Watch: When Idf Security Forces Finally Tracked Down Teens' Killers


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Following footage released by the Yamam elite counter-terrorism police unit showing the operation which killed the Hamas terrorists behind the brutal kidnap and murder of three Israeli teens in June, the IDF has released its own footage from the operation.
After a determined hunt for the killers - Marwan Kawasmeh and Amer Abu-Eisha - Shin Bet security services tracked them down to a compound in Hevron, not far from where the bodies of their victims, Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha'ar and Naftali Frenkel, were dumped.
After sealing off the house and attempting to arrest them, the terrorists opened fire - and were subsequently shot dead by Israeli security forces.

You would think, given they filmed the whole event, the IDF would be able to conclusively demonstrate that the Palestinians fired first. The only shooting I can see in that film comes from the IDF, just sayin...
You would think, given they filmed the whole event, the IDF would be able to conclusively demonstrate that the Palestinians fired first. The only shooting I can see in that film comes from the IDF, just sayin...
What does it matters to you anyway? I can prove you otherwise but you'll do anything to make us look like monsters, your 'just saying' means Israel sent the best police unit to assassinate two kids murderers - you groupies rush to save, disgusting.
When Israel assassinate a terrorist Israel always confirm / publish the information (the non classified) .
You would think, given they filmed the whole event, the IDF would be able to conclusively demonstrate that the Palestinians fired first. The only shooting I can see in that film comes from the IDF, just sayin...
What does it matters to you anyway? I can prove you otherwise but you'll do anything to make us look like monsters, your 'just saying' means Israel sent the best police unit to assassinate two kids murderers - you groupies rush to save, disgusting.
When Israel assassinate a terrorist Israel always confirm / publish the information (the non classified) .
Oh, so who fired first is classified information....ok, whatever. I suspect if these people had meekly surrendered, they'd have been "shot trying to escape", so no, it doesn't matter anyway, IDF murders whoever they like, whenever they like, just another day in Occupied Palestine.
Alleged, there was no trial

Were was the trial for the 3 Israeli boys then, or the 2 Israeli young men beaten to a pulp and then eaten in Ramallah.

Don't come that crap when you know they were as guilty as any other Palestinian muslim of terrorist crimes.
You would think, given they filmed the whole event, the IDF would be able to conclusively demonstrate that the Palestinians fired first. The only shooting I can see in that film comes from the IDF, just sayin...

Then you need better spectacles, the flashes are seen coming from the direction of the building, the IDF were facing away from the camera so no flashes could be seen from their weapons. Or are you going to start on with the latest ISLAMONAZI conspiracy theory that IDF guns can fire a round that turns through 180 degrees.
You would think, given they filmed the whole event, the IDF would be able to conclusively demonstrate that the Palestinians fired first. The only shooting I can see in that film comes from the IDF, just sayin...
What does it matters to you anyway? I can prove you otherwise but you'll do anything to make us look like monsters, your 'just saying' means Israel sent the best police unit to assassinate two kids murderers - you groupies rush to save, disgusting.
When Israel assassinate a terrorist Israel always confirm / publish the information (the non classified) .
Oh, so who fired first is classified information....ok, whatever. I suspect if these people had meekly surrendered, they'd have been "shot trying to escape", so no, it doesn't matter anyway, IDF murders whoever they like, whenever they like, just another day in Occupied Palestine.

Care to explain away the Palestinian murderers that are known to have mass murdered 5% of Palestine's population in recent years, not as part of a police operation to bring suspected murderers to court but as part of their religious commands to exterminate all non muslims from their land.
Alleged, there was no trial

Were was the trial for the 3 Israeli boys then, or the 2 Israeli young men beaten to a pulp and then eaten in Ramallah.

Don't come that crap when you know they were as guilty as any other Palestinian muslim of terrorist crimes.
Care to post a link to your claim that 2 people were "eaten in Ramallah"
I Believe its the 'Ramallah Lynch'


2000 Ramallah lynching - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
were they eaten as phoneyall claims?
Whether they were eaten or not doesn't matter. The fact that the soldiers were disemboweled should have been cause for Ramallah to be razed and torched along with everybody living there.
You would think, given they filmed the whole event, the IDF would be able to conclusively demonstrate that the Palestinians fired first. The only shooting I can see in that film comes from the IDF, just sayin...

And how many firefights have you been in, rodent? You think the producer and set director and cameraman get all set up and then say "action" so they can get a nice clear shot of the bad guys firing first? You spend too much time watching TV and Hollywood, junior. It doesn't happen that way in real life!
were they eaten as phoneyall claims?
Actually yes, not the expected Cannibalism picture you have in mind but as act of pure monstrosity they ripped parts from their corpses remains after they shred whats left of them [Second Video] - some bite it, didn't check if they swallowed.
You would think, given they filmed the whole event, the IDF would be able to conclusively demonstrate that the Palestinians fired first. The only shooting I can see in that film comes from the IDF, just sayin...

And how many firefights have you been in, rodent? You think the producer and set director and cameraman get all set up and then say "action" so they can get a nice clear shot of the bad guys firing first? You spend too much time watching TV and Hollywood, junior. It doesn't happen that way in real life!
As it happens, enough to know it only counts as a "fire fight" if the opponent fires back. In my day they didn't have helmet or vest cams, looks like the IDF missed another opportunity to show it's "moral values" as the "most moral army in the world".
The video is not the footage but part of an article by Arutz 7 news outlet.
Here is the official footage released.

So cut your lies @Challenger, I bet you didn't even watch the video @Vigilante posted in the OT, because there is not a single shot recorded [ONLY SOUND] so obviously its impossible to tell who shot first, such a pathetic little liar you are.

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