What does the "far left" want for America?

The far right? First of all, the Nazis are socialists like you. And I didn't ask about the "far right." Try reading the question again and stop talking to the voices in your head.

National Socialist Party is about as socialist as the Peoples Republic of China is a Republic... YAAAAAAAAWWWWWNNNNNNNN

Another vacuous liberal. First of all, Nazi means workers socialist party. Hitler knew he was a socialist and said so.

And seriously, for government to own industry and for industry to be technically owned by a citizen but controlled government to you have nothing to do with each other? LOL, I'm sure they don't...
Liberalism and 'socialism' are not 'the same.'

of course they are!! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 commie parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and open communist. He supports sinigle payer and to a lesser degree Obamacare. Our liberals spied for Stalin, a communist, and gave him the bomb.

the only liberal program is bigger and bigger govt. When Barry took offfice the govt was bigger than ever and yet his only idea was to make dramatically bigger still

The liberal idea is anti American which explains why our liberals sopied for Stalin!

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.-Thomas Jefferson

you're nuts

You're ignorant, Obama has a long affiliation with Marxists
you can't debate with a person who is nuts, and pal you are nuts ...stark raving nuts...

Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

How about you give one policy example created by Obama that is Marxist?

dear, you are too stupid I'm so sorry to say!! If he ran as a Marxist or proposed Marxist policies like an end to democracy he would never be elected or he'd be impeached and thrown out. You must show your posts to your mother before you post them!!
Liberalism and 'socialism' are not 'the same.'

of course they are!! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 commie parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and open communist. He supports sinigle payer and to a lesser degree Obamacare. Our liberals spied for Stalin, a communist, and gave him the bomb.

the only liberal program is bigger and bigger govt. When Barry took offfice the govt was bigger than ever and yet his only idea was to make dramatically bigger still

The liberal idea is anti American which explains why our liberals sopied for Stalin!

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.-Thomas Jefferson

you're nuts

You're ignorant, Obama has a long affiliation with Marxists
you can't debate with a person who is nuts, and pal you are nuts ...stark raving nuts...

Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

How about you give one policy example created by Obama that is Marxist?

dear, you are too stupid I'm so sorry to say!! If he ran as a Marxist or proposed Marxist policies like an end to democracy he would never be elected or he'd be impeached and thrown out. You must show your posts to your mother before you post them!!

Lol so he had no Marxist policies but in your simple mind he is still a Marxist? You people kill me lol. Where do you get this stuff? Glenn Beck?
Liberalism and 'socialism' are not 'the same.'

of course they are!! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 commie parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and open communist. He supports sinigle payer and to a lesser degree Obamacare. Our liberals spied for Stalin, a communist, and gave him the bomb.

the only liberal program is bigger and bigger govt. When Barry took offfice the govt was bigger than ever and yet his only idea was to make dramatically bigger still

The liberal idea is anti American which explains why our liberals sopied for Stalin!

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.-Thomas Jefferson

you're nuts

You're ignorant, Obama has a long affiliation with Marxists
you can't debate with a person who is nuts, and pal you are nuts ...stark raving nuts...

Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

How about you give one policy example created by Obama that is Marxist?

dear, you are too stupid I'm so sorry to say!! If he ran as a Marxist or proposed Marxist policies like an end to democracy he would never be elected or he'd be impeached and thrown out. You must show your posts to your mother before you post them!!

Lol so he had no Marxist policies but in your simple mind he is still a Marxist? You people kill me lol. Where do you get this stuff? Glenn Beck?

dear, if you're a Marxist like Barry and you support single payer like Barry does, its better to become President and push Obamacare through with lies, a step toward communism, than to march with a placard in Chicago saying, down with capitalism up with communism.

I hope that is simple enough for you now?
Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans,

from Aristotle forward the only issue in human history is liberal versus conservatve, i.e, freedom versus govt. It seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand it.

Hmmm, I suggest you read "Politics" by Aristotle. It's on line (maybe you could find a cliff notes summary).
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

You can't read, apparently. My posts above give examples of what you've asked - I don't play stupid games, especially with people I consider stupid.

So what about you stop dodging and answer the question? Obviously you can't.

The difference between a far left and left is far left likes the word "progressive" and "left" doesn't. They agree on every issue. And the difference between Democrat and Marxist is a Democrat is a Marxist who doesn't like the word "Marxist." That's the only example you've given.

So specifically, what do "left" and "far left" disagree on? Democrats agree on every issue, you are kool-aid drinking sheep. But you do like the sound of different words.

The left believes you're a stupid asshole, the far left believes you're a stupid asshole and a bore.

