We really dodged a big bullet with Palin.

I agree, being a right winger has to be the most serious mental illness known to man.

The 50 seconds between 2:00 and 2:50 on the video basically sum up what is wrong with the right wing of the GOP.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=16K6m3Ua2nw]The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER... - YouTube[/ame]

But you've got to wonder why the GOP is popular. It's not because of anything it does, it's because it's able to make it's believers afraid of the other side. Gay marriage is the biggest joke. I heard former representative Barney Frank and his annoying voice this past week talking about the subject. If you're hetero and Barney Frank's marriage is a threat to yours, what are you saying; "I could have married a man instead"?

It works on the weak minded--the fear initiative. Six months since Sandy Hook...Obama hasn't grabbed the guns yet... Ask any right winger if they're afraid of it...100% will say yes.

It's a hell of a racket.

Are you saying that when Obama was against gay marriage he was a right winger?

Are you saying Dick Cheney is a liberal because he is for gay marriage?

Are you absolutely sure your generalizations are accurate or are you practicing more of a knee jerk reactionary mud slinging mentality that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
Am I sure? Yes. In the case of Vice-President Cheney, and a few others who are republicans and have seen the light on marriage equality you're pointing out the exceptions to the rule--the rule that is written into many if not most GOP state platforms and of course the national platform as well.

From Wiki:

The Republican Party’s 2012 platform supports a ban on same-sex marriage through a federal constitutional amendment, along with state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act.[4] The GOP platform committee also rejected putting civil unions into the parties platform.[5]

From the same article:

List of opponents of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Former Presidents
George W. Bush[34] (R-Texas)

Mike Beebe[35] D-Arkansas)
Robert Bentley[36] (R-Alabama)
Tom Corbett[37] (R-Pennsylvania)
Steve Bullock[38] (D-Montana)
Terry Branstad[39] (R-Iowa)
Phil Bryant[40] (R-Mississippi)
Jan Brewer[41] (R-Arizona)
Sam Brownback[42] (R-Kansas)
Chris Christie[43] (R-New Jersey)
Dennis Daugaard[44] (R-South Dakota)
Nathan Deal[45] (R-Georgia)
Mary Fallin[46][unreliable source?] (R-Oklahoma)
Alejandro García Padilla (PD/D-Puerto Rico)[47]
Nikki Haley[48] (R-South Carolina)
Bill Haslam[49] (R-Tennessee)
Dave Heineman[50] (R-Nebraska)
Gary Herbert[51] (R-Utah)
Bobby Jindal[52] (R-Louisiana)
John Kasich[53] (R-Ohio)
Paul LePage[54] (R-Maine)
Susana Martinez[55] (R-New Mexico)
Pat McCrory[56] (R-North Carolina)
Bob McDonnell[57] (R-Virginia)
Matt Mead[58] (R-Wyoming)
Jay Nixon[59] (D-Missouri)
Sean Parnell[60] (R-Alaska)
Mike Pence, (R-Indiana)
Rick Perry[61] (R-Texas)
Brian Sandoval[62] (R-Nevada)
Rick Scott[63] (R-Florida)
Rick Snyder[64] (R-Michigan)
Earl Ray Tomblin[65] (D-West Virginia)
Scott Walker[66] (R-Wisconsin)
Former Governors [edit]
Lamar Alexander[67] (R-Tennessee)
George Allen[67] (R-Virginia)
Haley Barbour[68] (R-Mississippi)
Kit Bond[67] (R-Missouri)
Phil Bredesen[69] (D-Tennessee)
George W. Bush (R-Texas)
Jeb Bush[70] (R-Florida)
Donald Carcieri[71] (R-Rhode Island)
Mitch Daniels[72] (R-Indiana)
Jim Douglas [73] (R-Vermont)
John Hoeven[74] (R-North Dakota)
Mike Huckabee[75] (R-Arkansas)
Mike Johanns[76] (R-Nebraska)
Linda Lingle[77] (R-Hawaii)
Joe Manchin[78] (D-West Virginia)
Ben Nelson[67][79] (D-Nebraska)
Sarah Palin[80] (R-Alaska)
George Pataki[81] (R-New York)
Tim Pawlenty[82] (R-Minnesota)
Beverly Perdue[83] (D-North Carolina)
Bob Riley[84] (R-Alabama)
Mitt Romney[85][86] (R-Massachusetts)
George Voinovich[67][87] (R-Ohio)

U.S. Senators [edit]
One Democratic U.S. Senator opposes SSM
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell[67] (R-Kentucky)
Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn[67][88][89] (R-Texas)
Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Kelly Ayotte[90] (R-New Hampshire)
John Barrasso[91] (R-Wyoming)
Roy Blunt[92] (R-Missouri)
John Boozman[93] (R-Arkansas)
Richard Burr[67][94] (R-North Carolina)
Saxby Chambliss[67][95] (R-Georgia)
Dan Coats[96] (R-Indiana)
Tom Coburn[67][97][98] (R-Oklahoma)
Thad Cochran[67] (R-Mississippi)
Bob Corker[99] (R-Tennessee)
Mike Crapo[67][95] (R-Idaho)
Ted Cruz[100] (R-Texas)
Mike Enzi[67][95] (R-Wyoming)
Deb Fischer[101] (R-Nebraska)
Jeff Flake (R-Arizona)
Lindsey Graham[67][95] (R-South Carolina)
Chuck Grassley[67] (R-Iowa)
Orrin Hatch[67] (R-Utah)
Dean Heller[102] (R-Nevada)
John Hoeven (R-North Dakota)
Jim Inhofe[67][95] (R-Oklahoma)
Johnny Isakson[67][95] (R-Georgia)
Mike Johanns (R-Nebraska)
Ron Johnson[103] (R-Wisconsin)
Mike Lee[104] (R-Utah)
Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia)
John McCain[105] (R-Arizona)
Jerry Moran[106] (R-Kansas)
Rand Paul[107] (R-Kentucky)
Mark Pryor[108] (D-Arkansas)
Jim Risch[109] (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts[67][95] (R-Kansas)
Marco Rubio[110] (R-Florida)
Tim Scott[111] (R-South Carolina)
Jeff Sessions[67][112] (R-Alabama)
Richard Shelby[67][95] (R-Alabama)
John Thune[67][113] (R-South Dakota)
Pat Toomey[114] (R-Pennsylvania)
David Vitter[67][95] (R-Louisiana)
Roger Wicker[115] (R-Mississippi)
Former U.S. Senators [edit]
Wayne Allard[67] (R-Colorado)
George Allen (R-Virginia)
Bob Bennett[67] (R-Utah)
Kit Bond[67] (R-Missouri)
Scott Brown[116] (R-Massachusetts)
Sam Brownback (R-Kansas)
Jim Bunning[67] (R-Kentucky)
Conrad Burns[67] (R-Montana)
Norm Coleman[67] (R-Minnesota)
Larry Craig[67] (R-Idaho)
Jim DeMint[67][117] (R-South Carolina)
Mike DeWine[67] (R-Ohio)
Elizabeth Dole[67] (R-North Carolina)
Pete Domenici[67][118] (R-New Mexico)
John Ensign[67] (R-Nevada)
Bill Frist[67] (R-Tennessee)
Kay Bailey Hutchison[67][119] (R-Texas)
Jon Kyl[120] (R-Arizona)
Trent Lott[67] (R-Mississippi)
Richard Lugar[67] (R-Indiana)
Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
Mel Martinez[67] (R-Florida)
Rick Santorum[67][121] (R-Pennsylvania)
Gordon H. Smith[67] (R-Oregon)
Ted Stevens[67] (R-Alaska)
Jim Talent[67] (R-Missouri)
Craig Thomas[67] (R-Wyoming)
George Voinovich (R-Ohio)
John Warner[67] (R-Virginia)

