War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

Isn't it amusing to watch how they stumble around trying to explain the dismal failures of their socialist policies in the war against the rich? Oh, it's so terrible and awful, those mean old rich people just keep outsmarting them at every turn... woe is me!

Liberals are the saddest clowns in the dum-dum circus.

Almost as funny as watching so called conservatives search for a compelling catch phrase......like "war against the rich". I wonder what kind of dim witted morons find superficial rhetoric like that to be persuasive?
If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.

Wealth is a Zero-Sum Game

Conservative damagogues like Limbaugh have been able to convince the public that the huge incomes of the wealthiest Americans are irrelevant to those who make moderate-to-low incomes. They even suggest that the more money the wealthiest Americans make, the more wealth will trickle down to the lower classes.

If you've swallowed this line of conservative garbage, get ready to vomit. As all conservative economists know, and deny to the public that they know, wealth is a zero-sum game. That is true at both the front end—when income is divided up, and the back end—when it is spent.

The Front End of Zero-Sum: Dividing the Loot

There is only so much corporate income in a given year.

The Zero-sum Nature of economics

Communists Retards and their parasitic supporters are always using neologisms as a subterfuge to steal from "A" to give to "B".

In the "Communists Manifesto "Their leader Karl Marx described the strategy as follows

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"


you should probably study up on what communism is.

I have and so have you.

The ONLY difference is that you know that if you call yourself a communist the great majority of people will reject you. But if you use neologisms such as "zero-sum game" , progressive, "compassionate conservatism" as subterfuges the masses will not understand what they are buying. Its a confidence scam.


Libertarians are frauds and parasites but unfortunately have been successful in hiding their dangerous disease under war hating, and freedom loving. Sadly their freedom isn't freedom, it is chaos and opens the door to a real loss of democracy.

They unwittingly use the protections, benefits and accomplishments government has to offer to create their fortunes, while pompously declaring they did it all on their own.

Clueless igets, everyone.

I have touched a nerve.

Abandon your criminal ways . Become a productive citizen.

Jeebus what a fool...
Communists Retards and their parasitic supporters are always using neologisms as a subterfuge to steal from "A" to give to "B".

In the "Communists Manifesto "Their leader Karl Marx described the strategy as follows

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"


you should probably study up on what communism is.

I have and so have you.

The ONLY difference is that you know that if you call yourself a communist the great majority of people will reject you. But if you use neologisms such as "zero-sum game" , progressive, "compassionate conservatism" as subterfuges the masses will not understand what they are buying. Its a confidence scam.


Libertarians are frauds and parasites but unfortunately have been successful in hiding their dangerous disease under war hating, and freedom loving. Sadly their freedom isn't freedom, it is chaos and opens the door to a real loss of democracy.

They unwittingly use the protections, benefits and accomplishments government has to offer to create their fortunes, while pompously declaring they did it all on their own.

Clueless igets, everyone.

I have touched a nerve.

Abandon your criminal ways . Become a productive citizen.

Jeebus what a fool...

I knew it, you post here using two different avatars.

All wealth after the first million is generated through the effort of others.

There is no 'free market.'

No its not where did you get that number it sounds like you made it up.
Perhaps he did but the concept is sound, there is a limit of how much wealth can be generated individually before you have to start hiring or investing, a million sounds high.

Here's a great article that explains.

Why The First 1 Million Is The Hardest
you should probably study up on what communism is.

I have and so have you.

The ONLY difference is that you know that if you call yourself a communist the great majority of people will reject you. But if you use neologisms such as "zero-sum game" , progressive, "compassionate conservatism" as subterfuges the masses will not understand what they are buying. Its a confidence scam.


Libertarians are frauds and parasites but unfortunately have been successful in hiding their dangerous disease under war hating, and freedom loving. Sadly their freedom isn't freedom, it is chaos and opens the door to a real loss of democracy.

They unwittingly use the protections, benefits and accomplishments government has to offer to create their fortunes, while pompously declaring they did it all on their own.

Clueless igets, everyone.

I have touched a nerve.

Abandon your criminal ways . Become a productive citizen.

Jeebus what a fool...

I knew it, you post here using two different avatars.


Why are YOU so often wrong? Oh yeah you're a conservative
The OP wonders why people don't often respond to his threads.

Would he like an honest answer to that question?

No, I'd rather you obey the forum rules and keep your harassing and trolling comments to yourself if you're not going to participate in the thread.
There was not even one harrassing comment from him. Are you overly sensitive?

I read your OP, twice. It is well written. And most of it is bullshit. Most Lefties are avowed capitalists but believe in some sensible controls for the market. It's really that simple.

The Right's war on women is far more tangible than your imagined war on the rich.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
AKA, Crony Capitalism!

That is not what "crony capitalism" means, edtheliar.
That is exactly what Crony Capitalism is! You have your cronies on your board and your cronies in government. The CEO of one company sits on the board of his friend's company and vice versa, etc., etc., etc. Politicians go from government to boardroom, then back to government and then back to the boardroom. Look at Dickless Cheney! If you look at the board of directors of most of the major companies you will see what is called "Interlocking Directorates."
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A response by a low life UNEMPLOYED retard whose credit score is negative 500 who nevertheless hopes to buy a West Palm mansion thanks to the fascistic
Community Reinvestment Act .

