What if we had white men’s groups. Or just for example white groups like white lives matter or A congressional white caucus?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There are black men’s groups. On ESPN they almost exclusively have black anchors and they constantly use the term white supremacy. There is something known as the black caucus the black congressional caucus in the United States government.

Free speech is prevented by Black Lives Matter supporters at college campuses all over the country. Imagine if we had the opposite imagine if 150 white men were at a college speaking event with a BLM speaker and they were shouting him down say shut your mouth get out of this campus you’re making me feel unsafe. This is what is occurring to white men or even black folks who go to speak on college campuses that are conservatives there free speech is shut down by deranged people who are screaming at them preventing them from talking. Their safety is brought to the question there are many cases of conservative speakers who require police escorts. Now just imagine of a black speaker required a police escort that doesn’t exist in this country anymore because America is a country that supports equality here 2023.

If you ask me we shouldn’t have a international men’s day it doesn’t make much sense. I think international women’s day is a beautiful thing that actually has nothing to do with radical feminism at all. It started in Russia Wayback in the day …. And in Russia international women’s day is probably the most important Russian holiday that celebrates professional women really dignified woman. Has absolutely nothing to do with radical feminism or giving women’s awards to man witch even the vast majority of LGBT people stand against it makes absolutely no sense to take away right from women.

This is America a country which has supported equality it’s entire existence and folks don’t even get started on black slaves don’t get started on it it’s a trick. You see when some Black people were l slaves in America…. Black people owned Black people in America and Black people owned white people in north Africa.

Common sense love, love is love my friends…. love for everyone we should love everyone But there is no justifying Black Lives Matter there is no justifying a “black congressional caucus” . If people support Jesus if they support loving everyone then they will realize that we live in a global world my friends. It is our duty as Americans to not only support Americans…. We should support starving children in Africa and in Palestine and in China and in Burma.

Once people become a true liberal they will realize this and wake up…. and so many Democrats who claim to be liberals are not liberals. …They don’t care about the world. If they did they will be talking about the poverty in so many Third World countries like the poverty we see in the struggle we see in Yemen. How women’s rights are all utterly crushed in Afghanistan right now.

Please my fellow liberals support equality we are all Americans so stop supporting Black Lives Matter. Support bringing up all poor Americans whether they’re white or black.

Thank you God bless you all!
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There are black men’s groups. On ESPN they almost exclusively have black anchors and they constantly use the term white supremacy. There is something known as the black caucus the black congressional caucus in the United States government.

Free speech is prevented by Black Lives Matter supporters at college campuses all over the country. Imagine if we had the opposite imagine if 150 white men were at a college speaking event with a BLM speaker and they were shouting him down say shut your mouth get out of this campus you’re making me feel unsafe. This is what is occurring to white men or even black folks who go to speak on college campuses that are conservatives there free speech is shut down by deranged people who are screaming at them preventing them from talking. Their safety is brought to the question there are many cases of conservative speakers who require police escorts. Now just imagine of a black speaker required a police escort that doesn’t exist in this country anymore because America is a country that supports equality here 2023.

If you ask me we shouldn’t have a international men’s day it doesn’t make much sense. I think international women’s day is a beautiful thing that actually has nothing to do with radical feminism at all. It started in Russia Wayback in the day …. And in Russia international women’s day is probably the most important Russian holiday that celebrates professional women really dignified woman. Has absolutely nothing to do with radical feminism or giving women’s awards to man witch even the vast majority of LGBT people stand against it makes absolutely no sense to take away right from women.

This is America a country which has supported equality it’s entire existence and folks don’t even get started on black slaves don’t get started on it it’s a trick. You see when some Black people were l slaves in America…. Black people owned Black people in America and Black people owned white people in north Africa.

Common sense love, love is love my friends…. love for everyone we should love everyone But there is no justifying Black Lives Matter there is no justifying a “black congressional caucus” . If people support Jesus if they support loving everyone then they will realize that we live in a global world my friends. It is our duty as Americans to not only support Americans…. We should support starving children in Africa and in Palestine and in China and in Burma.

Once people become a true liberal they will realize this and wake up…. and so many Democrats who claim to be liberals are not liberals. …They don’t care about the world. If they did they will be talking about the poverty in so many Third World countries like the poverty we see in the struggle we see in Yemen. How women’s rights are all utterly crushed in Afghanistan right now.

Please my fellow liberals support equality we are all Americans so stop supporting Black Lives Matter. Support bringing up all poor Americans whether they’re white or black.

Thank you God bless you all!
Congress was until recently, essentially a whites-only club, so having a whites-only club in it is redundant.
Isn't 75-80% of congress WHITE? This country is less then 60% white. So white people are already vastly over represented in the congress. They don't need special groups.

