"We no longer need to kill Bin Laden", claimed Presidential candidate Barack Obama


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Jul 21, 2009
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"We no longer need to kill Bin Laden", claims Barack Obama

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 9:34 AM on 15th January 2009

Barack Obama has claimed it is no longer necessary to kill Osama Bin Laden to win the war against al-Qaeda.

In an unprecedented departure from the current wanted 'dead or alive policy,' the U.S. President-Elect said that simply keeping bin Laden holed up in a cave was enough to keep America safe.

'My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him,' he said.

'But if we have so tightened his noose that he's in a cave somewhere and can't even communicate with his operatives then we will meet our goal of protecting America.

'I think that we have to so weaken (his) infrastructure that, whether he is technically alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function.

'I'm confident that we can keep them on the run and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland.

Mr Obama's comments mark a significant move away from the policy pursued by President Bush since the al-Qaeda attacks of September 11 and which he himself endorsed during the election campaign.

This is what Obama said before he became President.

Sounds kind of like what Bush said in 06', doesn't it?

Was he telling the truth then or is he now?

Listen folks. You can't have it both ways. Ether Obama was lying when he said this or he was telling the truth, which means at the time getting UBL wasn't all that important to him.

Bush won't be afforded the same consideration but Obama gets a pass.

We're being told by the White House that getting UBL was their number one priority. As is immigration, sealing the BP oil leak, and every other issue that comes up. All of them are described as this Administration's number on priority.

So get your story straight people. Maybe if the truth started seeping in you'd stop pounding your chests like a bunch of Chicken hawks.

We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama | Mail Online
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He just changed his mind...like he did on everything else he campaigned on! But it's ok cause it's obama - so we don't have to worry about this stuff, he'll take care of everything (sarcasm off).
Its all about getting the votes.

He said this before he became president because that is what the voters wanted to hear. They wanted something other then bush.

Now he is lagging a bit. Did killing him boost him up or put him down?

Timing is everything in politics. Bait and switch is nothing new.

That being said i am very happy and give him all credit for ordereding the kill shot.


"We no longer need to kill Bin Laden", claims Barack Obama

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 9:34 AM on 15th January 2009

Barack Obama has claimed it is no longer necessary to kill Osama Bin Laden to win the war against al-Qaeda.

In an unprecedented departure from the current wanted 'dead or alive policy,' the U.S. President-Elect said that simply keeping bin Laden holed up in a cave was enough to keep America safe.

'My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him,' he said.

'But if we have so tightened his noose that he's in a cave somewhere and can't even communicate with his operatives then we will meet our goal of protecting America.

'I think that we have to so weaken (his) infrastructure that, whether he is technically alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function.

'I'm confident that we can keep them on the run and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland.

Mr Obama's comments mark a significant move away from the policy pursued by President Bush since the al-Qaeda attacks of September 11 and which he himself endorsed during the election campaign.

This is what Obama said before he became President.

Sounds kind of like what Bush said in 06', doesn't it?

Was he telling the truth then or is he now?

Listen folks. You can't have it both ways. Ether Obama was lying when he said this or he was telling the truth, which means at the time getting UBL wasn't all that important to him.

Bush won't be afforded the same consideration but Obama gets a pass.

We're being told by the White House that getting UBL was their number one priority. As is immigration, sealing the BP oil leak, and every other issue that comes up. All of them are described as this Administration's number on priority.

So get your story straight people. Maybe if the truth started seeping in you'd stop pounding your chests like a bunch of Chicken hawks.

We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama | Mail Online

You ever give consideration to the possibility that Obama's opinions on a few things simply changed once he was in the Oval and had access to more intel?

Look, I don't agree with Obama on much, but credit where credit is due. And "the mean old liberals don't give Bush credit " isn't valid. Who cares what they give or don't give?
I'm glad he changed his mind, he did say in the article though that his preference would be to capture or kill him though.
Its all about getting the votes.

He said this before he became president because that is what the voters wanted to hear. They wanted something other then bush.

Now he is lagging a bit. Did killing him boost him up or put him down?

Timing is everything in politics. Bait and switch is nothing new.

That being said i am very happy and give him all credit for ordereding the kill shot.

He was ready to lawyer up UBL, so I doubt he ordered "The Kill Shot".
In the debate with McSame, Candidate Obama said that if had actionable intelligence as to the whereabouts of Bin Laden and that if Pakistan was unwilling or unable to take action against bin laden, he (Obama) would "take the necessary action". Which is exactly what he did.