Stupid son-of-bitch.
That's a lie! You have to be QUALIFIED to get a CRA loan, it was Bush's American Dream Downpayment Initiative that made loans to unqualified borrowers for more than the property was worth. The racists always blame the CRA because it eliminated Red Lining which allowed qualified minorities to buy houses in white neighborhoods which before the CRA white bankers were able to prevent.

To the racist no minority is ever qualified to get a loan to buy a house in a white neighborhood no matter how wealthy the minority might be, thus the racist claims all CRA loans are made to unqualified minorities. Right-wing hate can rationalize anything!!!
From 1941 to the 1960's we had high taxes on the rich and high wages. The taxes were invested in education and infrastructure, and the high wages created consumer demand.
Now we have low taxes for the rich and low wages, and 23% of total income goes to the top 1%.
70% of our economy is consumer demand, so too much money in too few hands is starving our economy of demand. We need to raise the minimum wage and tax capital gains as income.
From 1941 to the 1960's we had high taxes on the rich and high wages. The taxes were invested in education and infrastructure, and the high wages created consumer demand.
Now we have low taxes for the rich and low wages, and 23% of total income goes to the top 1%.
70% of our economy is consumer demand, so too much money in too few hands is starving our economy of demand. We need to raise the minimum wage and tax capital gains as income.
These myths have been debunked over and over. That people still repeat them is testament to stupidity.
Isn't it amusing to watch how they stumble around trying to explain the dismal failures of their socialist policies in the war against the rich? Oh, it's so terrible and awful, those mean old rich people just keep outsmarting them at every turn... woe is me!

Liberals are the saddest clowns in the dum-dum circus.

Almost as funny as watching so called conservatives search for a compelling catch phrase......like "war against the rich". I wonder what kind of dim witted morons find superficial rhetoric like that to be persuasive?
Democrats? They seem to line up behind "The War on Women" and "We are the 99%"
What 'war on the rich'?

what do you define as a war on the rich? wanting the top 1% to pay taxes in the same proportion that middle class people do? wanting to stop tax cuts for corporatists under the lie that it somehow raises income for workers?
The top 1%of earners pay about 87% of income taxes. They would be happy to have that burden reduced to what the middle class pays, which is often nothing.

The fuck you say? That a middle class income often pays no income tax? You are full of shit or been drinking all day.
47% of income earners pay no income tax. That has to include plenty of middle class people. Not that you would know what one looked like. Hint: Those are the people who pass you while you're holding the sign.
3 out of 4 Americans pay as much or more in payroll taxes than they do in income taxes. That also includes plenty of Middle Class people.
To bad most credible economists agree with me and think you are full of it!

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

These three sentences do nothing less than blow apart the central tenet of modern conservative economic theory, confirming that lowering tax rates on the wealthy does nothing to grow the economy while doing a great deal to concentrate more wealth in the pockets of those at the very top of the income chain.

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes
What does my statement about net worth have to do with any of the drivel you just posted?

Now tell me who is stopping you from increasing your net worth?
You must be. If you have more money, someone else must have less. Right? And if you have more then you must have exploited someone or fucked them over to get it.
Libecon 101.

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.
How did you make a million?

Did you just take it by force?
Did people just give it to you for nothing in return?

If a guy you don't know gets a million dollar raise next year that means you will make less?

If a guy you don't know sells his house and increases his net worth by a quarter million your net worth goes down?

If you pay off all your credit cards next year and your net worth goes up whose goes down?

Doesn't matter HOW I made it, the fact is money IS finite, like wealth

Try as you might, you can't get past basic math

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing
Of course it does because your entire argument is that if you make X dollars then someone else must have X dollars taken away from him because the pie is finite.

The entire pie analogy is flawed.

What you don't seem to understand is you can get wealthier every year even if you don't make more than the year before.

You make the rookie mistake of thinking income is wealth
The more of that income that is used to pay workers, the less profit the corporation makes. The less profit, the less the stock goes up. The less the stock goes up, the less the CEO and the investors make. It’s as simple as that. Profit equals income minus expenses. No more, no less. Subtract the right side of the equation from the left side and the answer is always zero. Hence the term, “zero-sum.”

You don't know what income is going to be before you pay the workers, nor do you know what the profit will be. The workers have to be paid before a dime of income is realized or profit made. As much as you wish to turn this into a simple math problem, that's not how capitalist business works. There are many unknown variables and the formula for profit doesn't always work out in favor of the capitalist. It is a risk that is taken and many capitalists boldly take that risk, nothing is guaranteed in capitalism.

You want to fool stupid people into believing your lies about capitalism because that's what Marxists do. They want to convince people that Marxism (or their current form of it) is the best idea man has ever devised and nothing is further from the truth. Marxism DESTROYS the best idea man has ever devised, free market capitalism.