The best people should get the job by check this out Congress has historically had low approval ratings doesn’t matter what their skin color is. Hey brother check this out right now so 13% of the country is black but I read somewhere that 80% of the NBA is black do you wanna know why that is ….it’s because there the best in the business that’s why. They earned it they worked hard for it.

But even with the fact look at kendrick Perkins the pro BLM anchor lost his mind and started getting all racially motivated…. going after white folks just look at this.

JJ Redick Gets Pissed at Kendrick Perkins for Saying MVP Voters Racist! First Take NBA Nikola Jokic​

It’s completely insane look at the MVPs of the NBA of the past 40 years the overwhelming majority of them are black and they deserved it. And when a white guy got the MVP like when Larry bird got the MVP three years in a row he deserved it. Larry Bird might’ve been the greatest player to ever play the game I think it’s a contest between him and Michael Jordan

I can’t stand many people on ESPN even if they’re just talking about sports these are the same people who constantly use the term “white supremacy” it is no different then maybe 10 years ago 15 years ago when people would use the term “radical Islam” nonstop it doesn’t make any sense to talk like that. Check this out

We are all equal but ESPN doesn’t believe in racial equality neither does “the view” or the CNN.
There are black men’s groups. On ESPN they almost exclusively have black anchors and they constantly use the term white supremacy. There is something known as the black caucus the black congressional caucus in the United States government.

Free speech is prevented by Black Lives Matter supporters at college campuses all over the country. Imagine if we had the opposite imagine if 150 white men were at a college speaking event with a BLM speaker and they were shouting him down say shut your mouth get out of this campus you’re making me feel unsafe. This is what is occurring to white men or even black folks who go to speak on college campuses that are conservatives there free speech is shut down by deranged people who are screaming at them preventing them from talking. Their safety is brought to the question there are many cases of conservative speakers who require police escorts. Now just imagine of a black speaker required a police escort that doesn’t exist in this country anymore because America is a country that supports equality here 2023.

If you ask me we shouldn’t have a international men’s day it doesn’t make much sense. I think international women’s day is a beautiful thing that actually has nothing to do with radical feminism at all. It started in Russia Wayback in the day …. And in Russia international women’s day is probably the most important Russian holiday that celebrates professional women really dignified woman. Has absolutely nothing to do with radical feminism or giving women’s awards to man witch even the vast majority of LGBT people stand against it makes absolutely no sense to take away right from women.

This is America a country which has supported equality it’s entire existence and folks don’t even get started on black slaves don’t get started on it it’s a trick. You see when some Black people were l slaves in America…. Black people owned Black people in America and Black people owned white people in north Africa.

Common sense love, love is love my friends…. love for everyone we should love everyone But there is no justifying Black Lives Matter there is no justifying a “black congressional caucus” . If people support Jesus if they support loving everyone then they will realize that we live in a global world my friends. It is our duty as Americans to not only support Americans…. We should support starving children in Africa and in Palestine and in China and in Burma.

Once people become a true liberal they will realize this and wake up…. and so many Democrats who claim to be liberals are not liberals. …They don’t care about the world. If they did they will be talking about the poverty in so many Third World countries like the poverty we see in the struggle we see in Yemen. How women’s rights are all utterly crushed in Afghanistan right now.

Please my fellow liberals support equality we are all Americans so stop supporting Black Lives Matter. Support bringing up all poor Americans whether they’re white or black.

Thank you God bless you all!
Are you kidding? They practically have a stroke if you something like All Lives Matter.

Try that with white people & their heads would explode.
I might try that.
Where do wokesters hang out?
Maybe a Starbucks
Are you kidding? They practically have a stroke if you something like All Lives Matter.

Try that with white people & their heads would explode.
I might try that.
Where do wokesters hang out?
Maybe a Starbucks
Oh yeah pretty much any upscale coffee shop you’ll find all sorts of ” wokesters “ there.

Somebody earlier in this thread was complaining about Congress not being diverse enough . That doesn’t make any sense…. we already have the NAACP we have BLM and they are politically motivated major corporations are dominated by BLM politics we sought in 2020 in major league baseball in the NBA they were all wearing Black Lives Matter T-shirts yet some people have the selfishness and the brutality and the audacity to claim that America is systemically racist here in 2023 they oughta be ashamed of themselves and God willing change their viewpoints.

as I have shown over 80% of the NBA is considered colored people. So where are all of the so-called far left liberals I mean going by their logic the NBA is racist. Ah But you see the NBA is not racist at least when it comes to the players …they have the best players on the teams.

