"We no longer need to kill Bin Laden", claimed Presidential candidate Barack Obama

This is what burns the balls of ConJobs, Repugs and Teabaggers everywhere.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) abandoned Afghanistan, turning into an under funded, under manned military operation that languished for years.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) allowed bin laden to escape from Tora Bora.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) disbanded the group working to find bin laden.

It was President Obama who "If I have actionable Intelligence On The Location of Bin Laden and If Pakistan Is Unwilling or Unable To Act I WILL". Which is exactly what he did. He took action.

Obama did what the shrub and dick(less) failed to do, get bin laden.

Repugs failed. Obama did not.

It's fitting that a two-faced President feels confident he can attack the methods used but benefit from the ultimate results of his great victory.

Personally I think he's a low-ife scumbag for it.
This is what burns the balls of ConJobs, Repugs and Teabaggers everywhere.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) abandoned Afghanistan, turning into an under funded, under manned military operation that languished for years.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) allowed bin laden to escape from Tora Bora.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) disbanded the group working to find bin laden.

It was President Obama who "If I have actionable Intelligence On The Location of Bin Laden and If Pakistan Is Unwilling or Unable To Act I WILL". Which is exactly what he did. He took action.

Obama did what the shrub and dick(less) failed to do, get bin laden.

Repugs failed. Obama did not.

It's fitting that a two-faced President feels confident he can attack the methods used but benefit from the ultimate results of his great victory.

Personally I think he's a low-ife scumbag for it.

Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?
This is what burns the balls of ConJobs, Repugs and Teabaggers everywhere.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) abandoned Afghanistan, turning into an under funded, under manned military operation that languished for years.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) allowed bin laden to escape from Tora Bora.

The shrub and dead-eye dick(less) disbanded the group working to find bin laden.

It was President Obama who "If I have actionable Intelligence On The Location of Bin Laden and If Pakistan Is Unwilling or Unable To Act I WILL". Which is exactly what he did. He took action.

Obama did what the shrub and dick(less) failed to do, get bin laden.

Repugs failed. Obama did not.

It's fitting that a two-faced President feels confident he can attack the methods used but benefit from the ultimate results of his great victory.

Personally I think he's a low-ife scumbag for it.

Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?

This position merely reenforces that belief.

Only an Ideolog could look himself in the mirror and feel proud for acting this way.

Obama sortof thanked Bush privately but didn't offer one word of praise for his predecessor.

In my book that makes him a scumbag.
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Poor neocons...losing their fucking minds because Obama did what their dummy Shrub couldn't do.

The article posted is loaded with "IF's"...bottom line, the man is saying if all goes well, he'd preferred to capture Bin Laden.

Well, as the record shows, when Obama got into office, he put the CIA on the case.....reversing the Shrub's disbanding of the special office set up to get Bin Laden.....and after a lot of painstaking ground work, they got the job done ON PRESIDENT OBAMA'S orders.

Now folk can back and forth as to whether it was a straight up execution or a capture or kill mission...but the bottom line is that if the Shrub had pulled this off, toadies like Mud would be orgasming praise all over this board, and they wouldn't be kvetching about what might have been or trying to infer other that what was previously said.


Does it really matter???

As evidenced by the chronology of your posts on this thread, Mud...it matters greatly to YOU.

My choice would be to off the guy just to eliminate any show trials.

Its all about getting the votes.

He said this before he became president because that is what the voters wanted to hear. They wanted something other then bush.
Strange because what he said, is almost exactly the same thing Bush was saying by that time. "sure we want to kill him, but he is meaningless now"

Now he is lagging a bit. Did killing him boost him up or put him down?
He got about a 5% bump. Unless you look at the deliberately Skewed AP poll that sampled more democrats by a 2 to 1 margin, as compared to about 1.3 to 1 in the last poll before the Killing.

Timing is everything in politics. Bait and switch is nothing new.
Nope, and Neither is Obama. Hope and Change rules!!