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH 8)[122][123]
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA 7)[122][123]
House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 22)[122][123]
Robert Aderholt (R-AL 4)[122][123]
Rodney Alexander (R-LA 5)[122][123]
Mark Amodei (R-NV 2)[122][123]
Michele Bachmann (R-MN 6)[122][123]
Spencer Bachus (R-AL 6)[122][123]
Lou Barletta (R-PA 11)[122][123]
John Barrow (D-GA 12)[122][123]
Joe Barton (R-TX 6)[122][123]
Dan Benishek (R-MI 1)[122][123]
Gus Bilirakis (R-FL 9)[122][123]
Rob Bishop (R-UT 1)[122][123]
Sanford Bishop Jr. (D-GA 2)[122][123]
Diane Black (R-TN 6)[122][123]
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN 7)[122][123]
Jo Bonner (R-AL 1)[122][123]
Charles Boustany (R-LA 3)[122][123]
Kevin Brady (R-TX 8)[122][123]
Jim Bridenstine (R-OK 1)[124]
Mo Brooks (R-AL 5)[122][123]
Paul Broun (R-GA 10)[122][123]
Vern Buchanan (R-FL 13)[122][123]
Larry Bucshon (R-IN 8)[122][123]
Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY 25)[122][123]
Michael Burgess (R-TX 26)[122][123]
Ken Calvert (R-CA 44)[122][123]
David Camp (R-MI 4)[122][123]
John Campbell (R-CA 45)[122][123]
Francisco Canseco (R-TX 23)[122][123]
Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV 2)[122][123]
John Carter (R-TX 31)[122][123]
Bill Cassidy (R-LA 6)[122][123]
Steven Chabot (R-OH 1)[122][123]
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT 3)[122][123]
Howard Coble (R-NC 6)[122][123]
Mike Coffman (R-CO 6)[122][123]
Tom Cole (R-OK 4)[122][123]
Chris Collins (R-NY 27)[125]
Doug Collins (R-GA 9)[126]
Michael Conaway (R-TX 11)[122][123]
Tom Cotton (R-AK 4)[127]
Kevin Cramer (R-ND statewide)[128]
Rick Crawford (R-AR 1)[122][123]
Ander Crenshaw (R-FL 4)[122][123]
Henry Cuellar (D-TX 28)[122][123]
John Culberson (R-TX 7)[122][123]
Steve Daines (R-MT statewide)[129]
Rodney L. Davis (R-IL 13)[130]
Jeff Denham (R-CA 19)[122][123]
Charles Dent (R-PA 15)[122][123]
Ron DeSantis (R-FL 6)[131]
Scott DesJarlais (R-TN 4)[122][123]
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL 21)[122][123]
Bob Dold (R-IL 10)[122][123]
Sean Duffy (R-WI 7)[122][123]
Jeff Duncan (R-SC 3)[122][123]
Renee Ellmers (R-NC 2)[122][123]
Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO 8)[122][123]
William Enyart (D-IL 12)[132]
Blake Farenthold (R-TX 27)[122][123]
Stephen Fincher (R-TN 8)[122][123]
Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA 8)[122][123]
Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN 3)[122][123]
John Fleming (R-LA 4)[122][123]
Bill Flores (R-TX 17)[122][123]
Randy Forbes (R-VA 4)[122][123]
Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE 1)[122][123]
Virginia Foxx (R-NC 5))[122][123]
Trent Franks (R-AZ 2)[122][123]
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ 11)[122][123]
Elton Gallegly (R-CA 24)[122][123]
Pete Gallego (D-TX 23)[132]
Cory Gardner (R-CO 4)[122][123]
Scott Garrett (R-NJ 5)[122][123]
Jim Gerlach (R-PA 6)[122][123]
Bob Gibbs (R-OH 18)[122][123]
Chris Gibson (R-NY 20)[122][123]
John Gingrey (R-GA 11)[122][123]
Bob Goodlatte (R-VA 6)[122][123]
Paul Gosar (R-AZ 1)[122][123]
Kay Granger (R-TX 12)[122][123]
Tom Graves (R-GA 9)[122][123]
Samuel Graves (R-MO 6)[122][123]
Gene Green (D-TX 29)[122][123]
Tim Griffin (R-AR 29)[122][123]
Morgan Griffith (R-VA 9)[122][123]
Michael Grimm (R-NY 13))[122][123]
Brett Guthrie (R-KY 2)[122][123]
Ralph Hall (R-TX 4)[122][123]
Gregg Harper (R-MS 3)[122][123]
Andy Harris (R-MD 1)[122][123]
Vicky Hartzler (R-MO 4)[122][123]
Doc Hastings (R-WA 4)[122][123]
Nan Hayworth (R-NY 19)[122][123]
Joe Heck (R-NV 3)[122][123]
Jeb Hensarling (R-TX 5)[122][123]
Jaime Herrera (R-WA 3)[122][123]
George Holding (R-NC 13)[133]
Richard Hudson (R-NC 8)[134]
Tim Huelskamp (R-KS 1)[122][123]
Bill Huizenga (R-MI 2)[122][123]
Randy Hultgren (R-IL 14))[122][123]
Duncan Hunter (R-CA 52))[122][123]
Robert Hurt (R-VA 5)[122][123]
Darrell Issa (R-CA 49)[122][123]
Lynn Jenkins (R-KS 2)[122][123]
Samuel Johnson (R-TX 3)[122][123]
Bill Johnson (R-OH 6)[122][123]
Walter Jones (R-NC 3)[122][123]
Jim Jordan (R-OH 4)[122][123]
Mike Kelly (R-PA 3)[122][123]
Steve King (R-IA 4)[122][123]
Peter King (R-NY 2)[122][123]
Jack Kingston (R-GA 1)[122][123]
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL 11)[122][123]
John Kline (R-MN 2)[122][123]
Raúl Labrador (R-ID 1)[122][123]
Doug Lamborn (R-CO 5)[122][123]
Doug LaMalfa (R-CA 1)[135]
Leonard Lance (R-NJ 7)[122][123]
James Lankford (R-OK 5)[122][123]
Tom Latham (R-IA 3)[122][123]
Robert Latta (R-OH 5)[122][123]
Dan Lipinski (D-IL 3)[122][123]
Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ 2)[122][123]
Billy Long (R-MO 7)[122][123]
Frank Lucas (R-OK 3)[122][123]
Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO 9)[122][123]
Cynthia Lummis (R-WY statewide)[122][123]
Jim Matheson (D-UT 4)[122][123]
Kenny Marchant (R-TX 24)[122][123]
Thomas Marino (R-PA 10)[122][123]
Mark Meadows (R-NC 11)[136]
Michael McCaul (R-TX 10)[122][123]
Tom McClintock (R-CA 4)[122][123]
Patrick McHenry (R-NC 10)[122][123]
Mike McIntyre (D-NC 7)[122][123]
Howard McKeon (R-CA 25))[122][123]
David McKinley (R-WV 1)[122][123]
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA 5)[122][123]
Patrick Meehan (R-PA 7)[122][123]
Luke Messer (R-ID 7)[137]
John Mica (R-FL 7)[122][123]
Jeff Miller (R-FL 1)[122][123]
Gary Miller (R-CA 42)[122][123]
Candice Miller (R-MI 10)[122][123]
Markwayne Mullin (R-OK 2)[138]
Mick Mulvaney (R-SC 5)[122][123]
Tim Murphy (R-PA 18)[122][123]
Randy Neugebauer (R-TX 19)[122][123]
Kristi Noem (R-SD statewide)[122][123]
Richard Nugent (R-FL 11)[122][123]
Devin Nunes (R-CA 21)[122][123]
Alan Nunnelee (R-MS 1)[122][123]
Pete Olson (R-TX 22)[122][123]
Steven Palazzo (R-MS 4)[122][123]
Erik Paulsen (R-MN 3)[122][123]
Stevan Pearce (R-NM 2)[122][123]
Scott Perry (R-PA 4)[139]
Collin Peterson (D-MN 7))[122][123]
Thomas Petri (R-WI 6)[122][123]
Robert Pittenger (R-NC 9)[140]
Joseph Pitts (R-PA 16)[122][123]
Ted Poe (R-TX 2)[122][123]
Mike Pompeo (R-KS 4))[122][123]
Bill Posey (R-FL 15)[122][123]
Tom Price (R-GA 6)[122][123]
Nick Rahall (D-WV 3)[122][123]
Tom Reed (R-NY 29))[122][123]
Dennis Rehberg (R-MT statewide)[122][123]
David Reichert (R-WA 8)[122][123]
Jim Renacci (R-OH 16)[122][123]
Reid Ribble (R-WI 8)[122][123]
Scott Rigell (R-VA 2)[122][123]
Martha Roby (R-AL 2)[122][123]
Phil Roe (R-TN 1)[122][123]
Michael Rogers (R-AL 3)[122][123]
Michael Rogers (R-MI 8)[122][123]
Harold Rogers (R-KY 5)[122][123]
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA 46)[122][123]
Todd Rokita (R-IN 4)[122][123]
Thomas Rooney (R-FL 16)[122][123]
Peter Roskam (R-IL 6)[122][123]
Dennis Ross (R-FL 12)[122][123]
Keith Rothfus (R-PA 12)[141]
Edward Royce (R-CA 40)[122][123]
Jon Runyan (R-NJ 3)[122][123]
Paul Ryan (R-WI 1)[122][123]
Matt Salmon (R-AZ 5)[142]
Steve Scalise (R-LA 1)[122][123]
Bobby Schilling (R-IL 17)[122][123]
Aaron Schock (R-IL 18)[122][123]
David Schweikert (R-AZ 5)[122][123]
Austin Scott (R-GA 8)[122][123]
James Sensenbrenner (R-WI 5)[122][123]
Pete Sessions (R-TX 32)[122][123]
John Shimkus (R-IL 19))[122][123]
Bill Shuster (R-PA 9)[122][123]
Michael Simpson (R-ID 2)[122][123]
Lamar Smith (R-TX 21)[122][123]
Christopher Smith (R-NJ 4)[122][123]
Steve Southerland (R-FL 2)[122][123]
Steve Stivers (R-OH 15)[122][123]
Steve Stockman (R-TX 36)[143]
Marlin Stutzman (R-IN 3))[122][123]
Lee Terry (R-NE 2)[122][123]
Glenn Thompson (R-PA 5)[122][123]
Mac Thornberry (R-TX 13)[122][123]
Patrick Tiberi (R-OH 12)[122][123]
Scott Tipton (R-CO 3)[122][123]
Michael Turner (R-OH 10)[122][123]
Frederick Upton (R-MI 6)[122][123]
Ann Wagner (R-MO 2)[144]
Timothy Walberg (R-MI 7)[122][123]
Greg Walden (R-OR 2)[122][123]
Jackie Walorski[145]
Randy Weber (R-TX 14)[146]
Daniel Webster (R-FL 8)[122][123]
Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA 3)[122][123]
Brad Wenstrup (R-OH 2)[147]
Edward Whitfield (R-KY 1)[122][123]
Roger Williams (R-TX 26)[148]
Joe Wilson (R-SC 2)[122][123]
Rob Wittman (R-VA 1)[122][123]
Frank Wolf (R-VA 10)[122][123]
Steve Womack (R-AR 3)[122][123]
Steve Womack (R-AR 3)[122][123]
Rob Woodall (R-GA 7)[122][123]
Kevin Yoder (R-KS 3)[122][123]
Ted Yoho (R-FL 3)[149]
Todd Young (R-IN 9)[122][123]
Don Young (R-AK statewide)[122][123]
Bill Young (R-FL 10)[122][123]
Former U.S. Representatives [edit]
Sandy Adams (R-FL 24)[122][123]
Todd Akin (R-MO 2)[122][123]
Wayne Allard (R-CO 4)
George Allen (R-VA 7)
Steve Austria (R-OH 7)[122][123]
J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC 3)
Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD 6)[122][123]
Rick Berg (R-ND statewide)[122][123]
Roy Blunt (R-MO 7)
Brian Bilbray (R-CA 50)[122][123]
Judy Biggert (R-IL 13)[122][123]
John Boozman (R-AR 3)
Dan Boren (D-OK 2)[122][123]
Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC 1)
Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL 5)
Jim Bunning (R-KY 4)
Richard Burr (R-NC 5)
Dan Burton (R-IN 5)[122][123]
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA 8)
Ben Chandler (D-KY 6)[122][123]
Dan Coats (R-IN 4)
Tom Coburn (R-OK 2)
Thad Cochran (R-MS 4)
Jerry Costello (D-IL 12)[122][123]
Larry Craig (R-ID 1)
Mike Crapo (R-ID 2)
Chip Cravaack (R-MN 8)[122][123]
Philip M. Crane (R-IL 8)
Mark Critz (D-PA 12)[122][123]
Geoff Davis (R-KY 4)[122][123]
Lincoln Davis (D-TN 4)
Nathan Deal (R-GA 9)
Jim DeMint (R-SC 4)
Mike DeWine (R-OH 7)
David Dreier (R-CA 26)[122][123]
Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO 8)[122][123]
John Ensign (R-NV 1)
Mary Fallin (R-OK 5)
Jeff Flake (R-AZ 6)[122][123]
Lindsey Graham (R-SC 3)
Chuck Grassley (R-IO 3)
Frank Guinta (R-NH 1)[122][123]
Connie Mack (R-FL 14)[122][123]
Mary Bono Mack (R-CA 45)[122][123]
Donald Manzullo (R-IL 16)[122][123]
Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI 11)[122][123]
Sue Myrick (R-NC 9)[122][123]
Walter Herger (R-CA 2)[122][123]
Peter Hoekstra (R-MI 2)
Tim Holden (D-PA 17)[122][123]
Duncan Hunter (R-CA 52)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK 1)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA 6)
Bobby Jindal (R-LA 1)
Timothy Johnson (R-IL 15)[122][123]
John Kasich (R-OH 12)
Larry Kissell (D-NC 8)[122][123]
Jon Kyl (R-AZ 4)
Jeff Landry (R-LA 3)[122][123]
Steven LaTourette (R-OH 14)[122][123]
Jerry Lewis (R-CA 41)[122][123]
Trent Lott (R-MS 5)
Daniel Lungren (R-CA 3)[122][123]
Jim Marshall (D-GA 3)
John McCain (R-AZ 1)
Jerry Moran (R-KS 1)
Marilyn Musgrave[150] (R-CO 4)
Adam H. Putnam (R-FL 12)
George Radanovich (R-CA 19)
Bob Riley (R-AL 3)
Pat Roberts (R-KS 1)
Ron Paul (R-TX 14)[122][123]
Todd Platts (R-PA 19)[122][123]
Mike Pence (R-IN 6))[122][123]
Ben Quayle (R-AZ 3)[122][123]
David Rivera (R-FL 25)[122][123]
Mike Ross (D-AR 4)[122][123]
Rick Santorum (R-PA 18)
Jean Schmidt (R-OH 2)[122][123]
Tim Scott (R-SC 1)[122][123]
John B. Shadegg (R-AZ 3)
Richard Shelby (R-AL 7)
Heath Shuler (D-NC 11)[122][123]
Clifford Stearns (R-FL 6)[122][123]
John Sullivan (R-OK 1)[122][123]
Jim Talent (R-MO2)
Gene Taylor (D-MS4)
Craig Thomas (R-WY)
John Thune (R-SD)
Todd Tiahrt (R-KS4)
Pat Toomey (R-PA15)
Bob Turner (R-NY 9)[122][123]
David Vitter (R-LA1)
Joe Walsh (R-IL 8)[122][123]
Zach Wamp (R-TN3)
J. C. Watts[151] (R-OK4)
Allen West (R-FL 22)[122][123]
Roger Wicker (R-MS1)

