CDZ What if Islam converted 'en masse' to Christianity?


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
Just hear this out.

Remember, no one ever planned for what to do if the Soviet Union were to declare bankruptcy and go out of business. We never considered that and didn't know what to do when peace broke out. If one had written in a blog somewhere in 1987 that Communist Russia would fall without a war, what would the thread partners have said? 'Capitalism' 'won'.

Supposing the Koran were to be indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true, what would the current faithful do? What is the closest thing to Islam? Christian or not, one can see the points of convergence of these two faiths. Moving from Mohammed to the Son of Man is almost logical.

Anyway, what a world it would be! What ideas are there about how that world would look?
Just hear this out.

Remember, no one ever planned for what to do if the Soviet Union were to declare bankruptcy and go out of business. We never considered that and didn't know what to do when peace broke out. If one had written in a blog somewhere in 1987 that Communist Russia would fall without a war, what would the thread partners have said? 'Capitalism' 'won'.

Supposing the Koran were to be indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true, what would the current faithful do? What is the closest thing to Islam? Christian or not, one can see the points of convergence of these two faiths. Moving from Mohammed to the Son of Man is almost logical.

Anyway, what a world it would be! What ideas are there about how that world would look?

are you VERY young? just out of sunday school? Do you know anythng
about Islamic societies? Have you read the books? Met any one outside
your Baptist church? (just a guess)
It isn't meant as endorsing Christianity, just as a possible scenario drastically different from how things are now without a terrible war.
If the Koran got disproved, why wouldn't Christianity at the same time?
Christian scripture does not base its authority on itself. Paul even says at one point his contribution is his own word and not from 'the Holy Spirit'. It doesn't have to be 'perfect'.
Just hear this out.

Remember, no one ever planned for what to do if the Soviet Union were to declare bankruptcy and go out of business. We never considered that and didn't know what to do when peace broke out. If one had written in a blog somewhere in 1987 that Communist Russia would fall without a war, what would the thread partners have said? 'Capitalism' 'won'.

Supposing the Koran were to be indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true, what would the current faithful do? What is the closest thing to Islam? Christian or not, one can see the points of convergence of these two faiths. Moving from Mohammed to the Son of Man is almost logical.

Anyway, what a world it would be! What ideas are there about how that world would look?

There is nothing whatsoever logical about religion. You can take the bible and find it full of contradictions but it doesn't matter to the believers. Same thing with Islam. Expecting Muslims to convert to Christianity is like expecting Christians to convert to Judaism....
Politely and honestly, the OP has as much chance of Christians all becoming Muslims.
Just hear this out.

Remember, no one ever planned for what to do if the Soviet Union were to declare bankruptcy and go out of business. We never considered that and didn't know what to do when peace broke out. If one had written in a blog somewhere in 1987 that Communist Russia would fall without a war, what would the thread partners have said? 'Capitalism' 'won'.

Supposing the Koran were to be indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true, what would the current faithful do? What is the closest thing to Islam? Christian or not, one can see the points of convergence of these two faiths. Moving from Mohammed to the Son of Man is almost logical.

Anyway, what a world it would be! What ideas are there about how that world would look?
Debunking is a slow-acting poison at most. The New Testament has already been "indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true," by modern Biblical study. The result among the faithful has been decline in fervor and belief by traditional, middle-of--the-road Christians and a growth in the violent, anti-scientific Fundamentalist minority. A somewhat similar process is taking place in the Arab world.
Just hear this out.

Remember, no one ever planned for what to do if the Soviet Union were to declare bankruptcy and go out of business. We never considered that and didn't know what to do when peace broke out. If one had written in a blog somewhere in 1987 that Communist Russia would fall without a war, what would the thread partners have said? 'Capitalism' 'won'.

Supposing the Koran were to be indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true, what would the current faithful do? What is the closest thing to Islam? Christian or not, one can see the points of convergence of these two faiths. Moving from Mohammed to the Son of Man is almost logical.

Anyway, what a world it would be! What ideas are there about how that world would look?

Ann Coulter said, right after 9/11, that we should kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.

Islam doesn't mix well with civilization. We need to do something.
If Islam suddenly became "Not a thing" the world would improve immediately IMO. What religion Muslims converted TO is secondary.

Muslims converting to ANY religion other than the cult/government/religion of ISLAM would be vastly better for the world in terms of human rights and peace. So would converting to Atheism.

In other words the positive effects on the world would not be from 1.6 billion new Christians but from 1.6 billion less Muslims.
Just hear this out.

Remember, no one ever planned for what to do if the Soviet Union were to declare bankruptcy and go out of business. We never considered that and didn't know what to do when peace broke out. If one had written in a blog somewhere in 1987 that Communist Russia would fall without a war, what would the thread partners have said? 'Capitalism' 'won'.

Supposing the Koran were to be indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true, what would the current faithful do? What is the closest thing to Islam? Christian or not, one can see the points of convergence of these two faiths. Moving from Mohammed to the Son of Man is almost logical.

Anyway, what a world it would be! What ideas are there about how that world would look?
I predicted in my high school term paper for Civics -- back in the early 1970's -- that the USSR would collapse from within.

The teacher gave me a "C" because he did not believe it.
Just hear this out.

Remember, no one ever planned for what to do if the Soviet Union were to declare bankruptcy and go out of business. We never considered that and didn't know what to do when peace broke out. If one had written in a blog somewhere in 1987 that Communist Russia would fall without a war, what would the thread partners have said? 'Capitalism' 'won'.

Supposing the Koran were to be indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true, what would the current faithful do? What is the closest thing to Islam? Christian or not, one can see the points of convergence of these two faiths. Moving from Mohammed to the Son of Man is almost logical.

Anyway, what a world it would be! What ideas are there about how that world would look?
The fokking Mooseleem fanatics do not care if their book is refuted or not. They want their 72 virgins no matter what.
Not getting. OK, sorry to have bothered you.
Like all religions, the way to erode its influence is to give prosperity to its youth. Then they will become worldly and corrupt and not care about any God of any kind. It is materialism that is the great leveler of Religion. Not Science or Philosophy.
Debunking is a slow-acting poison at most. The New Testament has already been "indisputably contradicted, shown to all to be in error, and thoroughly rejected as true," by modern Biblical study. The result among the faithful has been decline in fervor and belief by traditional, middle-of--the-road Christians and a growth in the violent, anti-scientific Fundamentalist minority. A somewhat similar process is taking place in the Arab world.
Arabs do not react well to Science or to Philosophy.
It isn't meant as endorsing Christianity, just as a possible scenario drastically different from how things are now without a terrible war.
The most likely outcome is that nothing will change very much.

ISIS which is really the rogue elements of the old Iraqi army will be crushed and defeated.

Al Qaeda has already been crushed and seriously diminished.

Once Persia is no longer distracted by the Sunni's they will go back to financing the anti Israeli terrorist groups in Palestine and Lebanon.

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