Check this out though only something like 13% of the country is black. But The NBA is overwhelmingly black and it’s because they are best in the business , the best athletes so that’s why they’re there. Now unfortunately I can’t say the same thing for the business world , the corporate world they all have racist job quotas so they don’t have the best people in business. It’s the same thing with how a lot of universities are giving out scholarships to people based on not their credentials but based on their skin color or gender.

Facts always destroy the race hustlers of the far left

“In the 2021-22 season, 82.4% of players were people of color -- the highest by a wide margin over any other sport.”

I am I believe the most liberal democratic poster on this entire form. I’ve seen what the other liberals say some of them are great but too many of them are peddling racism and bigotry. And it hurts the country.

I consider myself to be a John F Kennedy Democrat… an old-school pro union pro American Democrat.
Congress was until recently, essentially a whites-only club, so having a whites-only club in it is redundant.
If you are a true liberal then you need to look at these issues from a global perspective. This is your fatal flaw my good friend. The United States compared to other countries of the world …we were always the most liberal.
I am I believe the most liberal democratic poster on this entire form. I’ve seen what the other liberals say some of them are great but too many of them are peddling racism and bigotry. And it hurts the country.
If you are a TRUE liberal (opposed mask, lockdown, jab mandates, support free enterprise, anti-cancel culture/censorship, individual rights, etc) then you are one of a vanishing breed in todays Dem party.

The reason blacks may not get full representation in DC has historically been the soft racism of both party establishments.
Biden spilled the beans on how they really feel back in 2007 when he spoke of Obama.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

It doesn't get much more condescending & that was only 16 years ago.
There are black men’s groups. On ESPN they almost exclusively have black anchors and they constantly use the term white supremacy. There is something known as the black caucus the black congressional caucus in the United States government.

Free speech is prevented by Black Lives Matter supporters at college campuses all over the country. Imagine if we had the opposite imagine if 150 white men were at a college speaking event with a BLM speaker and they were shouting him down say shut your mouth get out of this campus you’re making me feel unsafe. This is what is occurring to white men or even black folks who go to speak on college campuses that are conservatives there free speech is shut down by deranged people who are screaming at them preventing them from talking. Their safety is brought to the question there are many cases of conservative speakers who require police escorts. Now just imagine of a black speaker required a police escort that doesn’t exist in this country anymore because America is a country that supports equality here 2023.

If you ask me we shouldn’t have a international men’s day it doesn’t make much sense. I think international women’s day is a beautiful thing that actually has nothing to do with radical feminism at all. It started in Russia Wayback in the day …. And in Russia international women’s day is probably the most important Russian holiday that celebrates professional women really dignified woman. Has absolutely nothing to do with radical feminism or giving women’s awards to man witch even the vast majority of LGBT people stand against it makes absolutely no sense to take away right from women.

This is America a country which has supported equality it’s entire existence and folks don’t even get started on black slaves don’t get started on it it’s a trick. You see when some Black people were l slaves in America…. Black people owned Black people in America and Black people owned white people in north Africa.

Common sense love, love is love my friends…. love for everyone we should love everyone But there is no justifying Black Lives Matter there is no justifying a “black congressional caucus” . If people support Jesus if they support loving everyone then they will realize that we live in a global world my friends. It is our duty as Americans to not only support Americans…. We should support starving children in Africa and in Palestine and in China and in Burma.

Once people become a true liberal they will realize this and wake up…. and so many Democrats who claim to be liberals are not liberals. …They don’t care about the world. If they did they will be talking about the poverty in so many Third World countries like the poverty we see in the struggle we see in Yemen. How women’s rights are all utterly crushed in Afghanistan right now.

Please my fellow liberals support equality we are all Americans so stop supporting Black Lives Matter. Support bringing up all poor Americans whether they’re white or black.

Thank you God bless you all!
of course liberals already do all that but have been obstructed basically since LBJ. It's too bad you are brainwashed by GOP propaganda and continue to vote against your own interests for God's sake...
Yes we do. Whites need to get back up around 88% population wise like we were back in 1960, five years before the 1965 Immigration Act by Emanuel Cellar (A Jew) was passed. That started the White population displacement.
many thanks to the GOP blocking any birth control of any kind in foreign aid forever. great way to get 9 billion people in the world... also for leading the way on sanctions and covert action against Nicaragua Venezuela and Cuba So they're all trying to get asylum here and getting it. great job everywhere as always!
If you are a TRUE liberal (opposed mask, lockdown, jab mandates, support free enterprise, anti-cancel culture/censorship, individual rights, etc) then you are one of a vanishing breed in todays Dem party.

The reason blacks may not get full representation in DC has historically been the soft racism of both party establishments.
Biden spilled the beans on how they really feel back in 2007 when he spoke of Obama.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

It doesn't get much more condescending & that was only 16 years ago.
also a fact.

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