When I point out that a vast majority of African-Americans and Hispanics (who tend to vote democrat) are against gay marriage. Wouldn't this disprove every single thing you said? Of course it would. Why are you being so silly?

They're against it? You're making a huge mistake in your assessment (I'm shocked!). Seriously, most people try to hide their stupidity...you should join them. Both groups you identified voted overwhelmingly for President Obama--a marriage equality proponent. Both groups you identified voted overwhelmingly NOT to install a man, Mitt Romney, was was against marriage equality.

Your polling data may be right...I'm sure you could find it. What the poll doesn't show--and this isn't your fault--is how strongly they feel about it. It's called preference. Most people prefer a hetero marriage. I know, I'm one of them. Does that mean I am against marriage equality? No, it doesn't I am staunchly for granting same sex marriages the same legal rights that are afforded "traditional" couples.

The rhetorical question tactic is shockingly ineffective when you have no clue what you're talking about. You should get a clue.
Unfortunately there are other Palins still out there.

The ability of the GOP to foster incompetence and stupidity is considerable.

lol, you are such a snooty partisan hack...You have so many elected IDIOTS in the Democrat party, the list would be LONG..But all you haters can find to dump on is Palin..

And you think Obama is some brain child, listen to him pronounce, CORPSMAN...he was too damn LAZY to learn how to pronounce it RIGHT
The REAL War on Women comes from the Liberals...they kicked Hillary to the curb for man and dump on all women who are Republicans..

such a sad and intolerant bunch...how women stay in that party that shows so much disrespect for women..

and look at the job that man is doing for them, 8% Unemployment for FIVE YEARS...

but then they still have to sit around and say they dodged a bullet with Palin who by the way, was a Governor OF A STATE, while their Dear Leader was a damn JUNIOR SENATOR with barley one term under his belt...Unfortunately the rest of us didn't dodge that bullet called, OBAMA

Pain is a moron. This is why she went off to do reality TV instead of anything remotely resembling public policy. She's a loser.

As for President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton...in 08 we had 2 gold medal winners and only one medal to give. SOS is a pretty good consolation prize if you want to call it that. She distinguished herself at the post as has our President.

It's sad that the American public continues to elect a congress of one party and a President of another. The recovery would be much more advanced if the GOP would give up their obstructionist entrenchments. Oh well, I'm sure next year, they'll vote to repeal the ACA again. That'll pass for substance.
Wow and I thought still referencing Bush to deflect from Obama was pathetic but to actually reference Palin to try and do so that takes pathetic to a whole level.

i cant figure out why some on the left are so scared of this woman.....i sure as hell would not vote for her....i would not even consider her....:eusa_eh:

Careful...........I almost had you..........I'm watching
It is a very scary thought that so many in this Country voted for her. She has been a Go d send for Democrats though. I hope she is a really big part of the GOP 2014 strategy.

Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits - YouTube

It was a slow-moving and stupid bullet, so "dodge" is not the right word.

More like "laugh at as it stumbles by"....

you mean like the way so many here laugh at you and Zerodiarea?....i hear ya man...:lol:

Coming for the 2708
It is a very scary thought that so many in this Country voted for her. She has been a Go d send for Democrats though. I hope she is a really big part of the GOP 2014 strategy.

Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits - YouTube

I'm sorry, but perhaps you could explain to us exactly what's wrong with any of that, much less a "Godsend" for Democrats. It's not immediately obvious to those of us with functioning brains.

