Washington Free Beacon Funded Fusion GPS

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Why did Bill Kristol & Washington Free Beacon want Trump to lose & Hillary to win?? Did Hillary pay them off too?? get on it Mueller!
Bill Kristol: Never Trumpers Should 'Rebrand' as 'Liberals' - Breitbart

According to a New York Times report, Kristol “said he had begun informal conversations about creating a ‘Committee Not to Renominate the President.’”

“We need to take one shot at liberating the Republican Party from Trump, and conservatism from Trumpism,” Kristol told the liberal Times reporters before tweeting that the “task in 2020” is to oust Trump.
My understanding is the Washington Free Beacon actually was doing opposition research, wasn't until Hillary and her pals got involved that the "opposition research" turned into "let's just make shit up".

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