So you're passing on putting me in my place by giving me specific positions and politicians who are left and far left, eh Wry? LOL. Democrats are drones, you all think as you are told. You agree on every position. That's why you can only define yourselves by the words you like, none of you think anything different. You're a bunch of dickless, empty headed, kool-aid drinking automatons. LOL, you're not far left because you don't like the term, and you're really not a Marxist because you really don't like that word either.
Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans,

from Aristotle forward the only issue in human history is liberal versus conservatve, i.e, freedom versus govt. It seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand it.

Hmmm, I suggest you read "Politics" by Aristotle. It's on line (maybe you could find a cliff notes summary).

and what would I learn? Are you afraid to say?
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.
The "far left" wants what it almost had at the peak of it's power during the 60's and 70's. They want REVOLUTION. Bill Ayers escaped prosecution for felony murder and about a hundred class A felonies because he was a folk hero to the radical left. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama told us in his "biography" allegedly ghost written by his friend Bill Ayers that he relied on "dreams of my father". Fair enough but Barry's father was an angry African anti-American revolutionary.
The "far left" wants what it almost had at the peak of it's power during the 60's and 70's. They want REVOLUTION. Bill Ayers escaped prosecution for felony murder and about a hundred class A felonies because he was a folk hero to the radical left. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama told us in his "biography" allegedly ghost written by his friend Bill Ayers that he relied on "dreams of my father". Fair enough but Barry's father was an angry African anti-American revolutionary.

And why was he so friendly with communist mentor Frank Davis?,( Communist Party number: 47544)
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

It is amusing to watch you use big words in an attempt to make people in this forum think you're smarter than you actually are.

So, you're offended and hurt by people who use terminology such as: "far-left", "Marxist", "Communist" and "Socialist". You shouldn't be casting stones when you live in a glass house.

I noticed absent from your butt-hurt bloviation that you didn't hold your side, the far-left, to the same standards. Anyone who disagrees with your side on any given issue is a racist, homophobe, sexist, hates children, and they worship Vladimir Putin. Your side has mastered labeling, and everything you accuse your opposition of. All the tear-filled accusations you are flatulating about the right of doing, your side is infinite times more guilty of. As usual, it's a one-way street with people like you - your side is allowed to label and define those who oppose you, but ohhh no...we can't have your opposition directing it right back at you, they just need to sit down and shut-up and take your abuse.

It's hilarious you post this Kleenex, tear-filled hactivist rhetoric, yet you conclude you post with this:

I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

For someone who is trying to impress everyone with your vocabulary, trying to come off as such an intellect; you sure do have a linear mind. People like you can sure dish it out, but you have proven in this post, you certainly can't take it. So, with that in mind, take your pathetic post and shove it up your far-left, Marxist, Communist, Socialist ass, and grow a thicker skin!
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

It is amusing to watch you use big words in an attempt to make people in this forum think you're smarter than you actually are.

So, you're offended and hurt by people who use terminology such as: "far-left", "Marxist", "Communist" and "Socialist". You shouldn't be casting stones when you live in a glass house.

I noticed absent from your butt-hurt bloviation that you didn't hold your side, the far-left, to the same standards. Anyone who disagrees with your side on any given issue is a racist, homophobe, sexist, hates children, and they worship Vladimir Putin. Your side has mastered labeling, and everything you accuse your opposition of. All the tear-filled accusations you are flatulating about the right of doing, your side is infinite times more guilty of. As usual, it's a one-way street with people like you - your side is allowed to label and define those who oppose you, but ohhh no...we can't have your opposition directing it right back at you, they just need to sit down and shut-up and take your abuse.

It's hilarious you post this Kleenex, tear-filled hactivist rhetoric, yet you conclude you post with this:

I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

For someone who is trying to impress everyone with your vocabulary, trying to come off as such an intellect; you sure do have a linear mind. People like you can sure dish it out, but you have proven in this post, you certainly can't take it. So, with that in mind, take your pathetic post and shove it up your far-left, Marxist, Communist, Socialist ass, and grow a thicker skin!

This ^^^ may be the longest ad hominem rant ever. That it has no more substance than a CrusaderFrank idiot-gram is noted.

Apparently my opening post is prescient, your rant was both an idiot-gram and a personal attack. Thanks for your support.

Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

It is amusing to watch you use big words in an attempt to make people in this forum think you're smarter than you actually are.

So, you're offended and hurt by people who use terminology such as: "far-left", "Marxist", "Communist" and "Socialist". You shouldn't be casting stones when you live in a glass house.

I noticed absent from your butt-hurt bloviation that you didn't hold your side, the far-left, to the same standards. Anyone who disagrees with your side on any given issue is a racist, homophobe, sexist, hates children, and they worship Vladimir Putin. Your side has mastered labeling, and everything you accuse your opposition of. All the tear-filled accusations you are flatulating about the right of doing, your side is infinite times more guilty of. As usual, it's a one-way street with people like you - your side is allowed to label and define those who oppose you, but ohhh no...we can't have your opposition directing it right back at you, they just need to sit down and shut-up and take your abuse.