Why would I do that? I want you to send money to her Presidential campaign. As much as you can. She speaks for you. Don't be afraid to sell everything you have at a loss. She is to important. Start today. That is my message to you.
It is a very scary thought that so many in this Country voted for her. She has been a Go d send for Democrats though. I hope she is a really big part of the GOP 2014 strategy.

Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits - YouTube

I'm sorry, but perhaps you could explain to us exactly what's wrong with any of that, much less a "Godsend" for Democrats. It's not immediately obvious to those of us with functioning brains.

Why would I do that? I want you to send money to her Presidential campaign. As much as you can. She speaks for you. Don't be afraid to sell everything you have at a loss. She is to important. Start today. That is my message to you.

gawd, you and many here contribute to why liberals are seen as snooty, hateful and intolerant..
Just look at this thread
I'm sorry, but perhaps you could explain to us exactly what's wrong with any of that, much less a "Godsend" for Democrats. It's not immediately obvious to those of us with functioning brains.

Why would I do that? I want you to send money to her Presidential campaign. As much as you can. She speaks for you. Don't be afraid to sell everything you have at a loss. She is to important. Start today. That is my message to you.

gawd, you and many here contribute to why liberals are seen as snooty, hateful and intolerant..
Just look at this thread

And Conservatives are seen as

Fill it in people.
The 50 seconds between 2:00 and 2:50 on the video basically sum up what is wrong with the right wing of the GOP.

The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER... - YouTube

But you've got to wonder why the GOP is popular. It's not because of anything it does, it's because it's able to make it's believers afraid of the other side. Gay marriage is the biggest joke. I heard former representative Barney Frank and his annoying voice this past week talking about the subject. If you're hetero and Barney Frank's marriage is a threat to yours, what are you saying; "I could have married a man instead"?

It works on the weak minded--the fear initiative. Six months since Sandy Hook...Obama hasn't grabbed the guns yet... Ask any right winger if they're afraid of it...100% will say yes.

It's a hell of a racket.

Are you saying that when Obama was against gay marriage he was a right winger?

Am I sure? Yes. In the case of Vice-President Cheney, and a few others who are republicans and have seen the light on marriage equality you're pointing out the exceptions to the rule--the rule that is written into many if not most GOP state platforms and of course the national platform as well.

From Wiki:

The Republican Party’s 2012 platform supports a ban on same-sex marriage through a federal constitutional amendment, along with state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act.[4] The GOP platform committee also rejected putting civil unions into the parties platform.[5]

From the same article:

List of opponents of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Former Presidents
George W. Bush[34] (R-Texas)

Mike Beebe[35] D-Arkansas)
Robert Bentley[36] (R-Alabama)
Tom Corbett[37] (R-Pennsylvania)
Steve Bullock[38] (D-Montana)
Terry Branstad[39] (R-Iowa)
Phil Bryant[40] (R-Mississippi)
Jan Brewer[41] (R-Arizona)
Sam Brownback[42] (R-Kansas)
Chris Christie[43] (R-New Jersey)
Dennis Daugaard[44] (R-South Dakota)
Nathan Deal[45] (R-Georgia)
Mary Fallin[46][unreliable source?] (R-Oklahoma)
Alejandro García Padilla (PD/D-Puerto Rico)[47]
Nikki Haley[48] (R-South Carolina)
Bill Haslam[49] (R-Tennessee)
Dave Heineman[50] (R-Nebraska)
Gary Herbert[51] (R-Utah)
Bobby Jindal[52] (R-Louisiana)
John Kasich[53] (R-Ohio)
Paul LePage[54] (R-Maine)
Susana Martinez[55] (R-New Mexico)
Pat McCrory[56] (R-North Carolina)
Bob McDonnell[57] (R-Virginia)
Matt Mead[58] (R-Wyoming)
Jay Nixon[59] (D-Missouri)
Sean Parnell[60] (R-Alaska)
Mike Pence, (R-Indiana)
Rick Perry[61] (R-Texas)
Brian Sandoval[62] (R-Nevada)
Rick Scott[63] (R-Florida)
Rick Snyder[64] (R-Michigan)
Earl Ray Tomblin[65] (D-West Virginia)
Scott Walker[66] (R-Wisconsin)
Former Governors [edit]
Lamar Alexander[67] (R-Tennessee)
George Allen[67] (R-Virginia)
Haley Barbour[68] (R-Mississippi)
Kit Bond[67] (R-Missouri)
Phil Bredesen[69] (D-Tennessee)
George W. Bush (R-Texas)
Jeb Bush[70] (R-Florida)
Donald Carcieri[71] (R-Rhode Island)
Mitch Daniels[72] (R-Indiana)
Jim Douglas [73] (R-Vermont)
John Hoeven[74] (R-North Dakota)
Mike Huckabee[75] (R-Arkansas)
Mike Johanns[76] (R-Nebraska)
Linda Lingle[77] (R-Hawaii)
Joe Manchin[78] (D-West Virginia)
Ben Nelson[67][79] (D-Nebraska)
Sarah Palin[80] (R-Alaska)
George Pataki[81] (R-New York)
Tim Pawlenty[82] (R-Minnesota)
Beverly Perdue[83] (D-North Carolina)
Bob Riley[84] (R-Alabama)
Mitt Romney[85][86] (R-Massachusetts)
George Voinovich[67][87] (R-Ohio)

