Video: Brother Speaks My Mind On Media &Trayvon Fan Club Phonys

That must be how you perceive "the Blacks", I don't speak like that, you are further exposing yourself as a FRAUD, you sound like some ignorant White bigot, who thinks that all Black people speak like that. Show me one post of mine where I have spoken like that Jesse.

Oh quit your crying.

I'm not 'crying', I'm laughing at you and making an accurate assessment of you.

You couldn't be any more inaccurate on who I am. So what excuse do you have for being an easily manipulated plastic ass brother? Why are you acting like the standard, fresh off the conveyer belt , pre-packaged brother? I can't have an opinion w/o being called a Tom? Cotton picker, you lack any individual thought and can't even out debate a racist. That's how sad you are. You just like the fight, you're not about fixing anything, because you won't face problems.
abhorrent ?... No,I just find the revelation the media is exploitative to be old hat and think citing unsolved murders is in a comparison to this incident to be ..stupid

I'm sure you do. But.... the word is manipulative, not exploitative.

The guy in the video has a point.... and it's a valid one.... simply because, judging by the incredible amount of misinformation about Zimmerman.... clearly.... our media is not doing the job they're paid to do. He made a very valid point... the media are supposed to report the story, not create the story... and that is exactly what they have done... this case is a perfect example of how the media manipulates opinion. Clearly, given the amount of idiots repeating bullshit from the media... it needs to be pointed out - often.

ex·ploit·ative adj \ik-ˈsplȯi-tə-tiv, ek-ˌsplȯi-\

Definition of EXPLOITATIVE

: exploiting or tending to exploit; especially : unfairly or cynically using another person or group for profit or advantage <exploitative terms of employment> <an exploitative film>
— ex·ploit·ative·ly adve
No sir. That is what you want to be true. The truth is that we do not have any real idea of what happened those 2 or 3 minutes......

Listen E-7, I'm not related to either party. I'm not related to the victim. I have "no dog in this fight", except for what's right. The truth is, is that we have these facts; Zimerman followed the kid, the kid tried to evade him, Zimmerman still followed hm, and at some point got out of his vehicle and made contact with the kid. Zimmerman was advised by the dispatcher NOT TO make contact with the kid. True or not true?
All I know, is that if you hit someone just for following you, and/or simply asking what you are doing there, you're going to find yourself arrested for assault and battery (at the least). You may not like it, but that's the law. You deploy a K-9 in that situation, and that charge is going to going to be aggravated battery, or assault and battery with intent to kill (which is what it would be in my state) You shoot someone for that and the charge will be murder. Why? Because it is NOT a crime, or a legal threat, for someone to follow you, me, or anyone else, and ask what we are doing there. In this instance it's not clear from any evidence yet released, who made contact with who; did Zimmerman confront Martin first, or did Martin confront Zimmerman first? We don't know. We do know that Zimmerman did NOT "defy an order not to confront Martin" (a) because that's not what the dispatcher said on the tape, and (b) because the dispatcher could not legally give any such order in the first place.

That's not exactly true. If that person follows you and you try to avoid them and they come out of their vehicle and confront you in a manner that you consider threatening, you have a right to defend yourself and stop that threat. "Florida

2011 Florida Statutes CHAPTER 776 JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE[20]

776.012&#8195;Use of force in defense of person.—A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:

(1)&#8195;He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or
(2)&#8195;Under those circumstances permitted pursuant to s. 776.013. "

Did Zimmerman follow Martin, yes or no? Did Zimmerman exit his vehicle and approach Martin, yes or no? Was Zimmerman advised NOT to approach Martin, yes or no? The other morning (5am) we were out on a run, there was a homeless guy or some bum at the beach who was strung out or a mental case, we had just some off of the beach and went on to the boardwalk, and this idiot came out from his spot and ran away from us (no problem there), I thought it was 'weird", then the idiot turned around and came charging toward us at full speed, I told my dog to heel and we kept on jogging. Luckily the idiot saw that we weren't scared and he turned away, but if the kept charging and got within 10 feet of us, he would have been in for a rude awakening. There's NO WAY I would have been bought up on ANY charges down here.
Ops, black folks make up close to 38% of welfare recipients, whites 39%. Son, what would you do to try to reduce this insane situation? Scream about racism some more?

