US Military makes the US an empire.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
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I suspect we could stop funding the war machine for 10 years, and still have the worlds most powerful military.

Constant war aboard leads to tyranny at home. We are watching it occur live.
We have been an empire for quite some time.

As bad as that is, guess what it would be like to be at the other end of that stick?
Administration officials want to stop those payouts once veterans are eligible for Social Security retirement benefits, arguing that retirement-age individuals should no longer qualify for unemployment benefits. Veterans who cannot collect Social Security would be exempt.

The move would save $3.2 billion next year alone. Last month, Shulkin told lawmakers the IU changes were "a hard decision" but added that "I don't think we can continue to only expand services and not look at the ones we are delivering."

For veterans who aren’t already retirement age, the change could largely be offset by their new Social Security payouts. But for veterans already receiving both, the move would mean a sudden loss of a significant income source. The IU payouts can total almost $20,000 a year.

VA secretary backs off plan to cut elderly vets' benefits

I agree once you reach retirement age, time for SS and Medicare, or if not disabled, go out and work till retirement.
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We have been an empire for quite some time.
True, but someone forgot to tell Americans.

Nobody forgot. They just don't want to admit it.

The other countries know it more than the US citizens.

They deal with the repercussions consistently. However, there seems to be in the last 10 years this absolute denial to say it out loud. I could probably go back to a few years ago and dig up old threads that show people are afraid to admit it...........because that might mean they were often not the good people they imagined they were. They do't like how the word makes them feel.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
That must be what is causing Little Kim to pick fights with us.
He is being forced to.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
That must be what is causing Little Kim to pick fights with us.
He is being forced to.
Yes. He knows the US ruling class is deadly and very unpredictable.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
That must be what is causing Little Kim to pick fights with us.
He is being forced to.
Yes. He knows the US ruling class is deadly and very unpredictable.
That still doesn't explain why he keeps picking a fight with us.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
That must be what is causing Little Kim to pick fights with us.
He is being forced to.

Unification has been in the works for the past 15 years. You can't just roll in and say.......we'll be reunifying Korea. Now.
But, you can take a very predictable jack ass and provoke him enough to justify rolling in and saying we'll be reunifying Korea right now.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
That must be what is causing Little Kim to pick fights with us.
He is being forced to.
Yes. He knows the US ruling class is deadly and very unpredictable.
That still doesn't explain why he keeps picking a fight with us.
He isn’t. He is trying to protect himself from constant provoking by the empire.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
I say bring the military back from all those countries and put them on the border with orders to "SHOOT TO KILL" anyone trying to invade this country illegally. Why should we pay for protection of other countries with our tax dollars and man power when we need to ISOLATE ourselves from the Socialist and Islamic Countries that hate US but not our dollars. As for those who don't like it that people will die on the border, then SHUT THE FUCK UP, leave the military alone for they do a job that your sorry liberal ass will never do, and that is to protect this country so you can be free. Empire building, you are ONE DUMB FUCK.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
That must be what is causing Little Kim to pick fights with us.
He is being forced to.

Unification has been in the works for the past 15 years. You can't just roll in and say.......we'll be reunifying Korea. Now.
But, you can take a very predictable jack ass and provoke him enough to justify rolling in and saying we'll be reunifying Korea right now.
The US ruling class is doing all it can to prevent unification. It wants war instead.
Where are all these Military men and women stationed?

The U.S. operates in over 100 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Japan just to name a few.

U.S. Armed Forces Overview

For the allegiances of other countries, namely Israel and SA we take out other countries, next will be Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. If other countries do not bow down to the US we sanction them to near death and attack.

As long as the other countries behave they can do whatever they want, kill citizens, lock them up, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, they can worship as they like, as long as they cater to the US and Israel.

This is why we have crumbling infrastructure and no money for healthcare as we have to keep the military alive and well, which the US owns the air, water and land all over the globe.

PS: they do not really care for the vets, they are no longer useful, they are used as a prop mainly and thank you for your service.

(in other words, we are Rome, before the fall) or England if you prefer.
What a lousy attitude.

Here's the facts......anyone who picks a fight with us ends up being rebuilt by us after we beat their asses.
What other country does that?
Every other country just takes what they want and leaves the place in shambles.
Thing is no one picks a fight with us. Our criminal ruling class picks enrich and empower itself.

It’s a racket.
That must be what is causing Little Kim to pick fights with us.
He is being forced to.

Unification has been in the works for the past 15 years. You can't just roll in and say.......we'll be reunifying Korea. Now.
But, you can take a very predictable jack ass and provoke him enough to justify rolling in and saying we'll be reunifying Korea right now.
The US ruling class is doing all it can to prevent unification. It wants war instead.
Liberals know that the mantra of the United States will not allow them totalitarian control of the country.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

You can see the desperation of the liberals in the last election where Class, Gender, and Race were all used to divide US. But the US citizens woke up and unified against the EVIL, and voted in a non polished political person who wanted to "Make America Great Again".

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