U.S. Senators [edit]
One Democratic U.S. Senator opposes SSM
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell[67] (R-Kentucky)
Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn[67][88][89] (R-Texas)
Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Kelly Ayotte[90] (R-New Hampshire)
John Barrasso[91] (R-Wyoming)
Roy Blunt[92] (R-Missouri)
John Boozman[93] (R-Arkansas)
Richard Burr[67][94] (R-North Carolina)
Saxby Chambliss[67][95] (R-Georgia)
Dan Coats[96] (R-Indiana)
Tom Coburn[67][97][98] (R-Oklahoma)
Thad Cochran[67] (R-Mississippi)
Bob Corker[99] (R-Tennessee)
Mike Crapo[67][95] (R-Idaho)
Ted Cruz[100] (R-Texas)
Mike Enzi[67][95] (R-Wyoming)
Deb Fischer[101] (R-Nebraska)
Jeff Flake (R-Arizona)
Lindsey Graham[67][95] (R-South Carolina)
Chuck Grassley[67] (R-Iowa)
Orrin Hatch[67] (R-Utah)
Dean Heller[102] (R-Nevada)
John Hoeven (R-North Dakota)
Jim Inhofe[67][95] (R-Oklahoma)
Johnny Isakson[67][95] (R-Georgia)
Mike Johanns (R-Nebraska)
Ron Johnson[103] (R-Wisconsin)
Mike Lee[104] (R-Utah)
Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia)
John McCain[105] (R-Arizona)
Jerry Moran[106] (R-Kansas)
Rand Paul[107] (R-Kentucky)
Mark Pryor[108] (D-Arkansas)
Jim Risch[109] (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts[67][95] (R-Kansas)
Marco Rubio[110] (R-Florida)
Tim Scott[111] (R-South Carolina)
Jeff Sessions[67][112] (R-Alabama)
Richard Shelby[67][95] (R-Alabama)
John Thune[67][113] (R-South Dakota)
Pat Toomey[114] (R-Pennsylvania)
David Vitter[67][95] (R-Louisiana)
Roger Wicker[115] (R-Mississippi)
Former U.S. Senators [edit]
Wayne Allard[67] (R-Colorado)
George Allen (R-Virginia)
Bob Bennett[67] (R-Utah)
Kit Bond[67] (R-Missouri)
Scott Brown[116] (R-Massachusetts)
Sam Brownback (R-Kansas)
Jim Bunning[67] (R-Kentucky)
Conrad Burns[67] (R-Montana)
Norm Coleman[67] (R-Minnesota)
Larry Craig[67] (R-Idaho)
Jim DeMint[67][117] (R-South Carolina)
Mike DeWine[67] (R-Ohio)
Elizabeth Dole[67] (R-North Carolina)
Pete Domenici[67][118] (R-New Mexico)
John Ensign[67] (R-Nevada)
Bill Frist[67] (R-Tennessee)
Kay Bailey Hutchison[67][119] (R-Texas)
Jon Kyl[120] (R-Arizona)
Trent Lott[67] (R-Mississippi)
Richard Lugar[67] (R-Indiana)
Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
Mel Martinez[67] (R-Florida)
Rick Santorum[67][121] (R-Pennsylvania)
Gordon H. Smith[67] (R-Oregon)
Ted Stevens[67] (R-Alaska)
Jim Talent[67] (R-Missouri)
Craig Thomas[67] (R-Wyoming)
George Voinovich (R-Ohio)
John Warner[67] (R-Virginia)

