What does the "far left" want for America?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

Fairly simple to answer.

As a whole (to generalize, of course, but the far Left and the far Right are fairly recognizable in their approaches), the Left wants to accomplish what Barack Obama so clearly and repeatedly promised when he ran for President: They want to "change", "fundamentally transform", and "re-make" America, all his words.

It's not unreasonable to ask why someone would want to "change", "fundamentally transform", and "re-make" something that they like, and it's therefore not unreasonable to wonder if these people like this country, let alone love it.

Marxism, socialism, communism? No, that's a mistake the far Right makes when they try to explain what they're seeing happen. A Euro-social democracy? That's more like it. This would require bringing America's dynamic nature down a few pegs, finding a more mediocre level, and we're getting there pretty quickly. I'd guess this will take another 20 years or so, depending on how often the Right continues to shoot itself in the foot.

Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

The far left is strong with this one.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

I see no hatred in that post. You must be looking in a mirror!
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

That's a whole lot of nothing coming from a painter with a broad brush and no paint...
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

The far left is strong with this one.

You're getting VERY boring. ***YAWN***
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

I see no hatred in that post. You must be looking in a mirror!

Of course a racist, bigoted far left poster will back another racist, bigoted far left poster.

Would this surprise anyone?
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

The far left is strong with this one.

You're getting VERY boring. ***YAWN***

Says the far left Obama drone.
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

WTF are you even of this world?? Can't win elections? Bush was elected twice,so was Obama?
Be honest with yourself at least.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.
If we wanted control we'd use religion, make up false enemies, and reinforce paranoia, just like the rightwingers...
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

the left is the total demise of the Country according to the right, but the right cant beat the left.

Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

the left is the total demise of the Country according to the right, but the right cant beat the left.


Says another far left Obama drone that seems to think that 2010 never happened.
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

the left is the total demise of the Country according to the right, but the right cant beat the left.


They do fine in the backwaters, the flyover, and wherever else Jesus is more important than education or rational thinking, they just can't win the country as a whole and hold it because their ideology says they shouldn't be doing what they just got elected to do, which is govern...
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The problem with the rightwing is that they lack very basic critical thinking skills. Their reasoning on any political issue is very black and white. There is very little nuance to their beliefs. That's why they think everyone else is far left. It's simpler to think that way. It makes it easy to demonize and dismiss conflicting information. They feel more secure in their beliefs that way.

I certainly know there is a huge difference between Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

The irony of you not getting the joke is even less surprising. And delightful I might add.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.
If we wanted control we'd use religion, make up false enemies, and reinforce paranoia, just like the rightwingers...

Its called Gaia worship and the AGW cult. you already have it.

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