What is it that you fear about 'Obamacare'?

why should you care about what anyone else receives or doesn't receive? it works the same way right now with your private insurer. you pay your premiums for services. but you dont pay the actual costs to either treat you and provide care. if your insurer provides abortion or IVF you actually do already pay for others to receive these services. that is how insurance works. taxes work the same way. they pay for schools, parks and roads. should i then be able to tell the government that i dont want any of my money going to those departments because i am not using or benefiting from them? as long as you have an affordable premium, care is readily available what difference does it make?

Great point. This should be enough to cancel any arguement from the other side, but it is about freedom of choice for them. The catch is that it is a choice right now, to have or not have health insurance, only to those who have enough money to be able to make that choice. For many, they have no choice, because they have not enough money to pay for the insane costs of private healthcare, so, people are left without healtchare, and it should be everybody's right to be able to go to the hospital when they are sick. That is the point of this whole thing, to look out for the little guy, and statistically, what is it...%40 of the nation holds %90 of the wealth? That alone is a disgusting statistic, yet it means that there are so many people who simply can't afford healthcare for themselves or their family if they are not employed in this tough times or simply can't afford it. That is the real crime. Statistically, a higher proportion of those in poverty are 'minorities'- hispanic, African-American, etc... Whites, historically and currently, are the majority of those with the majority of the money, because that is how our country was 'brought up,' and whites simply want to extend that tradition to retain that money. It is not about honor. It IS about 'restoring tradition,' or actually, 'keeping the money in the hands of the whites and away from the minorities' although they would never admit that, because people like Tea-Partiers would not acknowledge, admit, or are even aware of that. Hence, they are inherently racist, yet are surprised when they hear that because they are not aware of the implications of their own beliefs and views.
agreed that having insurance is currently a choice. and im sure that more people would actually choose to purchase this if it was affordable. but based on current trends HC costs are rising at 3-4 times the rate of inflation. at this rate, insurance will be out of reach by most of america in just a few short years. i applaud the democrats for actually taking on this problem. everyone should have ready access to affordable health care.

there is actually one argument that i never heard get raised that i think could help bring down costs dramatically, and that is to make all HC insurers and providers "not for profits". when you are a for profit business you will always side with the money. if a business decision is going to cost the company more money than it is taking in, then its a no brainer that you reject that decision. but when it comes to HC, that decision usually have to do with denying someone an expensive treatment or procedure. There is plenty of $ in the HC system, i believe its actually like the 3rd or 4th most profitable industry in the US. but the issue is where all of those dollars are going. im extremely curious to see (when the numbers are finally released) how much of every premium dollar goes to actual services, and not to administrative costs. i think this will be a tell tale sign as to how much of the system is exactly broken. (fyi, this information is going to be required to be public knowledge thanks to the HC bill) i think problem here is that republicans who believe in the free market system believe we should be able to make money off of everything. most of which i agree with actually, but i believe denying someone medical services shouldnt. you shouldnt be able to profit off someone dying.

there are so many good things is the HC reform bill that no one cares to even talk about. all we heard is that we will be forced to buy HC insurance. i would actually be happy to purchase insurance on my own, if i could actually afford the costs. last i checked, apparently living a healthy lifestyle and being a 30 year old male gets your a $250-350 monthly premium, with a high deductible. thats roughly the same as a typical car payment, and over twice as much as most auto insurance. and this for a service that (when i was insured, i actually currently am not) I used 20-30 minutes, 2 times a year because I was healthy. that means i payed roughly $50 per minute for services rendered. wow, great value for my $. my only hope is that we see some positives quickly from the law, before the republicans try to water it down and get more $ in the hands of insurers.

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