That being said i am very happy and give him all credit for ordereding the kill shot.
It's fitting that a two-faced President feels confident he can attack the methods used but benefit from the ultimate results of his great victory.

Personally I think he's a low-ife scumbag for it.

Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?

I don't know Mud very well so can't speak for him.

However I can say this. While I have never liked much of Obama's Polices. I have never attacked him on a personnel level. The worst I have said is he is Kinda Arrogant, and seems very Ignorant about some issues. I have always thought he was a well meaning, Exceptionally Smart, good guy. Who simply believes in a model I do not.

After getting Osama I liked him even more.

But I have to admit I kinda understand what Mud Is saying. It does seam down right low life scumbagish to do. To actively go out and virtually take a early campaign "I killed Obama" Victory tour, When you opposed many of the Tactics that helped get him. When you wanted to close the Prison where lots of this info came from through regular Interrogations. When you personally ordered a closed investigation into some of the very same Patriots that did what had to be done to get that info.

Even if Obama had not opposed and attacked so much of what has led to killing Osama. I would think it distasteful to go out and try to benefit from it, or somehow claim sole Responsibility, that fact that he did and is. Makes him at Best a jack ass.:evil:
It's fitting that a two-faced President feels confident he can attack the methods used but benefit from the ultimate results of his great victory.

Personally I think he's a low-ife scumbag for it.

Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?

This position merely reenforces that belief.

Only an Ideolog could look himself in the mirror and feel proud for acting this way.

Obama thanked Bush privately but didn't offer one word of praise for his predecessor.

In my book that makes him a scumbag.

What's reinforced here is what a pathetic neocon toadie you are, Mud.

Obama succeeded where the Shrub FAILED...a matter of history, a matter of fact....and you want him to publically kiss the Shrub's ass for that? For what....pulling out troops from Tora Bora when we could have cornered Bin Laden? Disbanding the intelligence unit specifically designed to hunt down Bin Laden?

Grow up, Mud. The Shrub got the courtesy call, made a statement thanking the President. End of story. Deal with it.
It's fitting that a two-faced President feels confident he can attack the methods used but benefit from the ultimate results of his great victory.

Personally I think he's a low-ife scumbag for it.

Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?

I don't know Mud very well so can't speak for him.

However I can say this. While I have never liked much of Obama's Polices. I have never attacked him on a personnel level. The worst I have said is he is Kinda Arrogant, and seems very Ignorant about some issues. I have always thought he was a well meaning, Exceptionally Smart, good guy. Who simply believes in a model I do not.

After getting Osama I liked him even more.

But I have to admit I kinda understand what Mud Is saying. It does seam down right low life scumbagish to do. To actively go out and virtually take a early campaign "I killed Obama" Victory tour, When you opposed many of the Tactics that helped get him. When you wanted to close the Prison where lots of this info came from through regular Interrogations. When you personally ordered a closed investigation into some of the very same Patriots that did what had to be done to get that info.

Even if Obama had not opposed and attacked so much of what has led to killing Osama. I would think it distasteful to go out and try to benefit from it, or somehow claim sole Responsibility, that fact that he did and is. Makes him at Best a jack ass.:evil:

My thoughts exactly.

Obama tends to be opportunistic at best, and downright dishonest as well as classless as predicted.
Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?

This position merely reenforces that belief.

Only an Ideolog could look himself in the mirror and feel proud for acting this way.

Obama thanked Bush privately but didn't offer one word of praise for his predecessor.

In my book that makes him a scumbag.

What's reinforced here is what a pathetic neocon toadie you are, Mud.

Obama succeeded where the Shrub FAILED...a matter of history, a matter of fact....and you want him to publically kiss the Shrub's ass for that? For what....pulling out troops from Tora Bora when we could have cornered Bin Laden? Disbanding the intelligence unit specifically designed to hunt down Bin Laden?

Grow up, Mud. The Shrub got the courtesy call, made a statement thanking the President. End of story. Deal with it.

