What About Trump's Dementia?


he lost that war.
with the same number of Medals General Joe won.
Draft dodging and whoring about... hmmm... like Clinton?

i didn't vote for slick willy. so there's that.

And did your boy Biden serve or dodge?

oh yep - he dodged. so did cheney... however i mentioned nothing about dodging anything - 'cept for donny mocking those that did serve. like when he called them suckers & losers to general kelly.

& when he denigrated john mccain for actually being a war hero.

yaaaaaaaa........ that's YER boy.

And Trump supporters will ignore Trump’s dementia just as they ignore Trump’s authoritarian, fascist rhetoric, his racism, bigotry, and hate, and the fact that Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.

And his treason, and his sedition, and his giving aid and comfort to the enemy....
How about a real debate between Trump and Biden to actually see who is more senile?

In a nutshell this post is what is wrong with our country.

Instead of talking about how amazing our choices are, people are fighting over which one is the least mentally compromised.

This is how far we have fallen as a country.

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