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH 8)[122][123]
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA 7)[122][123]
House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 22)[122][123]
Robert Aderholt (R-AL 4)[122][123]
Rodney Alexander (R-LA 5)[122][123]
Mark Amodei (R-NV 2)[122][123]
Michele Bachmann (R-MN 6)[122][123]
Spencer Bachus (R-AL 6)[122][123]
Lou Barletta (R-PA 11)[122][123]
John Barrow (D-GA 12)[122][123]
Joe Barton (R-TX 6)[122][123]
Dan Benishek (R-MI 1)[122][123]
Gus Bilirakis (R-FL 9)[122][123]
Rob Bishop (R-UT 1)[122][123]
Sanford Bishop Jr. (D-GA 2)[122][123]
Diane Black (R-TN 6)[122][123]
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN 7)[122][123]
Jo Bonner (R-AL 1)[122][123]
Charles Boustany (R-LA 3)[122][123]
Kevin Brady (R-TX 8)[122][123]
Jim Bridenstine (R-OK 1)[124]
Mo Brooks (R-AL 5)[122][123]
Paul Broun (R-GA 10)[122][123]
Vern Buchanan (R-FL 13)[122][123]
Larry Bucshon (R-IN 8)[122][123]
Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY 25)[122][123]
Michael Burgess (R-TX 26)[122][123]
Ken Calvert (R-CA 44)[122][123]
David Camp (R-MI 4)[122][123]
John Campbell (R-CA 45)[122][123]
Francisco Canseco (R-TX 23)[122][123]
Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV 2)[122][123]
John Carter (R-TX 31)[122][123]
Bill Cassidy (R-LA 6)[122][123]
Steven Chabot (R-OH 1)[122][123]
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT 3)[122][123]
Howard Coble (R-NC 6)[122][123]
Mike Coffman (R-CO 6)[122][123]
Tom Cole (R-OK 4)[122][123]
Chris Collins (R-NY 27)[125]
Doug Collins (R-GA 9)[126]
Michael Conaway (R-TX 11)[122][123]
Tom Cotton (R-AK 4)[127]
Kevin Cramer (R-ND statewide)[128]
Rick Crawford (R-AR 1)[122][123]
Ander Crenshaw (R-FL 4)[122][123]
Henry Cuellar (D-TX 28)[122][123]
John Culberson (R-TX 7)[122][123]
Steve Daines (R-MT statewide)[129]
Rodney L. Davis (R-IL 13)[130]
Jeff Denham (R-CA 19)[122][123]
Charles Dent (R-PA 15)[122][123]
Ron DeSantis (R-FL 6)[131]
Scott DesJarlais (R-TN 4)[122][123]
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL 21)[122][123]
Bob Dold (R-IL 10)[122][123]
Sean Duffy (R-WI 7)[122][123]
Jeff Duncan (R-SC 3)[122][123]
Renee Ellmers (R-NC 2)[122][123]
Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO 8)[122][123]
William Enyart (D-IL 12)[132]
Blake Farenthold (R-TX 27)[122][123]
Stephen Fincher (R-TN 8)[122][123]
Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA 8)[122][123]
Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN 3)[122][123]
John Fleming (R-LA 4)[122][123]
Bill Flores (R-TX 17)[122][123]
Randy Forbes (R-VA 4)[122][123]
Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE 1)[122][123]
Virginia Foxx (R-NC 5))[122][123]
Trent Franks (R-AZ 2)[122][123]
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ 11)[122][123]
Elton Gallegly (R-CA 24)[122][123]
Pete Gallego (D-TX 23)[132]
Cory Gardner (R-CO 4)[122][123]
Scott Garrett (R-NJ 5)[122][123]
Jim Gerlach (R-PA 6)[122][123]
Bob Gibbs (R-OH 18)[122][123]
Chris Gibson (R-NY 20)[122][123]
John Gingrey (R-GA 11)[122][123]
Bob Goodlatte (R-VA 6)[122][123]
Paul Gosar (R-AZ 1)[122][123]
Kay Granger (R-TX 12)[122][123]
Tom Graves (R-GA 9)[122][123]
Samuel Graves (R-MO 6)[122][123]
Gene Green (D-TX 29)[122][123]
Tim Griffin (R-AR 29)[122][123]
Morgan Griffith (R-VA 9)[122][123]
Michael Grimm (R-NY 13))[122][123]
Brett Guthrie (R-KY 2)[122][123]
Ralph Hall (R-TX 4)[122][123]
Gregg Harper (R-MS 3)[122][123]
Andy Harris (R-MD 1)[122][123]
Vicky Hartzler (R-MO 4)[122][123]
Doc Hastings (R-WA 4)[122][123]
Nan Hayworth (R-NY 19)[122][123]
Joe Heck (R-NV 3)[122][123]
Jeb Hensarling (R-TX 5)[122][123]
Jaime Herrera (R-WA 3)[122][123]
George Holding (R-NC 13)[133]
Richard Hudson (R-NC 8)[134]
Tim Huelskamp (R-KS 1)[122][123]
Bill Huizenga (R-MI 2)[122][123]
Randy Hultgren (R-IL 14))[122][123]
Duncan Hunter (R-CA 52))[122][123]
Robert Hurt (R-VA 5)[122][123]
Darrell Issa (R-CA 49)[122][123]
Lynn Jenkins (R-KS 2)[122][123]
Samuel Johnson (R-TX 3)[122][123]
Bill Johnson (R-OH 6)[122][123]
Walter Jones (R-NC 3)[122][123]
Jim Jordan (R-OH 4)[122][123]
Mike Kelly (R-PA 3)[122][123]
Steve King (R-IA 4)[122][123]
Peter King (R-NY 2)[122][123]
Jack Kingston (R-GA 1)[122][123]
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL 11)[122][123]
John Kline (R-MN 2)[122][123]
Raúl Labrador (R-ID 1)[122][123]
Doug Lamborn (R-CO 5)[122][123]
Doug LaMalfa (R-CA 1)[135]
Leonard Lance (R-NJ 7)[122][123]
James Lankford (R-OK 5)[122][123]
Tom Latham (R-IA 3)[122][123]
Robert Latta (R-OH 5)[122][123]
Dan Lipinski (D-IL 3)[122][123]
Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ 2)[122][123]
Billy Long (R-MO 7)[122][123]
Frank Lucas (R-OK 3)[122][123]
Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO 9)[122][123]
Cynthia Lummis (R-WY statewide)[122][123]
Jim Matheson (D-UT 4)[122][123]
Kenny Marchant (R-TX 24)[122][123]
Thomas Marino (R-PA 10)[122][123]
Mark Meadows (R-NC 11)[136]
Michael McCaul (R-TX 10)[122][123]
Tom McClintock (R-CA 4)[122][123]
Patrick McHenry (R-NC 10)[122][123]
Mike McIntyre (D-NC 7)[122][123]
Howard McKeon (R-CA 25))[122][123]
David McKinley (R-WV 1)[122][123]
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA 5)[122][123]
Patrick Meehan (R-PA 7)[122][123]
Luke Messer (R-ID 7)[137]
John Mica (R-FL 7)[122][123]
Jeff Miller (R-FL 1)[122][123]
Gary Miller (R-CA 42)[122][123]
Candice Miller (R-MI 10)[122][123]
Markwayne Mullin (R-OK 2)[138]
Mick Mulvaney (R-SC 5)[122][123]
Tim Murphy (R-PA 18)[122][123]
Randy Neugebauer (R-TX 19)[122][123]
Kristi Noem (R-SD statewide)[122][123]
Richard Nugent (R-FL 11)[122][123]
