Was MTV a thing for you?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I was in my teens in the 80's and loved MTV.

Back when artists kept their stupid fucking politics to themselves.

Yeah I know music had it's political undertones but unless that's what you were looking for it was easily ignored.

A great ALBUM that is now soiled by his image but I fondly remember the days when it was just music
We watched MTV when it started, I was 20 then(1981), we simply brought in the trash can and partied till we were no more. Later when they started playing Shi-tay music, we turned down the TV and turned up the stereo for party music.
MTV was great, like listening to a 70's album rock station, until they started playing Micheal Jackson.
After that it was all down hill.
MTV used to be great. Now it's a pile of shit. But they do play music videos late at night, after 1:00am.
Really I had no idea that they even played videos anymore. Is VH1 even still around?
I was in my teens in the 80's and loved MTV.

Back when artists kept their stupid fucking politics to themselves.

Yeah I know music had it's political undertones but unless that's what you were looking for it was easily ignored.

A great ALBUM that is now soiled by his image but I fondly remember the days when it was just music

In the 80s yes, when pop and rock were still fresh and good and videos were new.
We watched MTV when it started, I was 20 then(1981), we simply brought in the trash can and partied till we were no more. Later when they started playing Shi-tay music, we turned down the TV and turned up the stereo for party music.
I was in a foster home when it launched. I remember it was better than pizza. Lol
You know, when MTV first started off, they were mainly videos and were a pretty good channel to have in the background.

Then..........a couple of years later, they started to do "reality" shows and game shows, and the music videos suffered. Now? Pretty much unwatchable unless it's late at night.

Here is the very first video ever played by MTV. It's the one they launched the channel with..................

I was in my teens in the 80's and loved MTV.

Back when artists kept their stupid fucking politics to themselves.

Yeah I know music had it's political undertones but unless that's what you were looking for it was easily ignored.

A great ALBUM that is now soiled by his image but I fondly remember the days when it was just music

I remember they had a Rush day. Nothing but Rush. No commercials, no stupid games, no anything. Just straight music from Rush.

MTV sucks now.
By the way, here's some trivia for y'all...Back in it's prime, record labels decided that MTV was no longer just giving free exposure for their acts. They saw it as a licensing play, and eventually wanted a percentage paid to them every time they aired a video of one of their signed artists. This was the move that prompted MTV to search out an alternate model for their channel, and when they realized that they could create their own content (games, reality shows, etc) for relatively cheap, they could still monetize it and retain more profit.

So once again, it was the greedy record labels that helped foster in their own demise.
No, It was a factor, but inconsequential.

I grew up on Hee-Haw and Midnight Special.

MTV tried to categorize music, I think that's a bad thing.

I come from the days of unformatted radio.

One minute you might hear Parliament.

The next might be Debbie Boone. :dunno: Oh yeah. "Light up my life"

I liked it better like that.
We watched MTV when it started, I was 20 then(1981), we simply brought in the trash can and partied till we were no more. Later when they started playing Shi-tay music, we turned down the TV and turned up the stereo for party music.
I was in a foster home when it launched. I remember it was better than pizza. Lol

That's kind of cool pal > from a foster home till you made it...I am impressed


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