Walker reforms helping Wisconsin - even Milwaukee mayor is using them


Feb 14, 2011
Column: Why U.S. should cheer for Scott Walker

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was Walker's opponent in the 2010 election and later attacked his proposals to reform collective bargaining. But with the reforms on the books, Barrett used some of the bill's provisions to help reduce the city's health care bill, saying that the alternative was to cut 300 to 400 city jobs.


This was Walker's opponent in 2010.

Barrett hasn't ruled out running again if Walker is recalled. You can see why some Democrats are trying to discourage him from getting into the race.
Column: Why U.S. should cheer for Scott Walker

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was Walker's opponent in the 2010 election and later attacked his proposals to reform collective bargaining. But with the reforms on the books, Barrett used some of the bill's provisions to help reduce the city's health care bill, saying that the alternative was to cut 300 to 400 city jobs.


This was Walker's opponent in 2010.

Barrett hasn't ruled out running again if Walker is recalled. You can see why some Democrats are trying to discourage him from getting into the race.

the mayor should be recalled. WHERE IS THE LIBTARD OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!??????????
Column: Why U.S. should cheer for Scott Walker

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was Walker's opponent in the 2010 election and later attacked his proposals to reform collective bargaining. But with the reforms on the books, Barrett used some of the bill's provisions to help reduce the city's health care bill, saying that the alternative was to cut 300 to 400 city jobs.


This was Walker's opponent in 2010.

Barrett hasn't ruled out running again if Walker is recalled. You can see why some Democrats are trying to discourage him from getting into the race.

Goody..on his way out of office after the recall..he can cry martyr.
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Goody..on his way out of office after the recall..he can cry martyr.

He sure isn't leaving if the Democrats can't find anyone good to run against him.

Like Obama, Walker has the incumbent advantage. In contrast to Obama, Walker has actually presided over a successful and meaningful budget which is having good results for his constituents.
American Enterprise Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) is a conservative[1][2][3][4] think tank founded in 1943. Its stated mission is "to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism—limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective defense and foreign policies, political accountability, and open debate."[5] AEI is an independent nonprofit organization supported primarily by grants and contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Nick Schulz — The American Magazine

Nick Schulz


Nick Schulz is DeWitt Wallace Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and editor-in-chief of THE AMERICAN. Schulz is the co-author of the acclaimed book From Poverty to Prosperity: Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities and the Lasting Triump Over Scarcity (Encounter, New York). He is also a columnist with The Mint newspaper in Mumbai, India.

Schulz has been published widely in newspapers and magazines including The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and Slate. Previously he was editor of the online journal TCSDaily; producer of multiple PBS television series and documentaries; politics editor of FoxNews.com; and a technology consultant. A graduate of Vanderbilt University, he lives with his wife and three children in Maryland.
Walker believes most everyone else on the planet should make less money except for himself, Koch Brothers, Waltons/Wal-Mart family and the war and oil family named Bush.

Think about how that scenario will never let the economy come back?

How many on this board want to make less money for your efforts?
The mayor of Milwaukee made use of the budget reforms agreed to by the unions, NOT of the suppression of collective-bargaining rights. As one apparently must keep reminding you folks, those two are NOT the same thing.
I saw an article just this morning in USA Today about this.

If the people in Wisconsin are stupid enough to oust him and bring themselves back to the lunacy they had before, then they deserve to suffer.

Way to go governor!
The mayor of Milwaukee made use of the budget reforms agreed to by the unions, NOT of the suppression of collective-bargaining rights. As one apparently must keep reminding you folks, those two are NOT the same thing.


Busting unions = lower wages across the board.

Why do repubs believe in lower wages for the masses? A damn good question!
Reasonable wages merrill.
What part of, there is not enough money to pay out for very high unreasonable pensions are you not getting? The state does not have 3 trillion dollars.
If private-sector workers in Wisconsin were paid a decent wage, the state would have more revenue.

The real question isn't why public-sector workers have it well, but why private-sector workers don't.
You have to ask why the union driven economy of Wisconsin puts Wisconsin at a competitive disadvantage compared to right-to-work states and other countries?

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