What I HATE more than carrots

I like carrots but not the way I was raised on them. My mom used to over cook them "candied"........
Raw baby carrots dipped in peanut butter are a great snack.
I prefer celery sticks with peanut butter, all natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like raw carrots just as they are. Celery sticks also go good with cream cheese.
You people are sick! It's ranch dressing, of course.

Okay, LUCY DON'T READ THIS -- YOU'LL GAG but when I was in Charleston for a visit, I fell in love with Sweet Tea at this little hole in the wall soul food restaurant run by an ancient old black lady and two of her daughters. It was the first time I ever had Sweet Tea (pretty much all they had, if I remember right). It came in a big glass jammed full of ice cubes and it was STRONG. Strong tea, LOTS of lemon and LOTS of sugar. The tea and lemon balanced the sugar and the whole thing was so concentrated it just exploded in your mouth, ice cold mindja.

After that, I tried Sweet Tea at two other places and it was that watered down sugar water someone here already mentioned. No good at all.

I'll never forget the Sweet Tea at that little place. It's a best foods memory like the grilled oysters with a tiny pile of good caviar I had once.

Oh lord, now I'm getting hungry.
I hope you got yourself some whole hog barbeque at Scott's in Charleston while you were there. There's just nothing quite as good as whole hog barbeque.
That was the one culinary disappointment of the trip--I didn't get to a barbecue place! We didn't have a car. I would LOVE to try some. I don't know about the vinegar/mustard sauce though. I've grown up with tangy sweet.
I've had the vinegar/mustard type....... It's an acquired taste that I doubt I'll ever acquire..........
Well I'm no proponent of mustard in barbeque sauce that's limited to SOUTH Carolina and my taste for barbecue was developed in NORTH Carolina. Actually I don't use it at all on my Q but I do makeup a table or finishing sauce for others that's pepper, vinegar, some ketchup and a little sugar (very little sugar).
Yup, had both North and South Carolina sauces, wasn't impressed with either, both are too vinegary for my tastes. For those who love them, more power to em. However most "typical" sauces are too sweet for me, I either make my own or mix Stubbs with Kraft Original.
If you get the meat right no sauce is necessary. Dry rub, smoke and eat.

BTW there's no such thing as traditional barbecue sauce.
Semantics....... Okay then what is normally sold as BBQ sauce in grocery stores...... Geeze.
That's crap. Sugary gob, yeck. Wretched stuff.
I agree but the rest of the US isn't N & S Carolina.........
Most Americans like a cup of sugar or high fructose corn syrup in their food...... or so it would seem......
Nah. I grow stevia.... sugar is a Nazi invention to make Meerykins MORE addicted to fucking nonsense.I'm waiting for blue-tooth motor controls so they can raise that flag without ever leaving the Barcalounger imitation (made near WooHoo cn)
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

Southern Iced tea is too sweet... The better way to learn to love it is to ice it with fruit juice as a sweetener... Suggest "pineapple"... :cool:

Thats just totally wrong.
You can add however much sugar you want or none at all.

Now you're coming after me for suggesting "fruit tea"?? This thread has taken a wicked turn...

I'll tell in truth -- since you punched it right of me... 3 out of 10 times I'll choose "sweet tea".. There.. we're cool...

Don't know if you realize that Southern sweet tea isn't just a cup of tea and a reasonable amount of sugar.. It's tea flavored corn syrup...

Oh I know all about Southern sweet tea since it's on every menu in every restaurant in the state of Texas.
And I would hardly say I was coming after you.
If you didn't already know Lucy wasn't from the US this thread would give it away. First, she doesn't like tea that actually tastes good. Second, she felt the need to explain that Jim Beam is bourbon.
I like carrots but not the way I was raised on them. My mom used to over cook them "candied"........
Raw baby carrots dipped in peanut butter are a great snack.
I prefer celery sticks with peanut butter, all natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like raw carrots just as they are. Celery sticks also go good with cream cheese.
You people are sick! It's ranch dressing, of course.


What is the white stuff?
I like carrots but not the way I was raised on them. My mom used to over cook them "candied"........
Raw baby carrots dipped in peanut butter are a great snack.
I prefer celery sticks with peanut butter, all natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like raw carrots just as they are. Celery sticks also go good with cream cheese.
You people are sick! It's ranch dressing, of course.


I LOVE celery, on it's own with some salt on or with cream cheese on or with cottage cheese with chive on.

Hmmmm so cottage cheese, this is another difficult situation, I HATE plain cottage cheese, I also HATE cottage cheese with pineapple in it, of course carrots are the number one hate but I also hate pineapple and for example WHY would anyone want pineapple on pizza? This is a total perversion.

One of my Great Uncles was an art collector and also an art dealer and in the late 1960s he was in New York City to attend an art exhibition by I can't remember who but it WASN'T something CRAP like that Pop Art Movement. For some reason Andy Warhol was at this event though and they had a nice buffet available but my Great Uncle told us that Andy Warhol bring his own food this was cottage cheese sandwiches. I add that my Great Uncle rated Andy Warhol 0 out of 10 and I agree, completely non-talented as an artist but actually more talented as a writer and I did enjoy reading his book "The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again)" I recommend this book to anyone and I agree with Truman Capote's description of it:


Also cottage cheese, Richard Nixon liked cottage cheese with ketchup on it:



I like carrots but not the way I was raised on them. My mom used to over cook them "candied"........
Raw baby carrots dipped in peanut butter are a great snack.
I prefer celery sticks with peanut butter, all natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like raw carrots just as they are. Celery sticks also go good with cream cheese.
You people are sick! It's ranch dressing, of course.