Pretty funny in the first line you call someone else a pathetic Toadie and then in the very next line. You show yourself to be the same by claiming your Super President did it on his own, with no help from the Previous Admin.

Oh and according to one of UBL's wives. They escaped Afghan before Tora Bora.
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Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?

This position merely reenforces that belief.

Only an Ideolog could look himself in the mirror and feel proud for acting this way.

Obama thanked Bush privately but didn't offer one word of praise for his predecessor.

In my book that makes him a scumbag.

What's reinforced here is what a pathetic neocon toadie you are, Mud.

Obama succeeded where the Shrub FAILED...a matter of history, a matter of fact....and you want him to publically kiss the Shrub's ass for that? For what....pulling out troops from Tora Bora when we could have cornered Bin Laden? Disbanding the intelligence unit specifically designed to hunt down Bin Laden?

Grow up, Mud. The Shrub got the courtesy call, made a statement thanking the President. End of story. Deal with it.

You have to do a google search to find out that Obama told Bush anything, much less thanked him.

Bush said it was good that UBL was dead and Bush thanked Obama for the call.

Too bad Obama doesn't have the class to thank Bush in return.
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I guess it's time to beat a dead horse.

If you are right then Obama ordered the execution of an unarmed and possibly innocent man.

Isn't that a criminal act?

And, here we come to the crux of the matter. You're literally defending Osama Bin Laden against American aggression.

Good work!

Obama also said the war in Iraq was lost, but once in office he tried to take credit for the "win and drawdown" that began under Bush.

He is the clown that will talk crap about something, but then act like it was his idea once he realizes it actually worked.
I guess it's time to beat a dead horse.

If you are right then Obama ordered the execution of an unarmed and possibly innocent man.

Isn't that a criminal act?

And, here we come to the crux of the matter. You're literally defending Osama Bin Laden against American aggression.

Good work!


That would be true if I thought he was right.

But since he's wrong I guess that makes you.....dumb. :lol::lol::lol:

I noticed you neglected to include the post I was responding to so it couldn't be viewed in it's proper context.

That makes you a lying a-hole as well.
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It's fitting that a two-faced President feels confident he can attack the methods used but benefit from the ultimate results of his great victory.

Personally I think he's a low-ife scumbag for it.

Please, you had that opinion long before now didn't you?

I don't know Mud very well so can't speak for him.

However I can say this. While I have never liked much of Obama's Polices. I have never attacked him on a personnel level. The worst I have said is he is Kinda Arrogant, and seems very Ignorant about some issues. I have always thought he was a well meaning, Exceptionally Smart, good guy. Who simply believes in a model I do not.

After getting Osama I liked him even more.

But I have to admit I kinda understand what Mud Is saying. It does seam down right low life scumbagish to do. To actively go out and virtually take a early campaign "I killed Obama" Victory tour, When you opposed many of the Tactics that helped get him. When you wanted to close the Prison where lots of this info came from through regular Interrogations. When you personally ordered a closed investigation into some of the very same Patriots that did what had to be done to get that info.

Even if Obama had not opposed and attacked so much of what has led to killing Osama. I would think it distasteful to go out and try to benefit from it, or somehow claim sole Responsibility, that fact that he did and is. Makes him at Best a jack ass.:evil:

Even if Obama had not opposed and attacked so much of what has led to killing Osama. I would think it distasteful to go out and try to benefit from it, or somehow claim sole Responsibility, that fact that he did and is. Makes him at Best a jack ass

So let me get this straight....the previous administration TWICE took measures that insured Bin Laden's escape and continued existence as an Al Qaeda leader/figure head...and then virtually abandoned looking for him as public enemy #1.

Obama didn't....he did the reverse....and made the final decision to capture/kill with the strike force rather than bomb the shit out of the area and accrue collateral damage.

His call, his action, his accolades.

Like it or not, Presidents that lead and succeed during conflict benefit in the polls...a matter of historical fact.

