Hillary Clinton finally addresses Harvey Weinstein rape allegations; Obama & Biden still silent


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Reports

Hillary Clinton is speaking out against film executive Harvey Weinstein days after The New York Times published a bombshell report detailing numerous sexual harassment allegations against him.

“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton wrote in a statement released Tuesday. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”

Until Tuesday afternoon, Clinton had been notably silent on the matter. She didn’t mention Weinstein, who has donated and helped raise large sums for the Clintons and the Democratic Party, on Monday at a book tour event at the University of California, Davis ― her first public appearance since the news broke.

The former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, benefited from Weinstein’s donations for more than two decades. Weinstein donated in the range of $100,001 to $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation through June 2017, according to the nonprofit’s website.

Weinstein was a bundler ― someone who collects money from others after donating the maximum legal personal contribution to a candidate ― for both Clinton and Obama. He’s given a total of $1,422,683 to federal candidates, parties and PACs in all election cycles since 1990, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Former President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Weinstein. Obama has appeared at several fundraisers Weinstein hosted, praising the Hollywood bigwig for his “amazing” movies at one such event in 2013. Malia Obama, the former president’s eldest daughter, interned at The Weinstein Company earlier this year.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, an outspoken advocate for victims of sexual assault, also hasn’t addressed the Weinstein scandal.

Representatives for both Obama and Clinton did not immediately return HuffPost’s requests for comment. A representative for Biden declined to comment, as did Sitrick and Company, the high-profile PR crisis firm representing Weinstein....

Looks like Hillary waited to see if it would be swept under the rug, and Obama and Biden are probably still hoping it'll all just go away.
its amazing how sanctimonious the left is and how disgusting these people are.

she has supported 3 of the biggest abusers of women in modern history and has the nerve to say republicans are that way because we oppose abortion
After eight years of the right loons crying that Obama should shut up, they now WANT him to talk. Bunch of pussies, the lot of you. Whiny Little pussies
Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Reports

Hillary Clinton is speaking out against film executive Harvey Weinstein days after The New York Times published a bombshell report detailing numerous sexual harassment allegations against him.

“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton wrote in a statement released Tuesday. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”

Until Tuesday afternoon, Clinton had been notably silent on the matter. She didn’t mention Weinstein, who has donated and helped raise large sums for the Clintons and the Democratic Party, on Monday at a book tour event at the University of California, Davis ― her first public appearance since the news broke.

The former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, benefited from Weinstein’s donations for more than two decades. Weinstein donated in the range of $100,001 to $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation through June 2017, according to the nonprofit’s website.

Weinstein was a bundler ― someone who collects money from others after donating the maximum legal personal contribution to a candidate ― for both Clinton and Obama. He’s given a total of $1,422,683 to federal candidates, parties and PACs in all election cycles since 1990, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Former President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Weinstein. Obama has appeared at several fundraisers Weinstein hosted, praising the Hollywood bigwig for his “amazing” movies at one such event in 2013. Malia Obama, the former president’s eldest daughter, interned at The Weinstein Company earlier this year.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, an outspoken advocate for victims of sexual assault, also hasn’t addressed the Weinstein scandal.

Representatives for both Obama and Clinton did not immediately return HuffPost’s requests for comment. A representative for Biden declined to comment, as did Sitrick and Company, the high-profile PR crisis firm representing Weinstein....

Looks like Hillary waited to see if it would be swept under the rug, and Obama and Biden are probably still hoping it'll all just go away.
She never spoke out on how Bill is just like Wienstien
Hillary should be asked under oath if she ever had sex with that man, Harvey Weinstein....with the added stipulation that a blow job falls under the sex umbrella.
Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Reports

Hillary Clinton is speaking out against film executive Harvey Weinstein days after The New York Times published a bombshell report detailing numerous sexual harassment allegations against him.

“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton wrote in a statement released Tuesday. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”

Until Tuesday afternoon, Clinton had been notably silent on the matter. She didn’t mention Weinstein, who has donated and helped raise large sums for the Clintons and the Democratic Party, on Monday at a book tour event at the University of California, Davis ― her first public appearance since the news broke.

The former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, benefited from Weinstein’s donations for more than two decades. Weinstein donated in the range of $100,001 to $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation through June 2017, according to the nonprofit’s website.

Weinstein was a bundler ― someone who collects money from others after donating the maximum legal personal contribution to a candidate ― for both Clinton and Obama. He’s given a total of $1,422,683 to federal candidates, parties and PACs in all election cycles since 1990, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Former President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Weinstein. Obama has appeared at several fundraisers Weinstein hosted, praising the Hollywood bigwig for his “amazing” movies at one such event in 2013. Malia Obama, the former president’s eldest daughter, interned at The Weinstein Company earlier this year.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, an outspoken advocate for victims of sexual assault, also hasn’t addressed the Weinstein scandal.

Representatives for both Obama and Clinton did not immediately return HuffPost’s requests for comment. A representative for Biden declined to comment, as did Sitrick and Company, the high-profile PR crisis firm representing Weinstein....

Looks like Hillary waited to see if it would be swept under the rug, and Obama and Biden are probably still hoping it'll all just go away.

Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Reports

Hillary Clinton is speaking out against film executive Harvey Weinstein days after The New York Times published a bombshell report detailing numerous sexual harassment allegations against him.

“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton wrote in a statement released Tuesday. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”

Until Tuesday afternoon, Clinton had been notably silent on the matter. She didn’t mention Weinstein, who has donated and helped raise large sums for the Clintons and the Democratic Party, on Monday at a book tour event at the University of California, Davis ― her first public appearance since the news broke.

