Well, I was Wrong About the Latest Star Wars Flick


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It was actually an enjoyable movie.

They explained the source of Rey's Mary Sue qualities, though she is still a boring character.

They did not regurgitate old scenes so much with new props. Actually interesting scenes that did not make me feel like I had already seen the movie.

I didnt get a vibe of any Woke Politics at all.

Though using CGI for actual actors/actresses has not yet entirely passed the 'Uncanny Valley' it was disguised enough to not be completely distracting and pathetic.

The story line was about being true to your friends and your values, no matter what the power and wealkth offer is that tempts you.

And it was about redemption. All of us are capable of turning a new leaf, and I love that theme.

On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being 'I want my money back and the two hours of my life spent watching' to 10 'I plan to see this as many times as possible till it leaves theaters then buy the DVD.

I would give this episode a solid 6+.

If they continue in this vein minus the Wokeness, I think they could do more Star Wars movies.
From my part I stopped watching these Star Wars movies right after the second "triple" group. That was enough.

If they still fighting, that is on their own, I won't get involved in it anymore.

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