US To Close Every Embassy In Muslim World


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
What a bang-up job obama has done in the Muslim World for us, eh?

Before he came to office, most of them liked us. And the ones that didn't like us were afraid of us.

Then he goes on his apology tour and tells Muslims....

Several Books could be written about the incompetence of him and THE worst Secretary of State in our Nation's History... Hitlery Clitnone.

Not sure this is really new 'news'. Just an ongoing saga in stupidity...

Religion of Peace Threats Force Closure of All U.S. Embassies In Muslim World…


When was the last time a religion other than Islam caused something like this?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is shuttering its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world on Sunday after receiving an unspecified threat, officials said.

State Department officials said Thursday that they were taking action out of an “abundance of caution.”

Spokeswoman Marie Harf cited information indicating a threat to U.S. facilities overseas and said some diplomatic offices may stay closed for more than a day.

Other U.S. officials said the threat was in the Muslim world, where Sunday is a workday. American diplomatic missions in Europe, Latin America and many other places are closed on Sunday.

Those officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

The State Department issued a major warning last year informing American diplomatic facilities across the Muslim world about potential violence connected to the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

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I dunno. NBC says this...

By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News
The United States is closing all of its embassies Sunday in the Middle East and parts of Asia because of a possible al-Qaeda-related threat to diplomatic posts worldwide, American officials told NBC News on Thursday.

Is that more than five?


Have you been in contact with your source, Private Manning?

Betcha it's more than five
Glad to see they are closing those embassy's.

To bad they didn't take the Benghazi warning as seriously.
Title of the AP piece:


It's getting easier and easier to just dismiss almost all anti-administration threads as lies upon first glance...because almost all of them are.

The boy that cried wolf gets ignored after all
Why is this OBAMA's fault, exactly, EDGE?

You're really not making much sense, ya know?

Your hatred for Obama is making you post like an idiot.
so the weenie-O response to hearing a threat is to shut the consulates all didn't see that coming....:rolleyes:
Why is this OBAMA's fault, exactly, EDGE?

You're really not making much sense, ya know?

Your hatred for Obama is making you post like an idiot.

Not posted to me but why the hell not.....................

I can't stand Obama or his policies or his continued LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING.

While this incident has happened in the past and will happen again it ties to Benghazi to me. Not directly, but indirectly.

The British closed their embassy down 2 weeks prior to the Benghazi incident as it was dangerous. So why the hell didn't or State department NOTICE, beef up security, or close up shop???????????????

Where they asleep on the job??????????? Oh, too bad as Americans get killed as they didn't do JACK SQUAT ABOUT IT.

Then they turn around and LIE THEIR ASSES OFF saying a video did it, then later no it ...umm did't,.......ummm we didn't say that..........ummm ummmmmmmmmm

A bunch of BS from people lying to the country.

Americans died, and how they died shouldn't be Lied about. That is a DISGRACE to their memories and service, but HEY IT'S OBAMA THE RIGHTEOUS. We shouldn't question the liberal horde leader in this country. Even though they lied and continue to lie about it.

So yeah, I can't stand the POTUS, and I don't have a problem stating that. I don't like the man, as his policies are DESTRUCTIVE and he's ..................WELL..........................

Before he came to office, most of them liked us. And the ones that didn't like us were afraid of us.
After 8 yrs. of Bush's failed crusade against muslims.

I seriously doubt that any of the Islamic countries liked us when Obama became president. .. :cool:

I don't care if they like us. They can stop terrorism and we can dislike each other from afar. As long as they push we are infidels and must convert to their beliefs, they can go to hell.



PAY BACK is a Bitch.
Sorry bout that,

1. Close up shop and stop the aid.
2. Fuck islam and the horse it rode in on.
3. Ban use of their oil in America.
4. Cut all diplomatic ties.
5. Send them back from our shores.
6. Ban islam from America.

I dunno. NBC says this...

By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News
The United States is closing all of its embassies Sunday in the Middle East and parts of Asia because of a possible al-Qaeda-related threat to diplomatic posts worldwide, American officials told NBC News on Thursday.

Is that more than five?


Have you been in contact with your source, Private Manning?

Betcha it's more than five

First off..the President never went on an apology tour.

Secondly..after the unpatriotic way the Republicans pounced on Benghazi..what do you expect?
I dunno. NBC says this...

By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News
The United States is closing all of its embassies Sunday in the Middle East and parts of Asia because of a possible al-Qaeda-related threat to diplomatic posts worldwide, American officials told NBC News on Thursday.