What is the white stuff?

I think it is cream cheese.
I like carrots but not the way I was raised on them. My mom used to over cook them "candied"........
Raw baby carrots dipped in peanut butter are a great snack.
I prefer celery sticks with peanut butter, all natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like raw carrots just as they are. Celery sticks also go good with cream cheese.
You people are sick! It's ranch dressing, of course.


What is the white stuff?
Cream cheese.
Sweet tea and grits. Yuck!
I knew there was something wrong with ya, but I had no idea how deep the putrefaction ran. ;)
I'm from MI, we eat potatoes and not grits.;)
P.S. - My wife's from Ypsilanti and she loves grits.
How long have you been married and I make some stuff that my husband likes and I lie and say I like it too. ;)
I like carrots but not the way I was raised on them. My mom used to over cook them "candied"........
Raw baby carrots dipped in peanut butter are a great snack.
I prefer celery sticks with peanut butter, all natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like raw carrots just as they are. Celery sticks also go good with cream cheese.
You people are sick! It's ranch dressing, of course.


What is the white stuff?
Cream cheese.
Oh I like both!!
No I have always hated carrots.

Even if doused with Jim Beam?

Not attempted that, perhaps doused with Jim Beam and Tequila :smoke:

And what's your issue with carrots darlin'? Only the poor and stupid eat carrots?

When I was about 8 years in age I had carrot juice, I thought okay so it look like orange juice I thought it was orange juice and I was like AARRGGHH!!!! NO what is THIS?! And they say oh that is carrot juice and I thought this is EVIL and this is why I HATE carrots.
No I have always hated carrots.

Even if doused with Jim Beam?

Not attempted that, perhaps doused with Jim Beam and Tequila :smoke:

And what's your issue with carrots darlin'? Only the poor and stupid eat carrots?

When I was about 8 years in age I had carrot juice, I thought okay so it look like orange juice I thought it was orange juice and I was like AARRGGHH!!!! NO what is THIS?! And they say oh that is carrot juice and I thought this is EVIL and this is why I HATE carrots.

Reminds me of the time the Wife and I went to Her parents house for dinner.
I started loading up what I thought were mashed potatoes and missed the Wifes warning look.
Turned out to be mashed turnips....no wonder there was gravy on the table.
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

Carrots are good, Ice Tea is okay if it's sweetened (half ice tea, half lemonade is even better)

....but I do not understand the existence of beets. Beets are an abomination. Beets are....why. THEY TASTE LIKE DIRT
Sweet tea and grits. Yuck!
I knew there was something wrong with ya, but I had no idea how deep the putrefaction ran. ;)
I'm from MI, we eat potatoes and not grits.;)
Potatoes are great...love them. But good grits with butter and salt...mmm-mmm yummy. Think I'm going to have some for breakfast.

Also, shrimp and potatoes doesn't sound good at all, while shrimp and grits are heavenly. :tongue-44:
That was another thing I fell in love with in Charleston. Never had real grits before, just that far northern Yankee thing made from Quaker Corn Meal boiled with water called corn meal mush. Not that I don't like that, but it sure isn't the same as GRITS, I discovered.

Anytime you load up a food item with cream and butter, it can't be bad. Not even peas.
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

Carrots are good, Ice Tea is okay if it's sweetened (half ice tea, half lemonade is even better)

....but I do not understand the existence of beets. Beets are an abomination. Beets are....why. THEY TASTE LIKE DIRT
Pretty sure you're supposed to wash them first, Sue.
No I have always hated carrots.

Even if doused with Jim Beam?

Not attempted that, perhaps doused with Jim Beam and Tequila :smoke:

And what's your issue with carrots darlin'? Only the poor and stupid eat carrots?

When I was about 8 years in age I had carrot juice, I thought okay so it look like orange juice I thought it was orange juice and I was like AARRGGHH!!!! NO what is THIS?! And they say oh that is carrot juice and I thought this is EVIL and this is why I HATE carrots.

Reminds me of the time the Wife and I went to Her parents house for dinner.
I started loading up what I thought were mashed potatoes and missed the Wifes warning look.
Turned out to be mashed turnips....no wonder there was gravy on the table.
Went through that EVERY Thanksgiving for years. My mother knew better than to cook turnip in our house; no one would eat it. But for some reason, there it sat every Thanksgiving like a booby trap.
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

Carrots are good, Ice Tea is okay if it's sweetened (half ice tea, half lemonade is even better)

....but I do not understand the existence of beets. Beets are an abomination. Beets are....why. THEY TASTE LIKE DIRT
Pretty sure you're supposed to wash them first, Sue.

They taste like dirt washed and cooked
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

Carrots are good, Ice Tea is okay if it's sweetened (half ice tea, half lemonade is even better)

....but I do not understand the existence of beets. Beets are an abomination. Beets are....why. THEY TASTE LIKE DIRT
Believe it or not, I never had fresh beets 'til I was nearly 40 and until then I absolutely despised them. But then when I was living in farm country and the fresh produce in the summer was phenomenal, the woman I boarded with brought some home from the farmers market. First, I had a blast peeling them and chunking them up--they were gorgeous inside with orange rings. Then when we ate them--omg. When they're chunked up and roasted with a little olive oil and salt, they're even better.

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