We can stop Monsanto

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
How Do We Stop Monsanto? It's as Easy as This... - Forward Progressives

If you want to stop the beast, stop feeding it. Stop buying your food from Wal-Mart and the big box stores. Instead, buy from a local backyard farmer, local co-op, or take the time to fill a pot with some earth and plant some seeds (preferably non-GMO). Grow your own and share with your neighbors. Not only will you do some real damage to Monsanto, but you’ll also strengthen your community. That’s the only way to take the monster down.

See more: How Do We Stop Monsanto? It’s as Easy as This… How Do We Stop Monsanto? It's as Easy as This... - Forward Progressives

Printable List of Monsanto Owned ?Food? Producers | The Mind Unleashed
Refusing to purchase Monsanto products? Dang Luddly...your choice is your right. Good one on ya.
Some of those local farmers may be Democrats and we all know Democrats are required to lie. Therefore some of them may be using Monsanto seeds instead of saving some of the rejects from their own last year's harvest.

That leaves you with only one safe approach: Stop eating.
Monsanto is being attacked for attempting to protect proprietary products.
If a company invests 3Billion in a strain of vegetable with a better shelf life, they shouldn't have their intellectual capital ripped off by everyone that plants a seed from a bell pepper. So they make the seeds sterile. And REQUEST that farmers buy seed from them.

THAT is untenable to the neo-anarchist tastes of the eco-left. They have a RIGHT to plant and re-plant ANYTHING they want. Just like they THINK they have a right to rip off any music they want and have a govt provide them with free education and internet and medical care, etc...
Monsanto is being attacked for attempting to protect proprietary products.
If a company invests 3Billion in a strain of vegetable with a better shelf life, they shouldn't have their intellectual capital ripped off by everyone that plants a seed from a bell pepper. So they make the seeds sterile. And REQUEST that farmers buy seed from them.

THAT is untenable to the neo-anarchist tastes of the eco-left. They have a RIGHT to plant and re-plant ANYTHING they want. Just like they THINK they have a right to rip off any music they want and have a govt provide them with free education and internet and medical care, etc...

What works for hydraulic fracturing should work for Monsanto. Or Ron Santo. Go Cubs!

In both cases we're dealing with minute infinitesimal tweaks to nature's formulae.

While the public misses the big picture... agriculture at large.

The agriculture industry is the one true destroyer of environments. Not hydrocarbons.

Agriculture. The fucker-upper of Mother Earther.
Monsanto is being attacked for attempting to protect proprietary products.
If a company invests 3Billion in a strain of vegetable with a better shelf life, they shouldn't have their intellectual capital ripped off by everyone that plants a seed from a bell pepper. So they make the seeds sterile. And REQUEST that farmers buy seed from them.

THAT is untenable to the neo-anarchist tastes of the eco-left. They have a RIGHT to plant and re-plant ANYTHING they want. Just like they THINK they have a right to rip off any music they want and have a govt provide them with free education and internet and medical care, etc...

What works for hydraulic fracturing should work for Monsanto. Or Ron Santo. Go Cubs!

In both cases we're dealing with minute infinitesimal tweaks to nature's formulae.

While the public misses the big picture... agriculture at large.

The agriculture industry is the one true destroyer of environments. Not hydrocarbons.

Agriculture. The fucker-upper of Mother Earther.

And Bio-Engineering IS (not maybe) a tool to change that scenario. Less fertilizers, less pesticides, less run-off and waste. But the Eco-frauds acting like scared primitives, just don't really care about the science or technology. They just want corporate interest out of every aspect of their lives. Try finding a "locally grown" pineapple.

This Green Party socialist concept of "LOCAL" commerce is an eco-fraud in itself. Instead of the big four paint or tire companies, they believe all goods are better manufactured small and local. That requires LARGE INVESTMENT in enviro mitigation in every nook and cranny of the country. Rather than at say 12 LARGE plants. It's a game to them. Like they are playing Farmville or Sim City.
Have I been smoking crack today?

or did one of our far leftist whack jobs just vomit forth some conservative theory about monsanto

a company my far right buddy fears is going to kill us all
Have I been smoking crack today?

or did one of our far leftist whack jobs just vomit forth some conservative theory about monsanto

a company my far right buddy fears is going to kill us all

There are Monsanto whackos on both sides.

That's what happens, when you go so far right that you meet the far left on the other side.
Monsanto is a publically traded company. Why doesn't the solution ever involve buying shares in the company and changing it via the stockholders instead of boycotting or pushing for new laws?
Have I been smoking crack today?

or did one of our far leftist whack jobs just vomit forth some conservative theory about monsanto

a company my far right buddy fears is going to kill us all

There are Monsanto whackos on both sides.

That's what happens, when you go so far right that you meet the far left on the other side.

while I'm suspicious of them, mostly b/c there's nothing wrong with our food, and the idea that dna altered rice will feed the poor in hellholes is bunk and they are making billions off of it, I don't see them as any more of a threat to the world than any fear mongers
Have I been smoking crack today?

or did one of our far leftist whack jobs just vomit forth some conservative theory about monsanto

a company my far right buddy fears is going to kill us all

Yes it actually happened. Both sides are the same at the end of the day though.
while I'm suspicious of them, mostly b/c there's nothing wrong with our food, and the idea that dna altered rice will feed the poor in hellholes is bunk and they are making billions off of it, I don't see them as any more of a threat to the world than any fear mongers

Part of me agrees with you, but the rest of me says we are both wrong. It is a complicated issue.

The newer foods have greater calories in them, but are not nutritionally as balanced. The miracle seeds (not just Monsanto seeds) require a lot more fertilizer and water to maintain the new "abundance". We are draining our aquifers down and are experiencing an unsustainable rise in chemical fertilizer demand as known phosphorous reserves are being rapidly depleted. Despite our arrogance that tells us otherwise and you and me being safe, there will be a few generations from now a Malthusian food supply cliff society falls off of because of the reliance on agribusiness.

Even beyond those aspects of it, franken food tastes like nothing. We are giving up good flavor in favor of abundant output of blah flavored foods. Seriously, I cannot grow stuff fast enough for all the people who want the flavor of freshly picked, local-grown food from me.

I didn't see it online yet, but The Mother Earth News has a good article on this in this month's issue, focusing on farmers in India who break the law by refusing to grow new seeds, preferring the more flavorful and drought resistant older strands.
I wish it surprised me that some cons are in favor of a huge mega-corp pushing small families farmers out of business so they can get about trashing the planet.

But I'm not.
How Do We Stop Monsanto? It's as Easy as This... - Forward Progressives

If you want to stop the beast, stop feeding it. Stop buying your food from Wal-Mart and the big box stores. Instead, buy from a local backyard farmer, local co-op, or take the time to fill a pot with some earth and plant some seeds (preferably non-GMO). Grow your own and share with your neighbors. Not only will you do some real damage to Monsanto, but you’ll also strengthen your community. That’s the only way to take the monster down.

See more: How Do We Stop Monsanto? It’s as Easy as This… How Do We Stop Monsanto? It's as Easy as This... - Forward Progressives
Printable List of Monsanto Owned ?Food? Producers | The Mind Unleashed

I was running with some grain haulers on the backroads of Illinois...they are all planting non-gmo corn and soy beans.


Because they pay better.

Folks don't want GMO, they are willing to pay more to get non-gmo products...and farmers are responding.

They would be foolish not to.
Monsanto should not be permitted to have the monopoly on food. GMO's are banned in China and Russia. They should be banned in the USA as well.

As for the food grown in the USA. We don't need to fix what isn't broken. Monsanto is a train wreck.

- J.

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