To call Obama a "jackass" is at best childish...when you compare his announcement to the Shrub's bogus "mission accomplished" landing on an aircraft carrier, or his publishing the photos of Hussein's dead kin.
Obama also said the war in Iraq was lost, but once in office he tried to take credit for the "win and drawdown" that began under Bush.

He is the clown that will talk crap about something, but then act like it was his idea once he realizes it actually worked.


GoneBezerk is all Rove campaign slander and NO documented, valid FACTS.

Bottom line: Obama succeeded where the Shrub FAILED.....living up to a campaign promise where the Shrub could not. And the neocon peanut gallery/punditry and politicos are just losing their fucking minds about it! :razz:
So let me get this straight....the previous administration TWICE took measures that insured Bin Laden's escape and continued existence as an Al Qaeda leader/figure head...and then virtually abandoned looking for him as public enemy #1.

Yo Vern

The was no fucking evidence that he was public enemy #1. However the perception that he was :

"The “War on terror”
has given birth to the PATRIOT Act, renditions, secret camps, torture, assassination, illegal invasions foreign and domestic, the TSA… a veritable wish list of government powers, created solely on the basis of fearing the Bearded One. "

This position merely reenforces that belief.

Only an Ideolog could look himself in the mirror and feel proud for acting this way.

Obama thanked Bush privately but didn't offer one word of praise for his predecessor.

In my book that makes him a scumbag.

What's reinforced here is what a pathetic neocon toadie you are, Mud.

Obama succeeded where the Shrub FAILED...a matter of history, a matter of fact....and you want him to publically kiss the Shrub's ass for that? For what....pulling out troops from Tora Bora when we could have cornered Bin Laden? Disbanding the intelligence unit specifically designed to hunt down Bin Laden?

Grow up, Mud. The Shrub got the courtesy call, made a statement thanking the President. End of story. Deal with it.

You have to do a google search to find out that Obama told Bush anything, much less thanked him.

Bush said it was good that UBL was dead and Bush thanked Obama for the call.

Too bad Obama doesn't have the class to thank Bush in return.

You're either ignorant of the facts or a liar, Mud. EVERY major news outlet carried the story of Obama calling the Shrub, and the Shrub's subsequent public statement/kudos about that. I didn't have to google that, as I saw it on the local 6:00 p.m. news. If you want, I can supply you with the links that back up what I say.

Bottom line: Obama succeeded where the Shrub failed....making good on a campaign promise where the Shrub could not...and it's just making little neocon heads like yours spew steam out of the ears! :razz:
Idiots that claim Bush let UBL escape are full of BS.

The CIA and Delta Force had UBL cornered in Tora Bora but the local Afghans pulled a stunt on us by not allowing our people to continue to the fight, which allowed UBL escape. It was either the CIA and Delta Force guys shoot it out with our so-called ally to get past them or try another day to get UBL.

Now, shut the hell up about Bush letting UBL escape. I doubt Obama would've ordered his 30 CIA and Delta Force guys to shoot it out with over 100 local Afghans that wouldn't let us continue the fight.
Idiots that claim Bush let UBL escape are full of BS.

The CIA and Delta Force had UBL cornered in Tora Bora but the local Afghans pulled a stunt on us by not allowing our people to continue to the fight, .


Again, Usamah was useful to the War Party while he was alive. He was the boogey man which allowed the administrations to transfer $$$$$$$$$$$ to the war profiteers while allowing them to decrease our Constitutional rights.

According to US Army Col David Hunt, the powers-that-be- simply allowed him to escape.

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Hmmm, ok nutjob.

Idiots that claim Bush let UBL escape are full of BS.

The CIA and Delta Force had UBL cornered in Tora Bora but the local Afghans pulled a stunt on us by not allowing our people to continue to the fight, .


Again, Usamah was useful to the War Party while he was alive. He was the boogey man which allow the administrations to transfer $$$$$$$$$$$ to the war profiteers while allowing them to decrease our Constitutional rights.

According to US Army Col David Hunt, the powers-that-be- simply allowed him to escape.


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