Welcome to America: You've been lied to


Mar 13, 2010
On the website of the United State Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS) is a document titled, "Learn About the United States: Quick Civics Lessons for the Naturalization Test." It is intended to prepare immigrants to answer 100 civics questions, 10 of which will be on the actual test, 6 of which must be answered correctly to pass. Native born Americans undergo 14 years of indoctrination, so to bring immigrants up to speed the government subjects them to a simplified, highly propagandized version of American history. As a result, many immigrants enter American society with a false sense of utopianism only to be disappointed by the rude awakening of actual life in America.

As a public service, this will serve a guide to the top ten misrepresentations that appear in this document.

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Every country on the planet propagandizes it's citizenry. America is supposed to be above that garbage. However, we too have found ourselves with the unfit in our government. We have elections. Vote.

And hope nobody messes with the voting machines again.

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