FYI and discussion

In your article, when I went to footnote 3, it stated, U.S. Department of the Treasury. “Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities, Holdings 1,” Accessed April 6, 2020.

Yet your author wrote;

"China and Japan are the biggest owners of the U.S. debt, but they have no incentive to create a collapse.3
The United States is the largest market for these countries. If the U.S. economy fails, so do theirs. Despite what doomsayers may claim, China is not selling all of its dollar holdings. The U.S. debt to China has remained above $1 trillion since 2013.4"

This, is false. The US Government owes money to institutions, retirement funds, etc. When those liabilities get too great to cover?

It could easily default on those obligations causing mass panic and disintegration. No one ever thought the government could convince the population to be under house arrest. . . yet. . . here we are.


In your article, when I went to footnote 3, it stated, U.S. Department of the Treasury. “Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities, Holdings 1,” Accessed April 6, 2020.

Yet your author wrote;

"China and Japan are the biggest owners of the U.S. debt, but they have no incentive to create a collapse.3
The United States is the largest market for these countries. If the U.S. economy fails, so do theirs. Despite what doomsayers may claim, China is not selling all of its dollar holdings. The U.S. debt to China has remained above $1 trillion since 2013.4"

This, is false. The US Government owes money to institutions, retirement funds, etc. When those liabilities get too great to cover?

It could easily default on those obligations causing mass panic and disintegration. No one ever thought the government could convince the population to be under house arrest. . . yet. . . here we are.


Any debt owed to China may well be dissolved in payment for our expenses dealing with their virus.
Foreign debt, its what we have to consider, haven't you heard we have a till with money in it, just got to print it.

If we need to be concerned about anything it will be inflation.
In your article, when I went to footnote 3, it stated, U.S. Department of the Treasury. “Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities, Holdings 1,” Accessed April 6, 2020.

Yet your author wrote;

"China and Japan are the biggest owners of the U.S. debt, but they have no incentive to create a collapse.3
The United States is the largest market for these countries. If the U.S. economy fails, so do theirs. Despite what doomsayers may claim, China is not selling all of its dollar holdings. The U.S. debt to China has remained above $1 trillion since 2013.4"

This, is false. The US Government owes money to institutions, retirement funds, etc. When those liabilities get too great to cover?

It could easily default on those obligations causing mass panic and disintegration. No one ever thought the government could convince the population to be under house arrest. . . yet. . . here we are.


Any debt owed to China may well be dissolved in payment for our expenses dealing with their virus.

That is the plan, we knew the tramp admin. were blaming China since they want to drain it, so our businessmen can start over with low wages. How dirty we are!

I don't mean to shoot the messenger but.......

This is precious , in that the ying/yang you both posted are from the very same source


When those liabilities get too great to cover?
They will print more money- devaluing what is in hand- The fed reserve depends on the USG as well as foreign debtors who pay in fed reserve notes, which is THE currency of choice, world wide (according to one of the articles above 61% of the world) for it's income- guaranteed by taxes which is the only collateral that can be offered, which is THE why, IMO, there will be no change in the foreseeable future- it's not in anyone's "best interest" to force a collapse-
Investors in our markets includes foreigners and they are also property owners - another reason to avoid, if at all possible, a collapse forced or otherwise-

I don't agree with the method of acquiring the hegemon, but, it has raised the standard of living world wide-

The original intent, according to the first article, the intent which I read a few years ago, is to smooth the peaks and valleys of the markets- considering the enormity of that particular task, they've not done a terrible job- but, it gives one entity too much power and opened the door(s) to rampant corruption in the District of Criminals-
as has been said; I care not who has the power give me the money, which corresponds nicely with: He who has the gold makes the rules.
There in lies the problem- our situation also is not, as some would say, Capitalism. Succinctly put it is Crony Capitalism. Big Difference as the cronies are rewarded at our expense of experiencing free enterprise- which is self regulating and therefore will react quicker than a panel of people trying to deiced who gets to do what when and how do we finance it to our benefit.

Another fallacy I want to address is; trickle down economics- Reagan's mantra-

ALL economic systems are "trickle down"- it can't trickle up- shit rolls down hill. The laws of physics explains that- however, the question is; trickles down from where and whom? If there is a down there has to be an up and presumably a top-
I don't believe our gov't was established with gov't being the top in our economy, which is keynesean theory developed for a monarchy, Great Britain- IMS, a war was fought to rid the Founders of a monarchy rule which was and is, top down-

Anyway, the point of posting these is to get people to think outside the box- there is an entire world out there, literally and figuratively speaking.

Thank you, Mr. Beale, for the opportunity to broaden some minds.
This is precious , in that the ying/yang you both posted are from the very same source
yes- so which is accurate?

i'm sorry and no disrespect Gdjjr, but you're asking the wrong poster here Sir
I'm literally at the bottom of the food chain & society in general, looking up at a maelstrom of discontent, delusion and denial

But i did find a neat video that made me laugh>>>

i'm sorry and no disrespect Gdjjr,
No sir- sorry is the last thing I'd call you- literally- you're one of the most engaging responders here and I was just asking a simple question-

I'm literally at the bottom of the food chain & society in general, looking up at a maelstrom of discontent, delusion and denial
I disagree with your self assessment based on your commenting - society ladder position is usually not indicative of who a person is in their heart- society endearment/endorsement/approval can kiss my red neck ass.
I have no use for the sanctimonious, pious, self serving degenerates who use status in society as tool for judging themselves or others worth.

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