Is that more than five?


Have you been in contact with your source, Private Manning?

Betcha it's more than five

First off..the President never went on an apology tour.

Secondly..after the unpatriotic way the Republicans pounced on Benghazi..what do you expect?

Spare me Lib.

Had this been a GOP POTUS you'd be unglued about it.

To you, we should bow on our knees to the current IDIOT IN CHIEF.

He lied about what happened and he's the POTUS. He's fair game. If he can't handle it when people call him out on his lies then he should have ran for the head of the Boy Scouts instead.

He gets no, and deserves no pass on this issue or HIS LIES.
I dunno. NBC says this...

By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News
The United States is closing all of its embassies Sunday in the Middle East and parts of Asia because of a possible al-Qaeda-related threat to diplomatic posts worldwide, American officials told NBC News on Thursday.

Is that more than five?


Have you been in contact with your source, Private Manning?

Betcha it's more than five

First off..the President never went on an apology tour.

Secondly..after the unpatriotic way the Republicans pounced on Benghazi..what do you expect?

Absolutely. This action quite impressive and although it's a great display of weakness and poor foreign policy it shows that Obama really cares and that's what really matters. :eusa_whistle:

Maybe we should just get the fuck out of there, hang a little sign on the front door with a little clock on it that says "Back When You Get Your Shit Together".


Maybe we should realize our Drone Program has consequences.
Why is this OBAMA's fault, exactly, EDGE?

You're really not making much sense, ya know?

Your hatred for Obama is making you post like an idiot.

I don't hate people for no reason. It takes a lot for me to hate someone.

Remember obama's "Apology Tour"?

If not, refresh your memory and read about it. It was all the rave his first few Months in Office. Where he basically went around the Muslim World and apologized for America while at the same time telling Muslims everywhere to rise up and seek freedom.

In Cairo, he saw to it that Front Row seats were reserved for the top representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood. Who have been in a Death Struggle with Egypt's government since they assassinated Anwar Sadat.

This was not by accident as we later learned.

Shortly after obama stole, er, er, took office, the good People in Iran took to the Streets over a rigged election and were BEGGING obama to help them.

They were even carrying signs in English asking for his help. They sent YouTube clips, they sent representatives....

Know what happened?


That ^^ is what happened. Her name was Neda

obama gave hope to Muslims in places like Iran and then yanked the rug out from under them when they needed us most.

obama also PURPOSEFULLY failed to reach a Status of Forces agreement in Iraq.

He was left a WON WAR and purposefully fucked it up.

He became (what I always call him anyway) a Stuttering Clusterfukk on Syria. He waited too long and was far too indecisive. Not that Country is hopelessly lost. Probably to Russia so now, they'll get the permanent Warm Water Port they've wanted since Peter the Great.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk also has Hamid Karzai (President of Asscrackistan) so pissed off he can't see straight right now for inviting the Taliban, the FUCKING TALIBAN, to a sit down conference.

Then there was Benghazi. The president of Libya has been permanently alienated by him because the Stuttering Clusterfukk all but called him a liar on the terrorist v. protester deal.

What else? A lot. In smaller Countries.

And oh.... The BIG ONE....

the piece of fucking shit backed the Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi from beginning to end in Egypt.

Mubarek was on his way out and he knew it. So he BEGGED obama for a year of patience so other opposition parties, BESIDES the Muslim Brotherhood, could get their act together and run some political candidates.

obama refused and since the MB was the ONLY organized opposition party in Egypt.... They won. Morsi won.

And I think we all know how that worked out.

Dewd, you can dislike me all you want but I'm telling you.... obama is the real deal. He is the fuck up of all fuck ups.

Only God (and I'm not all that religious) can help us get through the next four years.

And I don't think he's all that interested anymore. Hence my avatar.

Humanity's Guardian Angel has said "Fuck it" and is getting drunk

I dunno. NBC says this...

By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News
The United States is closing all of its embassies Sunday in the Middle East and parts of Asia because of a possible al-Qaeda-related threat to diplomatic posts worldwide, American officials told NBC News on Thursday.

Is that more than five?


Have you been in contact with your source, Private Manning?

Betcha it's more than five

First off..the President never went on an apology tour.

Secondly..after the unpatriotic way the Republicans pounced on Benghazi..what do you expect?

When did demanding answers and accountability for Americans in danger become un patriotic.

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