If being a Tom means I'd like to see us doing better, then I proudly where that label.
this just in..some black guy can cite unsolved murders where the perpetrator was unknown as a comparison to zimmerman shooting a young man and ask where is the outrage over the unsolved murders ? that makes any sense
No sir. That is what you want to be true. The truth is that we do not have any real idea of what happened those 2 or 3 minutes......

Listen E-7, I'm not related to either party. I'm not related to the victim. I have "no dog in this fight", except for what's right. The truth is, is that we have these facts; Zimerman followed the kid, the kid tried to evade him, Zimmerman still followed hm, and at some point got out of his vehicle and made contact with the kid. Zimmerman was advised by the dispatcher NOT TO make contact with the kid. True or not true?

We still do not know what happened. We don't know who initiated the confrontation, We do know that at some point the young man started running. And didn't Zimmerman say that he lost sight of him? So for about 2 or 3 minutes we know nothing of what happened. Then we have reports that Zimmerman was on the ground and there was a fight. Next thing we know is there was a shot.

Now if I'm 17 years old and in a strange neighborhood and someone starts to follow me I'm calling 911.

I'm just so tired of people trying so hard to turn this into a race war. We've had enough of that shit. It's time to be Americans first...........

How many times do I have to say that I don't care what the race of either party is? If Martin was a white kid and Zimmerman was black, I would still have the same problem with the situation.
Trayvon Martin's Fan Club and Media are a joke - YouTube

This man is a godsend to me. I wanted to say this just as blatantly but to my fellow black posters here who seem blinded by their left wing media-fueled peer pressure to not be realistic. They fell for the "it could've been me" bullshit because emotional appeals are easier to process than doing their own research and applying a little critical thinking and common sense. And their hypocrisy is so intolerable it makes me ashamed to see brothers and sisters so easily whipped into a frenzy and shit. I'm in 100% agreement with this brother.

I knew you were ashamed to be black.

I never fell for the "it could have been me", because it wasn't me during the crack days of the 80's, LA riot days of the 90's or now. We here in Arizona are free to carry weapons without a concealed carry permit.
this just in..some black guy can cite unsolved murders where the perpetrator was unknown as a comparison to zimmerman shooting a young man and ask where is the outrage over the unsolved murders ? that makes any sense

This just in- you are dense as hell. He was giving an example of something black folks should be concerned about, the lack of concern from law enforcement to solve black murder victims cases. You obviously lack the ability to keep up with the brother. Don't blame him for your oblivious reprobate mind.
Trayvon Martin's Fan Club and Media are a joke - YouTube

This man is a godsend to me. I wanted to say this just as blatantly but to my fellow black posters here who seem blinded by their left wing media-fueled peer pressure to not be realistic. They fell for the "it could've been me" bullshit because emotional appeals are easier to process than doing their own research and applying a little critical thinking and common sense. And their hypocrisy is so intolerable it makes me ashamed to see brothers and sisters so easily whipped into a frenzy and shit. I'm in 100% agreement with this brother.

I knew you were ashamed to be black.

I never fell for the "it could have been me", because it wasn't me during the crack days of the 80's, LA riot days of the 90's or now. We here in Arizona are free to carry weapons without a concealed carry permit.

