USMB "South Park"

Does this look like a good rottweiler?


  • $Crimson.png
    9.9 KB · Views: 69
I've created an account and am standing by for further orders.

Wait a's not accepting the username?

I am extremely dubious that nonsense name is already taken.

You want to check on that, Kit?

Something's not right

You have the name as Headitec, what do you mean it's not excepting the username? Are you talking about when you log in? kept sending me back saying it was not an okay name and that it was taken.

Apparently it was taken by me?

okay I'm officially confused.

But if I'm in the system, good enough.

I've created an account and am standing by for further orders.

Wait a's not accepting the username?

I am extremely dubious that nonsense name is already taken.

You want to check on that, Kit?

Something's not right

You have the name as Headitec, what do you mean it's not excepting the username? Are you talking about when you log in? kept sending me back saying it was not an okay name and that it was taken.

Apparently it was taken by me?

okay I'm officially confused.

But if I'm in the system, good enough.


Welcome, it was a 15 minute website, I expect some glitches ... LOL
Almost done with the third character. Doing Crimsons right now because it's an easy one and will be helpful in making others. After that ... I'll do Tiger Bob's character ... that one will be super easy since I already have a cat, just need to adjust some things to make it a tiger.

First time in my life I've been called easy. :lol:


Well ... I am picturing the tiger with a top hat for some reason ...
Almost done with the third character. Doing Crimsons right now because it's an easy one and will be helpful in making others. After that ... I'll do Tiger Bob's character ... that one will be super easy since I already have a cat, just need to adjust some things to make it a tiger.

First time in my life I've been called easy. :lol:


Well ... I am picturing the tiger with a top hat for some reason ...

Sounds familiar....with monocle and cane?

Alright, I updated the cartoon script site, there is a full explanation of how I picture is working on the home page now. For those participating please read it, right after the redish text.
May I join?

If I can move away from the animal theme, I would like to the the letter "X", in a similar style as Gumby.

My face should be in the middle of the "X" and stick figure arms coming out of the sides. The two bottom arms of the X would be my legs, and the two top arms would be like ears, sometimes bending (but not flopping) forward slightly when I turn.
May I join?

If I can move away from the animal theme, I would like to the the letter "X", in a similar style as Gumby.

My face should be in the middle of the "X" and stick figure arms coming out of the sides. The two bottom arms of the X would be my legs, and the two top arms would be like ears, sometimes bending (but not flopping) forward slightly when I turn.

You can, but a letter doesn't fit well enough (I said no towels LOL) ... however ... there is something that can be worked out ... I just can't think of a character for you right this minute. Give me a bit. Your's is tough to figure one out that fits your posting style.
LOL ...

Well, anyone interested make an account here: Digital Politics

Use a nickname close enough to your nickname here so I can tell who is who. It's a very simple site with just a forum like posting system to develop the script without disrupting USMB too much. But if you cannot record your voice in digital format somehow (just need a microphone on your computer, all OS's have a sound recorder built in) then it may be pointless to bother, though one silent character (first come first serve) will be okay. The site isn't listed publicly, so it's invitation only. Please don't give it to everyone, I have enough work trying to keep up here.

I'm in, same name.
May I join?

If I can move away from the animal theme, I would like to the the letter "X", in a similar style as Gumby.

My face should be in the middle of the "X" and stick figure arms coming out of the sides. The two bottom arms of the X would be my legs, and the two top arms would be like ears, sometimes bending (but not flopping) forward slightly when I turn.

You can, but a letter doesn't fit well enough (I said no towels LOL) ... however ... there is something that can be worked out ... I just can't think of a character for you right this minute. Give me a bit. Your's is tough to figure one out that fits your posting style.

I just can't think of a character for you right this minute. Give me a bit. Your's is tough to figure one out that fits your posting style.

What about an obnxious monkey that is loud and always throwing his shit at everyone?

Okay ... the monkey idea would work, but not that annoying. How about the "frat boy" personality ... that kinda fits your posting style.
I just can't think of a character for you right this minute. Give me a bit. Your's is tough to figure one out that fits your posting style.

What about an obnxious monkey that is loud and always throwing his shit at everyone?

Okay ... the monkey idea would work, but not that annoying. How about the "frat boy" personality ... that kinda fits your posting style.

"Frat boy"?

If that fits my personality...then I am disguising myself really well! :lol:

Make the monkey a douchebag with a popped collar and a cocked baseball this douchebag:

What about an obnxious monkey that is loud and always throwing his shit at everyone?

Okay ... the monkey idea would work, but not that annoying. How about the "frat boy" personality ... that kinda fits your posting style.

"Frat boy"?

If that fits my personality...then I am disguising myself really well! :lol:

Make the monkey a douchebag with a popped collar and a cocked baseball this douchebag:


No, I was thinking the stereotype frat boy, like in "Animal House", the same type used in cartoons frequently. Obnoxious, toga wearing, life is a party that never ends, always making fun of everything type of frat boy.

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