Devin Nunes (R-CA 21)[122][123]
Alan Nunnelee (R-MS 1)[122][123]
Pete Olson (R-TX 22)[122][123]
Steven Palazzo (R-MS 4)[122][123]
Erik Paulsen (R-MN 3)[122][123]
Stevan Pearce (R-NM 2)[122][123]
Scott Perry (R-PA 4)[139]
Collin Peterson (D-MN 7))[122][123]
Thomas Petri (R-WI 6)[122][123]
Robert Pittenger (R-NC 9)[140]
Joseph Pitts (R-PA 16)[122][123]
Ted Poe (R-TX 2)[122][123]
Mike Pompeo (R-KS 4))[122][123]
Bill Posey (R-FL 15)[122][123]
Tom Price (R-GA 6)[122][123]
Nick Rahall (D-WV 3)[122][123]
Tom Reed (R-NY 29))[122][123]
Dennis Rehberg (R-MT statewide)[122][123]
David Reichert (R-WA 8)[122][123]
Jim Renacci (R-OH 16)[122][123]
Reid Ribble (R-WI 8)[122][123]
Scott Rigell (R-VA 2)[122][123]
Martha Roby (R-AL 2)[122][123]
Phil Roe (R-TN 1)[122][123]
Michael Rogers (R-AL 3)[122][123]
Michael Rogers (R-MI 8)[122][123]
Harold Rogers (R-KY 5)[122][123]
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA 46)[122][123]
Todd Rokita (R-IN 4)[122][123]
Thomas Rooney (R-FL 16)[122][123]
Peter Roskam (R-IL 6)[122][123]
Dennis Ross (R-FL 12)[122][123]
Keith Rothfus (R-PA 12)[141]
Edward Royce (R-CA 40)[122][123]
Jon Runyan (R-NJ 3)[122][123]
Paul Ryan (R-WI 1)[122][123]
Matt Salmon (R-AZ 5)[142]
Steve Scalise (R-LA 1)[122][123]
Bobby Schilling (R-IL 17)[122][123]
Aaron Schock (R-IL 18)[122][123]
David Schweikert (R-AZ 5)[122][123]
Austin Scott (R-GA 8)[122][123]
James Sensenbrenner (R-WI 5)[122][123]
Pete Sessions (R-TX 32)[122][123]
John Shimkus (R-IL 19))[122][123]
Bill Shuster (R-PA 9)[122][123]
Michael Simpson (R-ID 2)[122][123]
Lamar Smith (R-TX 21)[122][123]
Christopher Smith (R-NJ 4)[122][123]
Steve Southerland (R-FL 2)[122][123]
Steve Stivers (R-OH 15)[122][123]
Steve Stockman (R-TX 36)[143]
Marlin Stutzman (R-IN 3))[122][123]
Lee Terry (R-NE 2)[122][123]
Glenn Thompson (R-PA 5)[122][123]
Mac Thornberry (R-TX 13)[122][123]
Patrick Tiberi (R-OH 12)[122][123]
Scott Tipton (R-CO 3)[122][123]
Michael Turner (R-OH 10)[122][123]
Frederick Upton (R-MI 6)[122][123]
Ann Wagner (R-MO 2)[144]
Timothy Walberg (R-MI 7)[122][123]
Greg Walden (R-OR 2)[122][123]
Jackie Walorski[145]
Randy Weber (R-TX 14)[146]
Daniel Webster (R-FL 8)[122][123]
Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA 3)[122][123]
Brad Wenstrup (R-OH 2)[147]
Edward Whitfield (R-KY 1)[122][123]
Roger Williams (R-TX 26)[148]
Joe Wilson (R-SC 2)[122][123]
Rob Wittman (R-VA 1)[122][123]
Frank Wolf (R-VA 10)[122][123]
Steve Womack (R-AR 3)[122][123]
Steve Womack (R-AR 3)[122][123]
Rob Woodall (R-GA 7)[122][123]
Kevin Yoder (R-KS 3)[122][123]
Ted Yoho (R-FL 3)[149]
Todd Young (R-IN 9)[122][123]
Don Young (R-AK statewide)[122][123]
Bill Young (R-FL 10)[122][123]
Former U.S. Representatives [edit]
Sandy Adams (R-FL 24)[122][123]
Todd Akin (R-MO 2)[122][123]
Wayne Allard (R-CO 4)
George Allen (R-VA 7)
Steve Austria (R-OH 7)[122][123]
J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC 3)
Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD 6)[122][123]
Rick Berg (R-ND statewide)[122][123]
Roy Blunt (R-MO 7)
Brian Bilbray (R-CA 50)[122][123]
Judy Biggert (R-IL 13)[122][123]
John Boozman (R-AR 3)
Dan Boren (D-OK 2)[122][123]
Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC 1)
Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL 5)
Jim Bunning (R-KY 4)
Richard Burr (R-NC 5)
Dan Burton (R-IN 5)[122][123]
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA 8)
Ben Chandler (D-KY 6)[122][123]
Dan Coats (R-IN 4)
Tom Coburn (R-OK 2)
Thad Cochran (R-MS 4)
Jerry Costello (D-IL 12)[122][123]
Larry Craig (R-ID 1)
Mike Crapo (R-ID 2)
Chip Cravaack (R-MN 8)[122][123]
Philip M. Crane (R-IL 8)
Mark Critz (D-PA 12)[122][123]
Geoff Davis (R-KY 4)[122][123]
Lincoln Davis (D-TN 4)
Nathan Deal (R-GA 9)
Jim DeMint (R-SC 4)
Mike DeWine (R-OH 7)
David Dreier (R-CA 26)[122][123]
Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO 8)[122][123]
John Ensign (R-NV 1)
Mary Fallin (R-OK 5)
Jeff Flake (R-AZ 6)[122][123]
Lindsey Graham (R-SC 3)
Chuck Grassley (R-IO 3)
Frank Guinta (R-NH 1)[122][123]
Connie Mack (R-FL 14)[122][123]
Mary Bono Mack (R-CA 45)[122][123]
Donald Manzullo (R-IL 16)[122][123]
Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI 11)[122][123]
Sue Myrick (R-NC 9)[122][123]
Walter Herger (R-CA 2)[122][123]
Peter Hoekstra (R-MI 2)
Tim Holden (D-PA 17)[122][123]
Duncan Hunter (R-CA 52)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK 1)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA 6)
Bobby Jindal (R-LA 1)
Timothy Johnson (R-IL 15)[122][123]
John Kasich (R-OH 12)
Larry Kissell (D-NC 8)[122][123]
Jon Kyl (R-AZ 4)
Jeff Landry (R-LA 3)[122][123]
Steven LaTourette (R-OH 14)[122][123]
Jerry Lewis (R-CA 41)[122][123]
Trent Lott (R-MS 5)
Daniel Lungren (R-CA 3)[122][123]
Jim Marshall (D-GA 3)
John McCain (R-AZ 1)
Jerry Moran (R-KS 1)
Marilyn Musgrave[150] (R-CO 4)
Adam H. Putnam (R-FL 12)
George Radanovich (R-CA 19)
Bob Riley (R-AL 3)
Pat Roberts (R-KS 1)
Ron Paul (R-TX 14)[122][123]
Todd Platts (R-PA 19)[122][123]
Mike Pence (R-IN 6))[122][123]
Ben Quayle (R-AZ 3)[122][123]
David Rivera (R-FL 25)[122][123]
Mike Ross (D-AR 4)[122][123]
Rick Santorum (R-PA 18)
Jean Schmidt (R-OH 2)[122][123]
Tim Scott (R-SC 1)[122][123]
John B. Shadegg (R-AZ 3)
Richard Shelby (R-AL 7)
Heath Shuler (D-NC 11)[122][123]
Clifford Stearns (R-FL 6)[122][123]
John Sullivan (R-OK 1)[122][123]
Jim Talent (R-MO2)
Gene Taylor (D-MS4)
Craig Thomas (R-WY)
John Thune (R-SD)
Todd Tiahrt (R-KS4)
Pat Toomey (R-PA15)
Bob Turner (R-NY 9)[122][123]
David Vitter (R-LA1)
Joe Walsh (R-IL 8)[122][123]
Zach Wamp (R-TN3)
J. C. Watts[151] (R-OK4)
Allen West (R-FL 22)[122][123]
Roger Wicker (R-MS1)