This just another repug bitching because the shrub gave up on bin laden. Disbanded the group that was looking for bin laden and "I just don't think about him that much" as georgie said.

Obama did exactly what he said he would do, that just plain burns the asses of ConJobs, Repugs and Teabaggers everywhere.
Its all about getting the votes.

He said this before he became president because that is what the voters wanted to hear. They wanted something other then bush.

Now he is lagging a bit. Did killing him boost him up or put him down?

Timing is everything in politics. Bait and switch is nothing new.

That being said i am very happy and give him all credit for ordereding the kill shot.

He was already elected when he said that. That's what president-elect means.


"We no longer need to kill Bin Laden", claims Barack Obama

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 9:34 AM on 15th January 2009

Barack Obama has claimed it is no longer necessary to kill Osama Bin Laden to win the war against al-Qaeda.

In an unprecedented departure from the current wanted 'dead or alive policy,' the U.S. President-Elect said that simply keeping bin Laden holed up in a cave was enough to keep America safe.

'My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him,' he said.

'But if we have so tightened his noose that he's in a cave somewhere and can't even communicate with his operatives then we will meet our goal of protecting America.

'I think that we have to so weaken (his) infrastructure that, whether he is technically alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function.

'I'm confident that we can keep them on the run and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland.

Mr Obama's comments mark a significant move away from the policy pursued by President Bush since the al-Qaeda attacks of September 11 and which he himself endorsed during the election campaign.

This is what Obama said before he became President.

Sounds kind of like what Bush said in 06', doesn't it?

Was he telling the truth then or is he now?

Listen folks. You can't have it both ways. Ether Obama was lying when he said this or he was telling the truth, which means at the time getting UBL wasn't all that important to him.

Bush won't be afforded the same consideration but Obama gets a pass.

We're being told by the White House that getting UBL was their number one priority. As is immigration, sealing the BP oil leak, and every other issue that comes up. All of them are described as this Administration's number on priority.

So get your story straight people. Maybe if the truth started seeping in you'd stop pounding your chests like a bunch of Chicken hawks.

We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama | Mail Online

You ever give consideration to the possibility that Obama's opinions on a few things simply changed once he was in the Oval and had access to more intel?

Look, I don't agree with Obama on much, but credit where credit is due. And "the mean old liberals don't give Bush credit " isn't valid. Who cares what they give or don't give?

I considered it. I also remember several times some on the left here claiming that Bush was the one who dropped looking for Bin Laden. I also know that because Obama hardly mentioned him UBL played a very small part in his mind. He was mostly concerned with health care, taking over the private sector, and spreading the wealth. This practically fell into his lap.

I think we all need to get real. This is Obama's only military act that shows he's decisive....the strange part is it's on an issue he deplores deeply. Everywhere else in foreign affairs he's a no-show. He's lingered on Afghanistan, he's bailed on Libya, and we'
re still currently in Iraq. The Middle East is in turmoil and he is powerless to do anything about it. But this take-down is supposed to prove he's not the spineless, wishy-washy leader he appears to be. Well it doesn't.
Its all about getting the votes.

He said this before he became president because that is what the voters wanted to hear. They wanted something other then bush.

Now he is lagging a bit. Did killing him boost him up or put him down?

Timing is everything in politics. Bait and switch is nothing new.

That being said i am very happy and give him all credit for ordereding the kill shot.

He was already elected when he said that. That's what president-elect means.


Which means maybe he was being more honest then.
Well, that was before he was the proud owner of 35,000,000 unemployed, $5 gas, inflation, $14,000,000,000,000 debt, Obamacare, collapsed dollar and a 38% approval rating.

This shit changes everything.
In the debate with McSame, Candidate Obama said that if had actionable intelligence as to the whereabouts of Bin Laden and that if Pakistan was unwilling or unable to take action against bin laden, he (Obama) would "take the necessary action". Which is exactly what he did.

This just another repug bitching because the shrub gave up on bin laden. Disbanded the group that was looking for bin laden and "I just don't think about him that much" as georgie said.

Obama did exactly what he said he would do, that just plain burns the asses of ConJobs, Repugs and Teabaggers everywhere.

Which time?

The time he said UBL wasn't important or the time he said he would invade Pakistan to get him. It seems that Obama felt he was important before he was elected, but not so much afterward. What changed his mind? And what changed his mind again?

Btw, are you now supporting the unilateral invasion of a sovereign nation?
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May 09, 2011
Is Obama a Serial Liar?

