Went to a Romney event tonight


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
First one in PA. I really couldn't justify not going since it was five minutes down the street. I was surprised by some things and encouraged by others. A few things I noted:

1) Romney's message is conservative and focused on Obama. He emphasized getting government out of our lives and letting the people be free to pursue their dreams. He made some pretty persuasive arguments, some I aspects I hadn't considered. Im always pleasantly surprised when I get to learn things I didn't know.

2) The place was packed and full of energy. Romney was very much connecting with the people. I don't see how the claim that he is out of touch is warranted. I think the GOP is going to be alot more excited than the media is portraying. I saw guys I know who werent supporting Romney for the primary there cheering in excitement.

3) Contrary to the left's propaganda on the non-existant "War on women", there were quite alot of women supporting Romney. They were also quite vocal.

4) Unlike McCain, he was not at all afraid to take on Obama.

If you get a chance to go to a rally, I would encourage you to do so, because I think it might provide insight you aren't getting from the media. I'm very optimistic this year.
There is ZERO chance Obama will ever unite America.

In fact any fair observer knows he is perhaps the most divisive piece of shit POTUS in our history.

Romney has proven ability to get things done across party lines.

America really only has one choice.
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how many blacks did you see 3 or 4

I wasn't exactly counting. I rarely even notice the race of a person. Nor do I really care about it.

if i got to political event only see on race i would be scared.

kkk and republican party are the only political events where whites are the only ones showing up.

Funny, because there werent just white people there. I told you I didn't count, not that I didn't see anything. It's just not something i pay attention to.

The fact that the first thing you notice is race is a little unhealthy. You should learn to judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
First one in PA. I really couldn't justify not going since it was five minutes down the street. I was surprised by some things and encouraged by others. A few things I noted:

1) Romney's message is conservative and focused on Obama. He emphasized getting government out of our lives and letting the people be free to pursue their dreams. He made some pretty persuasive arguments, some I aspects I hadn't considered. Im always pleasantly surprised when I get to learn things I didn't know.

If you don't elaborate on the persuasive arguments and which you hadn't considered, this statement contains no meaning.

2) The place was packed and full of energy. Romney was very much connecting with the people. I don't see how the claim that he is out of touch is warranted. I think the GOP is going to be alot more excited than the media is portraying. I saw guys I know who werent supporting Romney for the primary there cheering in excitement.

Can you articulate how he connected with the people? Are you talking about shaking hands or did he have a warm, empathetic way about him that he has just discovered?

3) Contrary to the left's propaganda on the non-existant "War on women", there were quite alot of women supporting Romney. They were also quite vocal.

An astute observation. Because there were women there, and they were vocal, the right has absolutely no concerns about possibly alienating women voters as this primary season has progressed. That is all just propaganda.

4) Unlike McCain, he was not at all afraid to take on Obama.


If you get a chance to go to a rally, I would encourage you to do so, because I think it might provide insight you aren't getting from the media. I'm very optimistic this year.

What has the media failed to provide in terms of insight on Romney?

Will you nutters ever stop crying and whining about how you are the victims of the media?
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Crying and whining? When did I do that? Who is being a victim?

When is the media going to do it's job and be honest?

BTW I already spelled out what the media has been less than accurate about:

1) Lack of excitement
2) Lack of female support
3) Inability of Mitt to connect with people.

I just think it's better to go find out for yourself than to trust what others say.
1) Romney's message is conservative and focused on Obama. He emphasized getting government out of our lives and letting the people be free to pursue their dreams. He made some pretty persuasive arguments, some I aspects I hadn't considered. Im always pleasantly surprised when I get to learn things I didn't know.

Romney is all about the government getting out of your lives, except for forcing people to buy insurance, banning assault weapons, fixing our federal safety nets, increasing the minimum wage, among other things. However, this is nothing new. Republicans are always for getting the government out of the way when they are not in power, to only do the opposite when they are in power. The last person I would trust on his word, is Mitt "the flip-flop" Romney, but whatever floats your boat.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vv-tskCDvU&feature=youtube_gdata_player]We the People vs. Mitt Romney - YouTube[/ame]
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The media has done no such thing.

The turnout is low. Obama nearly got more votes in WI yesterday. There is very little excitement for Romney.

Romney says he will de-fund PP and repeal Obamacare. Women don't dig those ideas.

Mitt does not connect with people. This is obvious. No media required.
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You can say that all you want. Doesn't change the fact that I saw a man clearly connecting with people, even people I know who aren't supporting him this primary. You can take my observations as you choose, but doesnt change what I saw.

If you want to find out for yourself, go to an event.
First one in PA. I really couldn't justify not going since it was five minutes down the street. I was surprised by some things and encouraged by others. A few things I noted:

1) Romney's message is conservative and focused on Obama. He emphasized getting government out of our lives and letting the people be free to pursue their dreams. He made some pretty persuasive arguments, some I aspects I hadn't considered. Im always pleasantly surprised when I get to learn things I didn't know.

2) The place was packed and full of energy. Romney was very much connecting with the people. I don't see how the claim that he is out of touch is warranted. I think the GOP is going to be alot more excited than the media is portraying. I saw guys I know who werent supporting Romney for the primary there cheering in excitement.

3) Contrary to the left's propaganda on the non-existant "War on women", there were quite alot of women supporting Romney. They were also quite vocal.

4) Unlike McCain, he was not at all afraid to take on Obama.

If you get a chance to go to a rally, I would encourage you to do so, because I think it might provide insight you aren't getting from the media. I'm very optimistic this year.

The ONLY war on women started with Rick Santorum and it ends with Rick Santorum. Romney is a moderate on social issues--but much more of a fiscal conservative than Rick Santorum ever thought of being. As Romney has a record of cutting 1.5 billion out of his state's budget without raising taxes. Rick sure had no religious convictions about spending our money on his earmarks and big government spending bills--and he has a 16 year voting record proving that he is the "establishment candidate"--not Romney.

What's interesting is the exit polling data from yesterday. As we see from the below charts--Evangelicals are now dumping Santorum for Romney--and Santorum's biggest support is coming from DEMOCRATS-who would love to see Santorum win the nomination--to insure another 4 years for Obama.--LOL.



more data here:

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Obama connected with people too....big fucking whoop.

So I take it, you don't really care about my analysis on the difference on how he is portrayed vs my observations in person? That's fine.

That's why Im encouraging people to go to Romney events and find out for yourself.

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