Marxist? lol

Parrots repeat what they hear. The RW media doesn't profit from educating their listeners. They know the money is in saying outrageous things that fit their listeners ideology. The listeners want to be outraged. The RW media produces the outrageous material. Truth not required. It's a symbiotic relationship.

You avoided my counterpoint which totally destroyed your meme, then proceeded to label me and denigrate by claiming I am some kind of "listener" who doesn't think for himself. I think that is YOU and what you are doing is projecting. You're a mush brain who hasn't thought his arguments out very well. When you get your ass schooled by a smarter person, you revert to being the typical empty-headed drone jerkoff of the ft.

Smarter? lol

PLEASE tell me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history?

Calling people Marxist is just Beck, Levine, etc low info garbage Bubba

IF your Biz model DOESN'T know the costs associated with your Biz, you are not going to fukkking make it Bubba. Counter point? Base on a fallacy that a Biz doesn't know it's costs or projected profits? lol

Get the fuck out of the adults room and take your gawwwdam libertarian fraud friends with you Bubba!
I never said they didn't know costs, keep up with the conversation, Corky! They don't know income or profit, which is why profit is "projected!" Dumbass.

This debate has nothing to do with your warped perspective of conservatives or history. Free market capitalism is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than ANY system ever devised by man. But you don't like millionaires and billionaires, or the systems that churn them out.

You have to do what you can to destroy them because you're a little man with a little dick. You need to be the Fascist wielding your government power over others, that's the only way you can get ahead in life.
The OP wonders why people don't often respond to his threads.

Would he like an honest answer to that question?

No, I'd rather you obey the forum rules and keep your harassing and trolling comments to yourself if you're not going to participate in the thread.
There was not even one harrassing comment from him. Are you overly sensitive?

I read your OP, twice. It is well written. And most of it is bullshit. Most Lefties are avowed capitalists but believe in some sensible controls for the market. It's really that simple.

The Right's war on women is far more tangible than your imagined war on the rich.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

None of what I posted is bullshit, that's why you failed to address any particular point I made and chose to apply your blanket of refutation like a typical empty-headed lefty. Oh, hey look everybody, the lefty just came in and proclaimed my OP bullshit! Wooooo!

For complete retards, you people do have a lot of confidence in your own proclamations.

Most Lefties are avowed capitalists but believe in some sensible controls for the market.

No, some lefties (like George Soros) are corporatists. They exploit the power of government to benefit their capitalist ventures and take care of their cronies. They prefer a rigged game where they control the power and get to pick the winners and losers. That's never free market capitalism.

Sensible controls? You fuckers wouldn't know "sensible" if it was sitting in your lap calling you "Mama!" ...FASCIST control is more like it.
Doesn't matter HOW I made it, the fact is money IS finite, like wealth

Try as you might, you can't get past basic math

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing
So speaks the moron....

If wealth did not grow, we'd all still be fighting over the first pig to be traded for an ear of corn.

You're too stupid to understand the difference between wealth and money.

BTW....You Boi has been printing money like its going out of style for 6 years.

Now go bother your mother for some cookies.

even assuming wealth were not finite, what is finite is opportunity and the distribution of that wealth, vis a vis salaries, etc., that is available to workers.

and the more the top 1% is pandered to, the more they drive down wages to increase their own share.

there... i hope that helps.
income i snot wealth.

the only wealth that matters is your wealth (net worth) and none of you have been able to tell me what rich greedy guy is stopping you from increasing your wealth. Or how one person's increase in net worth decreases yours.
Wealth is not a zero-sum game.

It's amazing that people believe this.

Wealth rises almost every year.

Wealth is a Zero-Sum Game

Conservative damagogues like Limbaugh have been able to convince the public that the huge incomes of the wealthiest Americans are irrelevant to those who make moderate-to-low incomes. They even suggest that the more money the wealthiest Americans make, the more wealth will trickle down to the lower classes.

If you've swallowed this line of conservative garbage, get ready to vomit. As all conservative economists know, and deny to the public that they know, wealth is a zero-sum game. That is true at both the front end—when income is divided up, and the back end—when it is spent.

The Front End of Zero-Sum: Dividing the Loot

There is only so much corporate income in a given year. The more of that income that is used to pay workers, the less profit the corporation makes. The less profit, the less the stock goes up. The less the stock goes up, the less the CEO and the investors make. It’s as simple as that. Profit equals income minus expenses. No more, no less. Subtract the right side of the equation from the left side and the answer is always zero. Hence the term, “zero-sum.”

So, to the extent a corporation can keep from sharing the wealth with workers—the ones who created the wealth to begin with—investors and executives get a bigger slice of the income pie and become richer.

The Zero-sum Nature of economics

Posting it another time doesn't make it any less wrong.

You're confusing different concepts.

Wealth is not a zero-sum game. This is one of the most basic concepts in all of economics. How wealth is distributed within society is another issue.

If wealth was a zero-sum game, we would - literally - still have living standards of the 17th century. Last time I checked, we didn't have iPhones and airplanes in the 17th century.

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