What has Trump and the GOP really accomplished?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
With the GOP passing on building the wall and repealing and replacing Obamacare like they promised, what have they really accomplished?

Many would say that they put in place 2 Supreme Court justices. Well let's take a little look at the new boys in town.

Critics: Kavanaugh's Ruling in Teen Immigrant Abortion Case Troubling

Looks like Kavanaugh is a pro-choice goon, just like Roberts stabbed conservatives in the back by rewriting Obamacare to make it somewhat Constitutional.
Essentially, what you have are Dim appointments to the Supreme Court who want to be activist judges by making laws or GOP judge appointments who are "cautious" and don't want to make waves and just sit there and uphold any previous rulings, like Roe vs Wade.

As a result, the bench keeps moving Left. There is no end to it.
With the GOP passing on building the wall and repealing and replacing Obamacare like they promised, what have they really accomplished?
The only lasting effect of his term will be the courts, and yes, that's definitely significant.

The rest has been an embarrassing fiasco, which is precisely what we were concerned about.

There will be a lot of cleaning up to do.
With the GOP passing on building the wall and repealing and replacing Obamacare like they promised, what have they really accomplished?

Many would say that they put in place 2 Supreme Court justices. Well let's take a little look at the new boys in town.

Critics: Kavanaugh's Ruling in Teen Immigrant Abortion Case Troubling

Looks like Kavanaugh is a pro-choice goon, just like Roberts stabbed conservatives in the back by rewriting Obamacare to make it somewhat Constitutional.
You have accomplished nothing. McConnell got cavanaigh. Donald has screwed up everything he’s touched.
Poor deluded trumpkin freaks
With the GOP passing on building the wall and repealing and replacing Obamacare like they promised, what have they really accomplished?

Many would say that they put in place 2 Supreme Court justices. Well let's take a little look at the new boys in town.

Critics: Kavanaugh's Ruling in Teen Immigrant Abortion Case Troubling

Looks like Kavanaugh is a pro-choice goon, just like Roberts stabbed conservatives in the back by rewriting Obamacare to make it somewhat Constitutional.
You have accomplished nothing. McConnell got cavanaigh. Donald has screwed up everything he’s touched.
Poor deluded trumpkin freaks

Watching the TDS has been really fun though
Looks like Kavanaugh is a pro-choice goon
As well as Gorsuch , both rabid right religmo's worried about an incarcerated fetus , while ignoring immigant childrens demise and death within the same detention

Both Trump appointees

So, you guys are having second thoughts about your boy Kav? Interesting. Let's see where this goes.
Cadet Bone Spurs has delivered very little for the Common Man.

Other than loss of health insurance, and the new contempt that our old friends and allies show to American tourists.

It's what happens, when a skilled Bull$hit Artist, flim-flam man, snake-oil salesman, and Robber Baron talks his way into power.
Obviously he is a lot better than whatever the left would have appointed. Otherwise there would have been no reason for the false accusations.
With the GOP passing on building the wall and repealing and replacing Obamacare like they promised, what have they really accomplished?

Many would say that they put in place 2 Supreme Court justices. Well let's take a little look at the new boys in town.

Critics: Kavanaugh's Ruling in Teen Immigrant Abortion Case Troubling

Looks like Kavanaugh is a pro-choice goon, just like Roberts stabbed conservatives in the back by rewriting Obamacare to make it somewhat Constitutional.
Supreme court justices don’t re-write legislation. You didn’t know that?
Cadet Bone Spurs has delivered very little for the Common Man.

Other than loss of health insurance, and the new contempt that our old friends and allies show to American tourists.

It's what happens, when a skilled Bull$hit Artist, flim-flam man, snake-oil salesman, and Robber Baron talks his way into power.
Talks his way into power by scaring an ignorant white base with racism and hate and division.
With the GOP passing on building the wall and repealing and replacing Obamacare like they promised, what have they really accomplished?

Many would say that they put in place 2 Supreme Court justices. Well let's take a little look at the new boys in town.

Critics: Kavanaugh's Ruling in Teen Immigrant Abortion Case Troubling

Looks like Kavanaugh is a pro-choice goon, just like Roberts stabbed conservatives in the back by rewriting Obamacare to make it somewhat Constitutional.
You have accomplished nothing. McConnell got cavanaigh. Donald has screwed up everything he’s touched.
Poor deluded trumpkin freaks
A Republican who screws things up is actually a good democrat, right?
With the GOP passing on building the wall and repealing and replacing Obamacare like they promised, what have they really accomplished?

Many would say that they put in place 2 Supreme Court justices. Well let's take a little look at the new boys in town.

Critics: Kavanaugh's Ruling in Teen Immigrant Abortion Case Troubling

Looks like Kavanaugh is a pro-choice goon, just like Roberts stabbed conservatives in the back by rewriting Obamacare to make it somewhat Constitutional.
You have accomplished nothing. McConnell got cavanaigh. Donald has screwed up everything he’s touched.
Poor deluded trumpkin freaks
A Republican who screws things up is actually a good democrat, right?

lol Frank tries to be clever and fails every time.

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