WAR in Israel on the brink; Global terror to come


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Wow. Watching this shit on the news. Israel killed the Hamas #1 commander. Rockets fired at Tel Aviv for first time since Saddam did it.

This is bad. War is on the horizon. Funny, 2012, the Mayans, the Bible, all that stuff, and how its playing out.

Anyway, this shit is gonna get nasty. Iran has operatives EVERYWHERE, including inside the United States. For all you folks who think we're safe in the suburbs, be on guard, who knows when those Middle East whackjobs will give the order to attack inside our borders.

This shit in Israel and the Iranian nuke situation are gonna come to a climax soon, and its not gonna be pretty. Doubt Obama OR Romney could've stopped this. Sadly...I hate to say, I think its gonna spill into our cities soon.
actually....there were 115 rockets fired into Israel before they took the Gama's guy out....maybe not Tel Aviv, but still. That was what prompted Israel to take action.

As far as the end of the world stuff? Try not to worry about things you can't control....I'm ready to go whenever the good Lord calls me....got a lot of explaining to do though.
don't worry, bunch of you guys put our lives in Obama's hands. I am sure that he will keep us safe:)
don't worry, bunch of you guys put our lives in Obama's hands. I am sure that he will keep us safe:)

Well, not exactly accurate.

Did you get murdered today?
Did you get raped today?
Did you get assaulted today?
Did you get stabbed or robbed today?
Did you get bombed today?
Did you get invaded by Russians today?
Did you get invaded by Koreans today?
Did you get invaded by Cubans today?
Did you get bombed by Al Qaida today?
Did you see a Chinese battleship offshore today?

If you answered "no" to all of the above, then your life is safely in the hands of our military and police.:clap2:

Not Obama's.
actually....there were 115 rockets fired into Israel before they took the Gama's guy out....maybe not Tel Aviv, but still. That was what prompted Israel to take action.

As far as the end of the world stuff? Try not to worry about things you can't control....I'm ready to go whenever the good Lord calls me....got a lot of explaining to do though.
Except that the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land and the illegal blockade of Gaza, is what prompted the rocket attacks.

Not to mention the IOF conducting weekly air strikes and shooting at their fishermen and farmers for target practice. Other than that, yeah, it was the rockets.
don't worry, bunch of you guys put our lives in Obama's hands. I am sure that he will keep us safe:)

Who said anything about Obama? You're just pissed that Bishop Romney lost and you're spilling your sour grapes onto a thread that has nothing to do with him....in fact, he already came out and said that he support Israel's right to protect itself, and Netanyahu thanked him.

You're just being a Mormon Taberknucklehead in search of a choir right now.
Apocalypse 2013 baby!!!

Dont worry, there right wing politicians and defense contractors (basically same bed) who are pushing this Middle East global war. Hey, why worry about sparking the 2nd coming of Jesus when there is a profit to be made off a war!!! Hooray!!
Thats right. Blame the man who has been president for 4 years on a war that has been going on for about 4,000 years.

Obama the Time Traveller. Sparking war in the Middle East since the days of the wooly mammoth.
The Muslim Brotherhood has a friend in the WH who let our Ambassador get murdered in Benghazi and tells Bibi "Talk to the hand"

Yeah, this is gonna end well.
Thats right. Blame the man who has been president for 4 years on a war that has been going on for about 4,000 years.

Obama the Time Traveller. Sparking war in the Middle East since the days of the wooly mammoth.

Here's what you boy just did

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2sWTwbzAcw]The DNC's Controversial Jerusalem Capital Vote - YouTube[/ame]
Bush blew our load in Iraq. We don't have the political or mental will to even consider entering this hot mess, coupled with the fact our armed forces are beyond over stretched and over worked. We need to stay clear of this mess.

Israel gets billions from us and the Navy's 5th fleet if right around the corner, ready to strike at a moments notice. This is on Israel, they can deal with these pukes.

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