Well Done, Mr. President

Okay, I'm not one for public mourning rituals....and what went on in Arkansas was more like a pep rally of sorts to me.....but hey, I'll respect people for how they handle grief.

As for Obama......seems the Community Organizer just check mated the neocon noise machine. I'll disagree with Obama on several points, but damned if he wasn't MISTER PRESIDENT tonight!

I tip my hat to you, President Obama.

Why can't people leave their politics in aother place I have for this thread.

Because listening to the radio of the neocon cabal shows that haven't changed their mantras one iota...and by the postings on this thread, neither have others. I, who came in late here, am merely responding to tone set by others.

I haven't seen the left BECOME MORE AGRESSIVE.
Lets not forget about OBOZO'S Eligibilty Scandal Being Yet Unresolved...

My stance in the “Obama” eligibility scandal, which is far more than a "conspiracy theory".

To better understand what we are discussing, lets look a what these three words mean, scandal, conspiracy, and theory.

Scandal has two definitions, the first, “An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.” The second definition is, “malicious gossip that may or may not be true.

Conspiracy on the other hand is, “A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful by agreement, this can include saying nothing about an issue, that if made public, would destroy the plan.”

Theory, an informed educated “guess.”

Is there general public outrage over Obama not providing proof of citizenship? NO?

According to a recent survey, nearly 6 in 10 people polled expressed at least some doubt about Obama’s eligibility, ranging from outright disbelief to wanting some solid confirmation. I would say that represents a fair amount of outrage. Amazing that a tiny band of crazed birthers could whip up so much discontent in a vast, contented body politic, eh? Not surprisingly, most Republicans, lots of independents and a few Democrats expressed skepticism. On the other end of the spectrum, another liberal poll said only about 20%, still significant.

Do people believe that the Democratic Party has a secret plan to do something unlawful (putting a non-citizen in the White House) done by agreement, and are refusing to say anything about the issue, enlisting the main stream and cable media to keep this quite, because if the public were to hear about this plan, Obama would be ousted from the White House. YES!

So, the correct words to use for this situation are CONSPIRACY THEORY. Because Obama’s real birth certificate has not been presented, the plan has not yet been brought out into the open, so it remains a Conspiracy. Because the Conspiracy cannot be confirmed at this time, it is a theory, informed educated “guess” but a guess, nevertheless.

“Conspiracy theory” in this context is a pejorative referring to the Obama eligibility challenge, labeled by the left as the “birther” movement and is used to mock and demonize its adherents, as in Wooooooo--- “911 Truther” or “multiple Kennedy assassins” --- although it might be better indeed to flip it and use it to describe the cover-up instead. Anyway it’s about “natural born citizen,” not just “citizen.” Important difference. Obama and his bunch love to conflate the definitions.

So, I will continue to call it by it’s correct name, as it has not reached the level of a full-blown scandal as Clinton’s sexual predation of 20 year old women, it is a conspiracy theory, but one that I believe is true.

The main stream media has attempted to attach a negative connotation to “conspiracy theory” by having it receive the same derision that their other politically constructed nonsense words achieve, such as Islamophobia and homophobia. However, this does not mean that everyone who uses these words places the same connotation or derision on them. Some people actually know what they mean....

I and millions of other intelligent, responsible, Conservative, concerned citizens take umbrage at the progressive defamation of us and the pejorative terms employed in the process of doing so.

why are our government officials, parties and most media, including the vaunted no-spin network, are so obtusely incurious about all of this?

So, yes, I think we have a right to ask the question and I think we have a right to question everyone on this issue....

I made these postings to raise visibility of what may be the biggest political scandal in history. The timing is no accident. We waited until after the election, when multiple cases were simply blown off by the Supreme Court and a selfless, outstanding army officer crucified over it.

The eligibility issue is quite obviously unresolved and is dwelling larger in the minds of many more people all the time. It won’t go away. If it wasn’t a real issue, it could have been made to disappear long ago, easily, by pure transparency, as John McCain provided and the Senate and media zealously vetted. But, for some reason, that never occurred for his opponent, with a far stranger case. Any idea why? With eligability being one of the biggest scandals in our history...And Being a Mockery of US and our Constitution NOW, and THEN...Aren’t you just a little curious?

OBOZO got something close to $700-Million during his run for president and you can be sure that the majority of it did not come from us common folks...or are we dumb sheep?

Yeah, I know, evidence is scarce when it comes to such political intrigue and contrivings. And, our intelligence community is full of dummies like George `drug dealer' Bush sr. once was or is? CONTRA? Ring a Bell?

Iran-contra affair — Infoplease.com

George Bush, The Cia And Drugs In Central America

George H. W. Bush

It's alright, sticking up for a corrupt gov't when it comes to violence and death is not unusual today. We are afterall, a bunch of stupid sheep.... It is easy to down play and label stupid sheep. And, you know the truth about such things, and have plenty of evidence to prove the opposite in defense of the corrupt gov't.... Obama is natural born because other politicians and their parrots say so, or can make up any document at the drop of a dime even if it goes against the preponderance of evidence from many credible sources to the contrary.... Oh, but, our gov't is totally credible when it comes to death and violence and one should never take part in death and violence unless the gov't approves of it first or gives the orders.... Strange way of looking at things.... Maybe we are still in England...afterall....

While most Americans are comfortably preoccupied watching SpongeBob SquarePants, the Obama Administration has been busy laying the foundation for a Police State.While the truth cries out in America, very few people desire to know it. Here's the latest in the government's ongoing effort to rob Americans of their God-given freedoms ...

Video: The Witch Hunt Begins – Citizen Spy Network Targets Political Speech and Gun Owners.

Editor's Note: How many more warnings do we have to give you about the Stasification of America before you listen? Wake up, America...

THElNFOWARRlOR | Youtube | 14 January 2011:

A plethora of tyrannical campaigns have been initiated and designed to break up communities and turn citizens against one another. The justifications for these fascist programs are always a matter of national security. The real reason for these programs and even the events that brought them into existence is to set up a police control grid.


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