Ashamed of being black? No. Ashamed that my skin associates me with simpletons like you? You bet your black ass I do. People think of you when they see me. That is a shame.
this just in..some black guy can cite unsolved murders where the perpetrator was unknown as a comparison to zimmerman shooting a young man and ask where is the outrage over the unsolved murders ? that makes any sense

This just in- you are dense as hell. He was giving an example of something black folks should be concerned about, the lack of concern from law enforcement to solve black murder victims cases. You obviously lack the ability to keep up with the brother. Don't blame him for your oblivious reprobate mind.

black folks ?? so only black folks are outraged at the killing of this young man ?? no black folks voice concern over law enforcement in their committees really ??
I love how Ops thinks he is going to get me angry over his calling me Jesse. He's the chickenshit who wouldnt debate a "racist" and employed the standard libtard "shout them down, don't address anything" tactic like a good little democrat plantation cotton picker. You're a weak ass excuse making brother who would rather be in denial than try to face the cold hard truth and fix it, Ops. I'm the run a way slave that decided to fend for myself. since you only understand this kind of "blackness" I'll give it to you like that.

You can keep talking shit, but your opinion isn't worth the plastic used to make your S-Chip card sitting in your wallet.

Plastic ass brother.

I'm not trying to get you angry by calling you Jesse, I'm being accurate. It's funny that you would use that "democrat plantation cotton picker" phrase and the " I'm the run a way slave " phrase, because in my opinion you are a fake who pretty much has the same views as GUNSIDEAUG does about Black people, but you try to perpetrate a fraud by using some "black lingo" template and using some fake ased protestations about GUNSIDEAUG's posts. FAKE.
this just in..some black guy can cite unsolved murders where the perpetrator was unknown as a comparison to zimmerman shooting a young man and ask where is the outrage over the unsolved murders ? that makes any sense

This just in- you are dense as hell. He was giving an example of something black folks should be concerned about, the lack of concern from law enforcement to solve black murder victims cases. You obviously lack the ability to keep up with the brother. Don't blame him for your oblivious reprobate mind.

black folks ?? so only black folks are outraged at the killing of this young man ?? no black folks voice concern over law enforcement in their committees really ??

he is speech is primarily aimed at his own race and he doesn't say only black folks are outraged--get it ?
This just in- you are dense as hell. He was giving an example of something black folks should be concerned about, the lack of concern from law enforcement to solve black murder victims cases. You obviously lack the ability to keep up with the brother. Don't blame him for your oblivious reprobate mind.

black folks ?? so only black folks are outraged at the killing of this young man ?? no black folks voice concern over law enforcement in their committees really ??

he is speech is primarily aimed at his own race and he doesn't say only black folks are outraged--get it ?

it seems its all about race to you is what I get
This just in:

One can be a proud black man and yet not either hate whites or blame whites for all of society's ills.

Who knew?

Really? Wow! When did you become an expert on the black community?

Salt Peter thinks one has to be either black or an EXPERT on the black community to see that a black man can be a proud black man and STILL not have to hate whites or blame whites.

That's just too fucking funny!

:lmao: again @ Salt Peter.
this just in..some black guy can cite unsolved murders where the perpetrator was unknown as a comparison to zimmerman shooting a young man and ask where is the outrage over the unsolved murders ? that makes any sense

This just in- you are dense as hell. He was giving an example of something black folks should be concerned about, the lack of concern from law enforcement to solve black murder victims cases. You obviously lack the ability to keep up with the brother. Don't blame him for your oblivious reprobate mind.

black folks ?? so only black folks are outraged at the killing of this young man ?? no black folks voice concern over law enforcement in their committees really ??
No. You really had to ask this. He was mainly addressing our community with that part of his rant. You should know that. And ofcourse you white liberals are concerned, you love to pat you're backs and brag about how you lie awake at night, tossing and turning worrying about the plight of us poor black people. Save your bullshit for someone who buys it. You have nothing to offer, so butt out and get another orifice pierced, clown.
this just in:

One can be a proud black man and yet not either hate whites or blame whites for all of society's ills.

Who knew?

really? Wow! When did you become an expert on the black community?

salt peter thinks one has to be either black or an expert on the black community to see that a black man can be a proud black man and still not have to hate whites or blame whites.

That's just too fucking funny!

:lmao: Again @ salt peter.

so black men that do not agree with his rambling discourse are not proud or hate whites or blame them ???

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