War on women

Hypocrisy on the abortion issue is not sexual assault. I just thought I would clear that up since you liberals are educationally challenged.
If you are going to attack intelligence then you should at least show an ability to follow a simple conversation. Buckeye made an ignorant claim that Republicans respect and value women more than Dems. I pointed out a Republican who was recently in the news for cheating on his wife, getting his mistress pregnant and then encouraging her to get an abortion.

He resigned because of the hypocrisy of asking his mistress to get n abortion while publicly being anti-abortion.

It has nothing to do with sexual assault, or even the "War on Women".
Oh your right my bad. He is a shining example of respect for women. Thanks for clearing that up :cuckoo:
No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
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The Democratic party looked the other way when Bill Clinton used his position of power to prey on a young intern in the workplace. They looked the other way when it was clear he had been preying on women for decades. Their chickens have come home to roost.
just like we thought, it was done by democrats and lefties who blame whitey and righty for everything to cover up their hedonistic, godless behavior.

it so fun to be right, but so sad to see the left abuse people.

i guess cosby needed to donate more money to planned parenthood

weinstein 2020!!!!!!!


Tons of right wingers do the same fucking thing. Generalize at your own risk.

War on women? I'd say the right is doing that with attacking their right to abortion, birth control and legal protections on the job. Maybe you should look in the mirror as you look a lot like the taliban in your actions.

Legal protection on the job????

Are you nuts?

Weinstein demanded sex to get them jobs and was a friend of the Clintons!

Jebus lord, grow the hell up.

Now we have audio of a rapist praising Clintons and the Clintons praising a leader of the KKK.

How much money did Weinstien give to Trump's campaign?
Who cares?! Has nothing to do with it. Y’all who made excuses for Trump after the Access Hollywood tape who are now trying to connect imaginary dots between Harvey and the Dems are just digging a deeper hole for yourselves

There are no imaginary dots. They are lines as wide as a Chicago interstate!
Is that right? Please do explain

Look at his donations to Democrats, their PACs, and the DNC!

Are you saying he didn't give money to these people and groups?
Of course i'm not saying that. He donated tons of money to the democrats... so what? Should we go through republican donors and blame the politicians that got funds from shitty people?
How much money did Weinstien give to Trump's campaign?
Who cares?! Has nothing to do with it. Y’all who made excuses for Trump after the Access Hollywood tape who are now trying to connect imaginary dots between Harvey and the Dems are just digging a deeper hole for yourselves

There are no imaginary dots. They are lines as wide as a Chicago interstate!
Is that right? Please do explain

Look at his donations to Democrats, their PACs, and the DNC!

Are you saying he didn't give money to these people and groups?
Of course i'm not saying that. He donated tons of money to the democrats... so what? Should we go through republican donors and blame the politicians that got funds from shitty people?

You usually do!
again i'll ask, what is your point... Use your words child

Michelle Obama praised Weinstein as a good friend and wonderful human being.
She obviously didn't know that side of him and was wrong. So I'll ask again what is your point? and what does it have to do with the picture of Hillary and Weinstein that you posted?

Half of the Dem elite are saying everyone knew. This story has only just begun, I wouldn't be surprised if over 100 women now come forward to rat this perv out.
The victims aren't the real story... The real story will be how many other people just like him can be outed for the same shit.
Weinstein is scum and deserves to be called out by both sides, which he is. End of story, stop trying to spin a political narrative, it is cheap and transparent and makes you sound like a media talking point puppet.

You can choose to ignore Weinstein's deep ties to the Obama's, Clinton's, and elite in the Dem party if you want to bury your head in the sand. You can choose to ignore that they looked the other way as he preyed on young women. The American people won't ignore this during upcoming elections. Not after Dem's accused so many others of abuse of women then the truth comes out how they protect and enable people like Weinstein.
Where’s the truth and where’s the proof? Just because you make up bullshit claiming that politicians knew how Harvey was with women doesn’t make it true. And you sound absolutely hypocritical after the Acess Hollywood video, don’t you see that?

I'm just telling you what's going to happen, Dem's are taking huge hits on this Weinstein scandal and its going to hurt them. A year from now you can admit I was right.
That’s all in your head. Normal people don’t give a shit. Should we go through the roledex of every politician and condem those who have connections with shitty people? With that logic Trump would be toast. It’s a stupid argument and I think you know it. You’re just trying to stoke the fire

bullshit, first you have dems praising this guy on tape
second it takes like a week to get them to say anything
third they covered his tracks but it still got out
fourth they are supposed to back women, but atleast we know to democrats pro woman= pto abortion, nothing more
They praised a big time donor on tape that they knew through political events and an extraordinary catalog of movies that he has made throughout his career. He was a creep to the ladies but what in the world makes you think those actions were condoned by people like Clinton and Obama? If proof comes out that they knew or partook in that crap then they deserve to be condemned with him. But your empty accusations are childish.
Who cares?! Has nothing to do with it. Y’all who made excuses for Trump after the Access Hollywood tape who are now trying to connect imaginary dots between Harvey and the Dems are just digging a deeper hole for yourselves

There are no imaginary dots. They are lines as wide as a Chicago interstate!
Is that right? Please do explain

Look at his donations to Democrats, their PACs, and the DNC!

Are you saying he didn't give money to these people and groups?
Of course i'm not saying that. He donated tons of money to the democrats... so what? Should we go through republican donors and blame the politicians that got funds from shitty people?

