What are some practical ways to build a truly pro-life movement?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I understand that we need to divorce the religious right and the GOP. I understand that we need to support the cause of protecting and sustaining life across the board and not allow ourselves to become caught up exclusively in feticide abolition. I especially understand that, as the most pro-life generation since Roe v Wade, we have the power to make a safer and healthier society and begin our life's work of repairing the damage wrought by our parents and grandparents for the past five decades if only we can turn our scattered values into a coherent position. My only question is how we can harness that. How can we spark a consciousness of the horrors our broken culture of apathy and death creates and maintains against us on a daily basis? It's clearly not enough to show people how the abortion mills have been destroying us, the crushing poverty millions of our brothers and sisters struggle to survive under every day, the smug entitlement of our Boomer elders while they wipe their collective ass with the remains of our children's inheritance, or the desperation and fitna caused by our self-interested and militant foreign policy. It's hard enough simply publicly making our case without being shouted down, harassed, assaulted, or publicly murdered. How can we turn this around and begin making real use of our many advantages to unify ourselves into a coherent and powerful force for positive change?
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