US Soldiers NOT Allowed To Defend US Borders From Foreign Enemies

I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.
Are the folks in the caravan carrying?

You opposed using the military to guard our borders. Do you also oppose using the military to guard D.C.?
I like the way Richard put it, so I'll just quote him:

We are not being invaded. Illegal immigrants are not our enemies.
Just try to take your head out of your ass for a change!

The two situations are in no way similar, and I'm getting sick of you insurrection lovers. It might be smarter for you to join everyone who is trying to protect our country and our government from terrorists.
Are you saying illegal foreigners coming into our country who you have literally no information on our not our enemy? How does that work exactly?
You are talking about enforcing civil law which the military cannot do.

They can now and I don't notice you complaining.

The left will go along with ANYTHING as long as it serves their lord and master, the Democratic Party.
The National guard are defending DC and the National Guard is also allowed to be sent to the border to protect it, upon request... not the same as what the term, the Military means in this.....
You are talking about enforcing civil law which the military cannot do.

They can now and I don't notice you complaining.

The left will go along with ANYTHING as long as it serves their lord and master, the Democratic Party.
The National guard are defending DC and the National Guard is also allowed to be sent to the border to protect it, upon request... not the same as what the term, the Military means in this.....
Why did peloser call the military then?
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.
How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? Illegals take my hard earned money.
Are you saying illegal foreigners coming into our country who you have literally no information on our not our enemy? How does that work exactly?
Why not be legal to our own Constitution instead of the reverse, right wingers? We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass simply because right wingers want to be bigots.
You are talking about enforcing civil law which the military cannot do.

They can now and I don't notice you complaining.

The left will go along with ANYTHING as long as it serves their lord and master, the Democratic Party.
The National guard are defending DC and the National Guard is also allowed to be sent to the border to protect it, upon request... not the same as what the term, the Military means in this.....
You are talking about enforcing civil law which the military cannot do.

They can now and I don't notice you complaining.

The left will go along with ANYTHING as long as it serves their lord and master, the Democratic Party.
The National guard are defending DC and the National Guard is also allowed to be sent to the border to protect it, upon request... not the same as what the term, the Military means in this.....
Why did peloser call the military then?
For the defense of the legitimate Government of the Union?
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.
How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? Illegals take my hard earned money.
Abolish your worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want your, hard earned money being entitled to it.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.
How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? Illegals take my hard earned money.
Abolish your worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want your, hard earned money being entitled to it.
They aren’t my wars. Now answer my question.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.
How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? Illegals take my hard earned money.
Abolish your worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want your, hard earned money being entitled to it.
They aren’t my wars. Now answer my question.
Ask the right wing. They are the ones alleging to be for free market Capitalism whenever they are in socialism threads.

You are welcome to ask why they created an illegal problem and an illegal underclass when we have no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
Almost half of the US used to belong to the Holy Roman Empire; it must be how I got to be more holy and more moral than, the other white guys.

Can You explain why right wingers have more of a problem with sex and sexuality in these forums than they do with outright bigotry and fascism by the right wing?
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
Almost half of the US used to belong to the Holy Roman Empire; it must be how I got to be more holy and more moral than, the other white guys.

Can You explain why right wingers have more of a problem with sex and sexuality in these forums than they do with outright bigotry and fascism by the right wing?

Can you explain why you talk like a surrealism painting?
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
Almost half of the US used to belong to the Holy Roman Empire; it must be how I got to be more holy and more moral than, the other white guys.

Can You explain why right wingers have more of a problem with sex and sexuality in these forums than they do with outright bigotry and fascism by the right wing?

Can you explain why you talk like a surrealism painting?
It only seems that way to right wingers. Can you explain why you don't understand our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land, but complain about less fortunate "illegals"?
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
Almost half of the US used to belong to the Holy Roman Empire; it must be how I got to be more holy and more moral than, the other white guys.

Can You explain why right wingers have more of a problem with sex and sexuality in these forums than they do with outright bigotry and fascism by the right wing?

Can you explain why you talk like a surrealism painting?
It only seems that way to right wingers. Can you explain why you don't understand our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land, but complain about less fortunate "illegals"?

I understand the AMERICAN Constitution fine. I also "complain" about the illegals who are here illegally, and want them all deported back to their homes.

There is no contradiction.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.
How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? Illegals take my hard earned money.
Abolish your worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want your, hard earned money being entitled to it.
They aren’t my wars. Now answer my question.
Ask the right wing. They are the ones alleging to be for free market Capitalism whenever they are in socialism threads.