It's hilarious you post this Kleenex, tear-filled hactivist rhetoric, yet you conclude you post with this:

I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

For someone who is trying to impress everyone with your vocabulary, trying to come off as such an intellect; you sure do have a linear mind. People like you can sure dish it out, but you have proven in this post, you certainly can't take it. So, with that in mind, take your pathetic post and shove it up your far-left, Marxist, Communist, Socialist ass, and grow a thicker skin!

This ^^^ may be the longest ad hominem rant ever. That it has no more substance than a CrusaderFrank idiot-gram is noted.

Apparently my opening post is prescient, your rant was both an idiot-gram and a personal attack. Thanks for your support.


The response I would've expected from a crybaby who just got pwned. Imagine that, you someone whose every post has been an idiot-gram accusing others of posting idiot-grams. You truly fall into the category of someone who is too dumb to know you're dumb.

I called you out on your profound hypocrisy and you couldn't answer it, all you could do was come up with a pathetic reply. I made my points, anything more in replying to a dumbshit like you is a complete waste of time.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

It is amusing to watch you use big words in an attempt to make people in this forum think you're smarter than you actually are.

So, you're offended and hurt by people who use terminology such as: "far-left", "Marxist", "Communist" and "Socialist". You shouldn't be casting stones when you live in a glass house.

I noticed absent from your butt-hurt bloviation that you didn't hold your side, the far-left, to the same standards. Anyone who disagrees with your side on any given issue is a racist, homophobe, sexist, hates children, and they worship Vladimir Putin. Your side has mastered labeling, and everything you accuse your opposition of. All the tear-filled accusations you are flatulating about the right of doing, your side is infinite times more guilty of. As usual, it's a one-way street with people like you - your side is allowed to label and define those who oppose you, but ohhh no...we can't have your opposition directing it right back at you, they just need to sit down and shut-up and take your abuse.

It's hilarious you post this Kleenex, tear-filled hactivist rhetoric, yet you conclude you post with this:

I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

For someone who is trying to impress everyone with your vocabulary, trying to come off as such an intellect; you sure do have a linear mind. People like you can sure dish it out, but you have proven in this post, you certainly can't take it. So, with that in mind, take your pathetic post and shove it up your far-left, Marxist, Communist, Socialist ass, and grow a thicker skin!

This ^^^ may be the longest ad hominem rant ever. That it has no more substance than a CrusaderFrank idiot-gram is noted.

Apparently my opening post is prescient, your rant was both an idiot-gram and a personal attack. Thanks for your support.

The response I would've expected from a crybaby who just got pwned. Imagine that, you someone whose every post has been an idiot-gram accusing others of posting idiot-grams. You truly fall into the category of someone who is too dumb to know you're dumb.

I called you out on your profound hypocrisy and you couldn't answer it, all you could do was come up with a pathetic reply. I made my points, anything more in replying to a dumbshit like you is a complete waste of time.

In your mind, which, if you believe your post ^^^ is true, you're out of touch with reality. A rant isn't an argument, it is simply an emotionally outburst and in your case sans honesty.

You're a typical troll, not very bright, offensive and several bubbles off plumb.
Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.

It's not hard at all, I just don't think you have a critical mind, so it seems like a waste of time. Prove me wrong. Here are a few things. Again, one of them does not make someone a Marxist. Marxists want to control the country and the economy, that is the objective. Like the Democratic party, you and Obama.

1) Control of property - e.g.,government by decree controlling domestic exploration for oil and energy, confiscation of private property for government and not public use, property taxes.

2) Progressive income taxes

3) Death taxes

4) Confiscation of property from emigrants

5) Control of the airwaves

6) Government control of education

7) Heavy regulations of the financial services sector

8) Control of the means of production - controlling wages, mandating health care and the other endless regulations and implementation of government social policy.

While healthcare was not such an issue when the manifesto was written in 1848, it's clearly consistent with Marxism. And you justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric.

No liberal I know and no democrat in office wants to get rid of capitalism. They wanted it regulated. Corporations, like anyone, need rules to serve the greater good. That is not communism. I personally do not want communism. I value the importance of the wealthy class. Unfortunately, they have way overstepped their bounds. Their wealth is no benefitting the Lower classes.

Progressive taxation isn't about what's fair it is about what is realistic. The government is funded by revenue. That is undeniable. In order for the government to be paid for, the wealthy must be taxed the most. That is the primary funding source for this country. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

You realize of course that public education has always been a policy of both parties right?

How do you feel about the following set of statements?

Every person needs certain things to survive. Some people have greater needs than others. Some people have the ability to work and to produce. Some people are able to work harder and produce more than others. The people who are able to work and produce more and who have fewer needs should be obligated to provide for the needs of those who have greater needs and are not able to produce as much.
Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.

