Very good news about Fox "News!"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Thankfully, the Republican propaganda TV channel Fox "News" may be hanging on by its proverbial fingernails thanks to another defamation suit, this one by Smartmatic for 2.7 billion..

I love the opening paragraph of their lawsuit against Fox: "The earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged or fixed. They are demonstrable and irrefutable."

Boy, if that doesn't cut to the quick I don't know what does. And the best part is that Smartmatic is not only going after Fox, they are also going after the individual liars that broadcast for Fox, for spreading their nefarious lies like peanut butter on a piece of bread.

Along with the 1.6 billion defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic may have placed Fox in serious jeopardy of remaining intact. Hopefully, their time remaining as prolific liars is on a short leash.
I hope you unemployable shitstains need this win in order to carry on. But smartmatic has some 'splaining to do.... like how a voter in CA voted 66% for the stuttering fuck, but 32% for Trump.... apparently 2% of the voter was undecided?

Is Avenatti the attorney of record? Oh, sorry, no he's servicing gang bangers in a penitentiary for the next 14 years. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I hope you unemployable shitstains need this win in order to carry on. But smartmatic has some 'splaining to do.... like how a voter in CA voted 66% for the stuttering fuck, but 32% for Trump.... apparently 2% of the voter was undecided?

Is Avenatti the attorney of record? Oh, sorry, no he's servicing gang bangers in a penitentiary for the next 14 years. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

View attachment 766305
Can you link where you got this spreadsheet or did you make it at home?

Thankfully, the Republican propaganda TV channel Fox "News" may be hanging on by its proverbial fingernails thanks to another defamation suit, this one by Smartmatic for 2.7 billion..

Excellent. After Fox News is gone we'll only have MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, and NBC to spread Democrat propaganda and you'll all be fine with it because propaganda is a-okay as long as it's YOUR propaganda, not theirs.

Thankfully, the Republican propaganda TV channel Fox "News" may be hanging on by its proverbial fingernails thanks to another defamation suit, this one by Smartmatic for 2.7 billion..

I love the opening paragraph of their lawsuit against Fox: "The earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged or fixed. They are demonstrable and irrefutable."

Boy, if that doesn't cut to the quick I don't know what does. And the best part is that Smartmatic is not only going after Fox, they are also going after the individual liars that broadcast for Fox, for spreading their nefarious lies like peanut butter on a piece of bread.

Along with the 1.6 billion defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic may have placed Fox in serious jeopardy of remaining intact. Hopefully, their time remaining as prolific liars is on a short leash.
Eh .. we all know Democrat is synonymous with corruption these days and frivolous lawsuits are likely financed by stolen taxpayer funds.. 😉
Made it at home? You think that dumbfuck could make a spreadsheet? Like all Trumpsters, he grabbed it off the internet and accepts it as the gospel truth.
That's what everybody does. Since none of us are present when these things happen, we rely on somebody else to tell us stuff and since the people telling us stuff disagree on what happened, it comes down to whom we choose to believe. Ask someone for proof of something they say and what do they do? They post a link to something someone else said.

Thankfully, the Republican propaganda TV channel Fox "News" may be hanging on by its proverbial fingernails thanks to another defamation suit, this one by Smartmatic for 2.7 billion..

I love the opening paragraph of their lawsuit against Fox: "The earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged or fixed. They are demonstrable and irrefutable."

Boy, if that doesn't cut to the quick I don't know what does. And the best part is that Smartmatic is not only going after Fox, they are also going after the individual liars that broadcast for Fox, for spreading their nefarious lies like peanut butter on a piece of bread.

Along with the 1.6 billion defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic may have placed Fox in serious jeopardy of remaining intact. Hopefully, their time remaining as prolific liars is on a short leash.
Nonsense, Democrats cheat on elections all the time and have forever. Everyone knows this. Time to stop it, right now.

Thankfully, the Republican propaganda TV channel Fox "News" may be hanging on by its proverbial fingernails thanks to another defamation suit, this one by Smartmatic for 2.7 billion..

I love the opening paragraph of their lawsuit against Fox: "The earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged or fixed. They are demonstrable and irrefutable."

Boy, if that doesn't cut to the quick I don't know what does. And the best part is that Smartmatic is not only going after Fox, they are also going after the individual liars that broadcast for Fox, for spreading their nefarious lies like peanut butter on a piece of bread.

Along with the 1.6 billion defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic may have placed Fox in serious jeopardy of remaining intact. Hopefully, their time remaining as prolific liars is on a short leash.
Why do you Dims watch Fox all the time if you hate it so?
Can you link where you got this spreadsheet or did you make it at home?
Yeah, I shit it out between winning the The Players Championship this weekend and operating on your stuttering fuck's brain to remove a festering shit mass.

Remember both times you tried 4th grade and kept hearing: "No MOTHER FUCKER you CANNOT copy my homework!"

Well, you just heard it again. Get one of your daddies to explain it to you.

Thankfully, the Republican propaganda TV channel Fox "News" may be hanging on by its proverbial fingernails thanks to another defamation suit, this one by Smartmatic for 2.7 billion..

I love the opening paragraph of their lawsuit against Fox: "The earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged or fixed. They are demonstrable and irrefutable."

Boy, if that doesn't cut to the quick I don't know what does. And the best part is that Smartmatic is not only going after Fox, they are also going after the individual liars that broadcast for Fox, for spreading their nefarious lies like peanut butter on a piece of bread.

Along with the 1.6 billion defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic may have placed Fox in serious jeopardy of remaining intact. Hopefully, their time remaining as prolific liars is on a short leash.
Translation: The left will do whatever they can to achieve their goal of controlling the news and squashing any media who disagrees with their world view. And you've even got the nerve right up front to call it socialism.

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