You are welcome to ask why they created an illegal problem and an illegal underclass when we have no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
I am not on the right or the left. Why do you keep ignoring my question and deflecting? No manners.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
Almost half of the US used to belong to the Holy Roman Empire; it must be how I got to be more holy and more moral than, the other white guys.

Can You explain why right wingers have more of a problem with sex and sexuality in these forums than they do with outright bigotry and fascism by the right wing?

Can you explain why you talk like a surrealism painting?
It only seems that way to right wingers. Can you explain why you don't understand our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land, but complain about less fortunate "illegals"?

I understand the AMERICAN Constitution fine. I also "complain" about the illegals who are here illegally, and want them all deported back to their homes.

There is no contradiction.
No, you don't. You only seem to understand your bigotry and fascism. Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be Legal to.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
Almost half of the US used to belong to the Holy Roman Empire; it must be how I got to be more holy and more moral than, the other white guys.

Can You explain why right wingers have more of a problem with sex and sexuality in these forums than they do with outright bigotry and fascism by the right wing?

Can you explain why you talk like a surrealism painting?
It only seems that way to right wingers. Can you explain why you don't understand our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land, but complain about less fortunate "illegals"?

I understand the AMERICAN Constitution fine. I also "complain" about the illegals who are here illegally, and want them all deported back to their homes.

There is no contradiction.
No, you don't. You only seem to understand your bigotry and fascism. Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be Legal to.

BlaH, BLAH, BLAH, BIGOTRY. blah, blah, blah, facism.

Shove it.
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.
How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? Illegals take my hard earned money.
Abolish your worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want your, hard earned money being entitled to it.
They aren’t my wars. Now answer my question.
Ask the right wing. They are the ones alleging to be for free market Capitalism whenever they are in socialism threads.

You are welcome to ask why they created an illegal problem and an illegal underclass when we have no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
I am not on the right or the left. Why do you keep ignoring my question and deflecting? No manners.
We have a federal form of Government as defined by our Constitution. Right wingers sometimes have a majority in representation to Government. Why not complain to them about using Your hard earned tax money, wastefully and extra-Constitutionally.

And, I am not deflecting. There is no express Immigration clause to be legal to in our federal Constitution. Ask right wingers why they prefer to be Traitors to our supreme law of the land but whine about less fortunate, alleged "illegals".
I’m fascinated at how you Lefties are able to pretend that Americans have something to gain by allowing desperate, illiterate, uneducated, criminal minded thirdworlders who can’t speak our language into our nation.
I am even more fascinated how right wingers can prefer Tax Cut economics while waging global alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and creating more refugees; only to complain about the problems y'all created in the first place.

We did not turn your nations into third world shit holes, you did that to yourselves.
Only bigots on the right wing are hypocritical enough to eschew free market Capitalism for their Big Government nanny-State policies that may be indistinguishable from socialism on an international basis.

Right wingers are trying to turn my nation into a third world shithole by not upgrading infrastructure, both social and physical.

BLah, blah, blah, bigot, blah, blah blah, free market.

Go back to Mexico.
I am a natural born citizen, not a Traitor to our Republic, like You; rebel without a Cause.

Bullshit. YOur loyalty is obviously to Mexico.
Just because a forked-tongue Hypocrite like You says so? You have no "gospel Truth"; are you a paler shade of white?

No, that time you sided with the illegal Mexican child rapist instead of his white child victim, that is why your loyalty is obviously for Mexico.
Just you making up stories, like usual. Only habitual false witness bearers do that. Why don't You go back to the Old World? The new world is inhabited by persons of color. Why not go back and declaim you couldn't handle being in the new world due to all of the non-pale white people there.

No. I will stay here and be in your face for the rest of your life. Mexican.
Almost half of the US used to belong to the Holy Roman Empire; it must be how I got to be more holy and more moral than, the other white guys.

Can You explain why right wingers have more of a problem with sex and sexuality in these forums than they do with outright bigotry and fascism by the right wing?

Can you explain why you talk like a surrealism painting?
It only seems that way to right wingers. Can you explain why you don't understand our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land, but complain about less fortunate "illegals"?

I understand the AMERICAN Constitution fine. I also "complain" about the illegals who are here illegally, and want them all deported back to their homes.

There is no contradiction.
No, you don't. You only seem to understand your bigotry and fascism. Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be Legal to.

BlaH, BLAH, BLAH, BIGOTRY. blah, blah, blah, facism.

Shove it.
You first, you are on the right wing. Not morally brave enough like usual?