It's not hard at all, I just don't think you have a critical mind, so it seems like a waste of time. Prove me wrong. Here are a few things. Again, one of them does not make someone a Marxist. Marxists want to control the country and the economy, that is the objective. Like the Democratic party, you and Obama.

1) Control of property - e.g.,government by decree controlling domestic exploration for oil and energy, confiscation of private property for government and not public use, property taxes.

2) Progressive income taxes

3) Death taxes

4) Confiscation of property from emigrants

5) Control of the airwaves

6) Government control of education

7) Heavy regulations of the financial services sector

8) Control of the means of production - controlling wages, mandating health care and the other endless regulations and implementation of government social policy.

While healthcare was not such an issue when the manifesto was written in 1848, it's clearly consistent with Marxism. And you justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric.

No liberal I know and no democrat in office wants to get rid of capitalism. They wanted it regulated. Corporations, like anyone, need rules to serve the greater good. That is not communism. I personally do not want communism. I value the importance of the wealthy class. Unfortunately, they have way overstepped their bounds. Their wealth is no benefitting the Lower classes.

Progressive taxation isn't about what's fair it is about what is realistic. The government is funded by revenue. That is undeniable. In order for the government to be paid for, the wealthy must be taxed the most. That is the primary funding source for this country. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

You realize of course that public education has always been a policy of both parties right?

How do you feel about the following set of statements?

Every person needs certain things to survive. Some people have greater needs than others. Some people have the ability to work and to produce. Some people are able to work harder and produce more than others. The people who are able to work and produce more and who have fewer needs should be obligated to provide for the needs of those who have greater needs and are not able to produce as much.

In other words, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Is that your point?
Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.

It's not hard at all, I just don't think you have a critical mind, so it seems like a waste of time. Prove me wrong. Here are a few things. Again, one of them does not make someone a Marxist. Marxists want to control the country and the economy, that is the objective. Like the Democratic party, you and Obama.

1) Control of property - e.g.,government by decree controlling domestic exploration for oil and energy, confiscation of private property for government and not public use, property taxes.

2) Progressive income taxes

3) Death taxes

4) Confiscation of property from emigrants

5) Control of the airwaves

6) Government control of education

7) Heavy regulations of the financial services sector

8) Control of the means of production - controlling wages, mandating health care and the other endless regulations and implementation of government social policy.

While healthcare was not such an issue when the manifesto was written in 1848, it's clearly consistent with Marxism. And you justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric.

No liberal I know and no democrat in office wants to get rid of capitalism. They wanted it regulated. Corporations, like anyone, need rules to serve the greater good. That is not communism. I personally do not want communism. I value the importance of the wealthy class. Unfortunately, they have way overstepped their bounds. Their wealth is no benefitting the Lower classes.

Progressive taxation isn't about what's fair it is about what is realistic. The government is funded by revenue. That is undeniable. In order for the government to be paid for, the wealthy must be taxed the most. That is the primary funding source for this country. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

You realize of course that public education has always been a policy of both parties right?

How do you feel about the following set of statements?

Every person needs certain things to survive. Some people have greater needs than others. Some people have the ability to work and to produce. Some people are able to work harder and produce more than others. The people who are able to work and produce more and who have fewer needs should be obligated to provide for the needs of those who have greater needs and are not able to produce as much.

In other words, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Is that your point?

You know, now that you mention it, I think I might have heard that phrase before. Somewhere...
Obama = Marxist collectivist

Look up the words, libs. then remember these quotes
"I want to redistribute the wealth"
"If you like your doctor, you can keep him"
"america is a mean country"
"57 states"
"I want to fundamentally transform the USA"
"Increasing the national debt shows a failure in leadership" yes, obama said that.
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

You can't read, apparently. My posts above give examples of what you've asked - I don't play stupid games, especially with people I consider stupid.

So what about you stop dodging and answer the question? Obviously you can't.

The difference between a far left and left is far left likes the word "progressive" and "left" doesn't. They agree on every issue. And the difference between Democrat and Marxist is a Democrat is a Marxist who doesn't like the word "Marxist." That's the only example you've given.

So specifically, what do "left" and "far left" disagree on? Democrats agree on every issue, you are kool-aid drinking sheep. But you do like the sound of different words.

The left believes you're a stupid asshole, the far left believes you're a stupid asshole and a bore.

So you're passing on putting me in my place by giving me specific positions and politicians who are left and far left, eh Wry? LOL. Democrats are drones, you all think as you are told. You agree on every position. That's why you can only define yourselves by the words you like, none of you think anything different. You're a bunch of dickless, empty headed, kool-aid drinking automatons. LOL, you're not far left because you don't like the term, and you're really not a Marxist because you really don't like that word either.

LOL, your response is to disagree. Answering the question would take a penis, when you grow one, let me know...

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