The former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, benefited from Weinstein’s donations for more than two decades. Weinstein donated in the range of $100,001 to $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation through June 2017, according to the nonprofit’s website.

Weinstein was a bundler ― someone who collects money from others after donating the maximum legal personal contribution to a candidate ― for both Clinton and Obama. He’s given a total of $1,422,683 to federal candidates, parties and PACs in all election cycles since 1990, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Former President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Weinstein. Obama has appeared at several fundraisers Weinstein hosted, praising the Hollywood bigwig for his “amazing” movies at one such event in 2013. Malia Obama, the former president’s eldest daughter, interned at The Weinstein Company earlier this year.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, an outspoken advocate for victims of sexual assault, also hasn’t addressed the Weinstein scandal.

Representatives for both Obama and Clinton did not immediately return HuffPost’s requests for comment. A representative for Biden declined to comment, as did Sitrick and Company, the high-profile PR crisis firm representing Weinstein....

Looks like Hillary waited to see if it would be swept under the rug, and Obama and Biden are probably still hoping it'll all just go away.

It's not as if none of them knew about Weinstein. It's a given they all did.
Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Reports

Hillary Clinton is speaking out against film executive Harvey Weinstein days after The New York Times published a bombshell report detailing numerous sexual harassment allegations against him.

“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton wrote in a statement released Tuesday. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”

Until Tuesday afternoon, Clinton had been notably silent on the matter. She didn’t mention Weinstein, who has donated and helped raise large sums for the Clintons and the Democratic Party, on Monday at a book tour event at the University of California, Davis ― her first public appearance since the news broke.

The former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, benefited from Weinstein’s donations for more than two decades. Weinstein donated in the range of $100,001 to $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation through June 2017, according to the nonprofit’s website.

Weinstein was a bundler ― someone who collects money from others after donating the maximum legal personal contribution to a candidate ― for both Clinton and Obama. He’s given a total of $1,422,683 to federal candidates, parties and PACs in all election cycles since 1990, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Former President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Weinstein. Obama has appeared at several fundraisers Weinstein hosted, praising the Hollywood bigwig for his “amazing” movies at one such event in 2013. Malia Obama, the former president’s eldest daughter, interned at The Weinstein Company earlier this year.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, an outspoken advocate for victims of sexual assault, also hasn’t addressed the Weinstein scandal.

Representatives for both Obama and Clinton did not immediately return HuffPost’s requests for comment. A representative for Biden declined to comment, as did Sitrick and Company, the high-profile PR crisis firm representing Weinstein....

Looks like Hillary waited to see if it would be swept under the rug, and Obama and Biden are probably still hoping it'll all just go away.
Meanwhile Trump, the GOP, and their sheep remain firmly in the corners of O'Reilly and Ailes. And the pussy grabber himself for that matter.
After eight years of the right loons crying that Obama should shut up, they now WANT him to talk. Bunch of pussies, the lot of you. Whiny Little pussies

yeah if the womenwere black maybe obama would talk it has to be a racial thing before hell chime in ti make mountains out of molehills
She realises that her not speaking out is bad for her daughters future political ambitions.
She should just switch over to the GOP. Then she'd never be expected to speak out on crimes against women.

wow you guys still have that sanctimonious bullshit.

bill clinton
ted kennedy
harvey weinstien

there isnt a republican cone close to abusing women like those trash and you defend everyone you hyppocritical piece of shit
She realises that her not speaking out is bad for her daughters future political ambitions.
She should just switch over to the GOP. Then she'd never be expected to speak out on crimes against women.

wow you guys still have that sanctimonious bullshit.

bill clinton
ted kennedy
harvey weinstien

there isnt a republican cone close to abusing women like those trash and you defend everyone you hyppocritical piece of shit


Roman Polanski
Bob Filner
Anthony Weiner
but hey now we know what the left means

being pro women means pro abortion. you can rape, harass, pay them shit and treat them like shit, but if youre for abortion its ok you are pro woman!!!!!
She realises that her not speaking out is bad for her daughters future political ambitions.
She should just switch over to the GOP. Then she'd never be expected to speak out on crimes against women.

wow you guys still have that sanctimonious bullshit.

bill clinton
ted kennedy
harvey weinstien

there isnt a republican cone close to abusing women like those trash and you defend everyone you hyppocritical piece of shit
Weinstein is condemned, Clinton is unproven and lost in a sea of witch hunt lies by the GOP, and Kennedy was a car accident.

Meanwhile you voted for a man who bragged about seeing underaged girls naked in their dressing rooms, bragged about using his power to force women into bed, and who is accused of rape by 12 women.
Meanwhile, still waiting on Obama. Also, money given to Clinton, money given to Obama has been????
She realises that her not speaking out is bad for her daughters future political ambitions.
She should just switch over to the GOP. Then she'd never be expected to speak out on crimes against women.

Now that's not fair. People have had to defend people like O'Reilly and others with blind insults for years, often just "anonymous sources", you won't see me come to the defense of O'Reilly if true, I will just suggest there are two sides to the story. Worse, many in the Fox Network have a target on their backs, unfairly. In this case, there is no doubt, Harvey admitted to his problems, and there is audio recordings of one encounter. He's a sick puppy on a sexual power trip.

Men and women who abuse their power, whether predators or abusers of their positions in life; and I've experienced both myself, are the most cowardly and weak bullies there are. In this case, he has admitted he abused his position, he won't be the first or the last. The level of hypocrisy is always so compelling as it's so obvious as it comes from one side. You don't have many Fox news, but you have MSNBC, CNN and many other liberal news networks.

SNL will go after Trump and Fox news, but they won't say a thing about Harvey in a skit?

It's disgusting regardless of who does it. Let's see some equal outrage by the Californian Clique, shall we?
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