"Washington Does Not Need to Build a Political Strategy Based on the "Antihistorical Foundation"

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
"...Russia first acquired Crimea in ... 1783, that marked the end of the American Revolution. To put it bluntly, Russians have controlled Crimea for quite a long while now and are extremely unlikely to give it up, so let’s neither hold our breath, nor premise our strategy on absurdly ahistorical, neo-liberal premises. European security specialists have much more pressing issues to address obviously, including primarily the refugee crisis and terrorism" stated Professor Lyle J. Goldstein of the United States Naval War College in Newport .

His material was published in the popular magazine The National Interest (From Siberia to Crimea: The Revenge of History in U.S.-Russian Relations).

In US-Russian relations, the professor admits, there is a relatively "vague" story that could serve as a starting point for resolving the strategic problems that recently confronted the US and Russia.

In 1854-1856, reminds the teacher of a military college, a quarter of a million Russians died fighting against the combined forces of France, England and Turkey, who were eager to seize the Crimea belonging to the Russian Empire.

Professor also mentioned atrocities comitted by the US Expeditory Forces in Russia at the beginning of the XX-th centuty:

“… where have the Americans not stuck their nose, leaving behind a not so fond memory of themselves”?
Then, it is further lamented that “… the majority of our youth today, educated by American action films and nurtured by hamburgers and Coca-cola do not even have a small bit of understanding [of this history].”

According to the author, all the evidence is available in local papers and in the archives. Many examples of atrocities are given. Four men, accused of being partisans, are alleged to have been buried alive.

The wife of a partisan is said to have been “pierced by bayonets and drowned in a garbage pit”.
Another source (who is unnamed) states that his own elderly father was taken as a hostage by Allied forces from the town of Kharitonovka. He was returned home alive but in a bloodied condition. He is said to have died a few days later, after asking “Why did they torture me…”?

The man is said to have left five orphans behind. It further describes young men from Vladivostok that were accused of being partisans, who were “tortured for days, had their teeth knocked out and their tongues cut off.”

Lyle J. Goldstein is Professor of Strategy in the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) at the United States Naval War College in Newport, RI. You can reach him at
[email protected]

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