You usually do!
I've never done that, but if you are talking about the left then thats a fair argument. Do you think it is a valid tactic?
If you are going to attack intelligence then you should at least show an ability to follow a simple conversation. Buckeye made an ignorant claim that Republicans respect and value women more than Dems. I pointed out a Republican who was recently in the news for cheating on his wife, getting his mistress pregnant and then encouraging her to get an abortion.

He resigned because of the hypocrisy of asking his mistress to get n abortion while publicly being anti-abortion.

It has nothing to do with sexual assault, or even the "War on Women".
Oh your right my bad. He is a shining example of respect for women. Thanks for clearing that up :cuckoo:
No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke
He resigned because of the hypocrisy of asking his mistress to get n abortion while publicly being anti-abortion.

It has nothing to do with sexual assault, or even the "War on Women".
Oh your right my bad. He is a shining example of respect for women. Thanks for clearing that up :cuckoo:
No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

All of the Democrats who apparently knew and yet did nothing apparently do condone it, just like with Bubba Clinton and the other serial abusers in the Democrat party.
Oh your right my bad. He is a shining example of respect for women. Thanks for clearing that up :cuckoo:
No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

All of the Democrats who apparently knew and yet did nothing apparently do condone it, just like with Bubba Clinton and the other serial abusers in the Democrat party.
Then we can agree. Any democrat or republican or person that knew and condoned Harvey's actions should be held accountable. Now if you are going to accuse Clinton and Obama of being complicit then provide some evidence. Please, something more than a photo...
He resigned because of the hypocrisy of asking his mistress to get n abortion while publicly being anti-abortion.

It has nothing to do with sexual assault, or even the "War on Women".
Oh your right my bad. He is a shining example of respect for women. Thanks for clearing that up :cuckoo:
No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

oh the i didnt say that, is a copout.
lefties of importance all said that about romnney.
Show me where you posted criticising your lefty friends about romney
and you are missing the point, the true much bigger scandal isnt weinstein, its the culture of hollywood liberals who defended, promoted and covered up for this man, which is why twitter suspended rose mcgowans twitter. shes not done and they hate it
No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

All of the Democrats who apparently knew and yet did nothing apparently do condone it, just like with Bubba Clinton and the other serial abusers in the Democrat party.
Then we can agree. Any democrat or republican or person that knew and condoned Harvey's actions should be held accountable. Now if you are going to accuse Clinton and Obama of being complicit then provide some evidence. Please, something more than a photo...

wonderful human being

Oh your right my bad. He is a shining example of respect for women. Thanks for clearing that up :cuckoo:
No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

oh the i didnt say that, is a copout.
lefties of importance all said that about romnney.
Show me where you posted criticising your lefty friends about romney
and you are missing the point, the true much bigger scandal isnt weinstein, its the culture of hollywood liberals who defended, promoted and covered up for this man, which is why twitter suspended rose mcgowans twitter. shes not done and they hate it
I criticize people for what they say when I disagree with it. I don't criticize entire groups for the statements or actions of a few. That is a cop out and that is what you are doing. Have you tuned into the Clinton News Network lately? They've been going wall to wall with this story. Whats up with that? Did you happen to see which publication broke the story? So much for your fake news narrative
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

All of the Democrats who apparently knew and yet did nothing apparently do condone it, just like with Bubba Clinton and the other serial abusers in the Democrat party.
Then we can agree. Any democrat or republican or person that knew and condoned Harvey's actions should be held accountable. Now if you are going to accuse Clinton and Obama of being complicit then provide some evidence. Please, something more than a photo...

wonderful human being

Wow, you are revealing so much there... Remind me again what we are proving with these photos?


No he's a pig, but he resigned, notice how democrats never do that....hmmmmmmmm
they hang on until they are forced, they are despicable and isn't it your side that is sanctimonious about woman, and how they love women and treat them so well.......yeah you guys are completely full of shit. Conservatives treat women way better than lefties because we don't see them as just a way to get our rocks off.....
You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

oh the i didnt say that, is a copout.
lefties of importance all said that about romnney.
Show me where you posted criticising your lefty friends about romney
and you are missing the point, the true much bigger scandal isnt weinstein, its the culture of hollywood liberals who defended, promoted and covered up for this man, which is why twitter suspended rose mcgowans twitter. shes not done and they hate it
I criticize people for what they say when I disagree with it. I don't criticize entire groups for the statements or actions of a few. That is a cop out and that is what you are doing. Have you tuned into the Clinton News Network lately? They've been going wall to wall with this story. Whats up with that? Did you happen to see which publication broke the story? So much for your fake news narrative

some stories you cant ignore.
it was brought up by ronam farrow at nbc...they passed on it....i wonder why

reminds me of the blue dress newsweek passed om, but drudge put it out.

then they all reported on it, but they didnt want to.
fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

All of the Democrats who apparently knew and yet did nothing apparently do condone it, just like with Bubba Clinton and the other serial abusers in the Democrat party.
Then we can agree. Any democrat or republican or person that knew and condoned Harvey's actions should be held accountable. Now if you are going to accuse Clinton and Obama of being complicit then provide some evidence. Please, something more than a photo...

wonderful human being

Wow, you are revealing so much there... Remind me again what we are proving with these photos?

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mine was a video of her paraising weinstein, i didnt include photos you lying dick.
so dies michelle have a poor judge of character and was she stunned by these revelations that everyone knew about, but somehow the president and first lady had no idea a major donor was a pig......naaaaah

she knew and praised him for his support......
LOL (((weinstein/weiner))) !!!! They can lead another Balfourized State !!! POS... Plenty of Shiksas

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