RICO.
nope! All the records are sunshine clear and out in the open...the Clintons have never taken a dime of the Clinton foundation charity's money....they didn't even pay themselves a salary to work for the foundation, Bill, Hillary, or, zip...they did however DONATE their own personal money TO THE Foundation... if thy were money hungry, they could have simply kept the million they've donated to it out of their own pockets.

all made up false right wing propaganda....

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