By Nancy Morgan

Accusing someone of lying is a serious matter. Especially when that someone is the President of the United States. Charges of that nature should be leveled based only on absolute proof of a deliberate statement, intentionally made, whose sole purpose is to deceive. Based on this criterion, President Obama is a liar. Demonstrably so. And a disturbing pattern is emerging that allows for the possibility that our president is a serial liar. Consider:

In just the last month, Obama has made several statements that are just not so. Statements made to the American public that were in direct conflict with known facts.

In April, Obama flatly stated that implementing ObamaCare will reduce the deficit by $1 trillion. A day later, the Congressional Budget Office reported that statement was 'incorrect,' pegging the "deficit savings" at $210 billion over 10 years.

In the same April 15 speech, Obama stated that the tax burden on the wealthy is the lowest it has been in 50 years. A simple fact-check proves him wrong. Obama did not correct his false statement and the media didn't either.

In January of 2009, Obama stated that it was no longer necessary to kill Osama bin Laden to win the war against al-Qaeda. On May 1, 2011, after the successful raid by Navy Seals that killed bin Laden, Obama told the nation that he made the capture or killing of Osama bin Laden a "top priority," and had instructed CIA Chief Leon Panetta to make this job number one. Which statement is correct?

Last week, several of my friends asked me if I believed that bin Laden was really dead. The questions weren't surprising, considering the mass of misinformation and conflicting accounts of bin Laden's death now emanating from the White House. It appears the question of bin Laden's demise was only settled after al Qaeda issued a statement confirming it.

What does it say about Obama's credibility when the pro-Arab al Jazeera media reports are given more credibility than our own president? Maybe that's why Columbia School of Journalism just awarded al Jazeera a journalism prize.

Giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, I'll allow for the possibility that he underwent a drastic change of heart and altered his position on bin Laden. It happens. But when added to the increasing number of statements Obama continues to make that defy reality, the facts, and common sense, I'm more inclined to believe Obama's "mis-statements" are a deliberate effort to deceive the American people.

American Thinker: Is Obama a Serial Liar?

It's clear that Obama has a problem with the truth. Every day he floats some juicy tidbit about the raid. Now he claims he planned the size of the unit that went in because he wanted them to be able to fight their way out if necessary.

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That was back when Obama thought he was going to change the world and bring down Al Qaida with diplomacy.
Hahahahaha. Candidate Obama proves once again how reasonable thought wins out!

Good job.

"My preference is to .... kill him"

See how selective editing works?
"We no longer need to kill Bin Laden", claimed Presidential candidate Barack Obama

Here's what happened:

Panetta: Hey, Barry! We might know where OBL is!
Obama: You found my oboe from Elementary School?
Panetta: No, no. Osama bin Laden!
Obama: What do you mean? I'm right here.
Panetta: No, the terrorist. You know, public enemy #1?
Obama: Sarah Palin?
Panetta: Look Barry, he's a real bad guy and we think we know where he is. If we took him out, it could mean big political points for you.
Obama: Now I'm listening! So what do you want me to do?
Panetta: Just give the order to take him out.
Obama: Give the order to who exactly?
Panetta: The military!
Obama: The military? But I don't like the military. They attack some of my biggest supporters and take money away from important social programs like abortion and New Orleans.
Panetta: Look Barry, it's just one guy. And he's a member of Al Qaeda, so it's real important that we take him out.
Obama: Al Qaeda? Isn't he a Muslim? Muslims are our friends. Will this affect the building of the Mosque at Ground Zero?
Panetta: Barry, it'll be okay. Look, do you want to do this or not?
Obama: I don't know. Let me ask Michelle. Just minute.


Obama: Michelle just found out that Obama Laden or whatever his name is has a bunch of children and they don't get enough exercise. She's pretty pissed. She says take him out, but I won't like it.
Panetta: It's okay, Barry. You've made the right decision. We'll let you know when the mission begins.
Obama: Okay, but just remember I have Tee Time every afternoon at 3:00 p.m. and I can't be disturbed.
Panetta: No problem. We know your schedule. Take care. You won't regret this.
Obama: What Michelle? Oprah is on the other line? Okay, Leon. I've gotta take this other call. Bye.
Its all about getting the votes.

He said this before he became president because that is what the voters wanted to hear. They wanted something other then bush.

Now he is lagging a bit. Did killing him boost him up or put him down?

Timing is everything in politics. Bait and switch is nothing new.

That being said i am very happy and give him all credit for ordereding the kill shot.

They knew where Bin Laden was since last August. This take out was totally political.

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