When I point out that a vast majority of African-Americans and Hispanics (who tend to vote democrat) are against gay marriage. Wouldn't this disprove every single thing you said? Of course it would. Why are you being so silly?

They're against it? You're making a huge mistake in your assessment (I'm shocked!). Seriously, most people try to hide their stupidity...you should join them. Both groups you identified voted overwhelmingly for President Obama--a marriage equality proponent. Both groups you identified voted overwhelmingly NOT to install a man, Mitt Romney, was was against marriage equality.

Your polling data may be right...I'm sure you could find it. What the poll doesn't show--and this isn't your fault--is how strongly they feel about it. It's called preference. Most people prefer a hetero marriage. I know, I'm one of them. Does that mean I am against marriage equality? No, it doesn't I am staunchly for granting same sex marriages the same legal rights that are afforded "traditional" couples.

The rhetorical question tactic is shockingly ineffective when you have no clue what you're talking about. You should get a clue.

I'm glad you pointed out that I could find polling data that supports my position that an overwhelming number of African-Americans and Hispanics are against gay marriage. We both know you wouldn't win that argument. Which is of course the point I was making. At least we agree with my fundamental assertion.
You also point out that both groups (blacks and hispanics) overwhelmingly decided not to vote for Romney. Is your assertion that both groups did not vote for Romney because he is against gay marriage? I hope it's just your petulance talking.
Let's see.... uhmmm.... the rest of your points were just angry rhetoric and sophomoric insults which actually supports my earlier comment about you're silliness so I'll just let that stand as further indication that I was right. Thank you for your participation.
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Benghazi, the IRS, tapping AP phones, and the leftist kooks resurrect Sarah Palin... The Democrat ship is sinking much faster than I expected.
Wow and I thought still referencing Bush to deflect from Obama was pathetic but to actually reference Palin to try and do so that takes pathetic to a whole level.

i cant figure out why some on the left are so scared of this woman.....i sure as hell would not vote for her....i would not even consider her....:eusa_eh:

Careful...........I almost had you..........I'm watching

and im still waiting.....you got that proof yet?....
Benghazi, the IRS, tapping AP phones, and the leftist kooks resurrect Sarah Palin... The Democrat ship is sinking much faster than I expected.

According to the survey, which was conducted Friday and Saturday, 53% of Americans say they approve of the job the president is doing, with 45% saying they disapprove. The president's approval rating was at 51% in CNN's last poll, which was conducted in early April.

"That two-point difference is well within the poll's sampling error, so it is a mistake to characterize it as a gain for the president," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Nonetheless, an approval rating that has not dropped and remains over 50% will probably be taken as good news by Democrats after the events of the last week."

CNN Poll: Controversies hurting Obama? Has GOP overreacted? ? CNN Political Ticker

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