Us Climate Conference Crumbling.... Those Not Attending Is Growing..

Any denier here can easily prove they're not a proud Stalinist. Simply criticize your fellow deniers for their calls to get Dr. Mann and other scientists tossed into the gulag.



Yep, they're proud Stalinists. So many deniers are poster children for the banality of evil. Deep down, they know their behavior is vile, but they're just too afraid of disobeying their cult's commands. The cult says to round up your political opponents and send them to gulags, therefore deniers are getting out the jackboots and truncheons.

Mann is a pompous ass and a flippant liar. He belongs in the gulag for the lies he has told and the people he has allowed to be hurt by his gross incompetence.

Speaking of cults, Have your handlers told you how to answer the question yet? Tell me how you stopped natural variation and made it all man made? (warming)
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Notice how these people can't speak without calling you ALL some name?

is this REALLY the government you wanted?

to be badgered, bullied into what they decide is good for YOU? and if DARE go against them, you're a flat earther, denier, anti-science

What is shows me is they have no facts or ethical construct. That is far worse than a liar, it makes them liars who will do anything they wish to further their agenda. Dictators in history show just how destructive these people are and to what lengths they will go to force their agenda of control and deception.
The Faithers just keep up the lies. Pretty much any model they try to use the manipulated data is inaccurate. No wonder.
We keep comparing you idiots to flat-earthers, but that doesn't do you justice. You're like folks fighting tooth and nail against the immunization of our children against polio. You're the mother trying to shove her child across the train tracks without looking cause she's late for work. You're the fool on the beach at Phuket, watching the water recede further and further and thinking "those poor fish!" You're the people in the WTC on 9/11 telling folks to stay put.

And it's MY children and MY grandchildren and MY great grandchildren that your incomprehensible idiocy threatens. And you think I lack justification to be ANGRY with you?

Good god you are all so incredibly, unbelievable, absurdly, horrifically, FUCKINGLY STUPID! fail to grasp human psychology. I get it.......many who are competent in the hard sciences have the IQ of a handball when it comes to human psychology.

Son, you fail to grasp the point: I am not talking about psychology. I am talking about what you are all trying to do here - stop all response to global warming - versus what is actually happening in the world - AGW. THAT has nothing to do with psychology. Psychology may be responsible for most of you being fringe idiots rejecting overwhelming evidence and I'm sure it's responsible for you being the complete ass you've always been, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with the validity of AGW and whether or not it is correct, justified or proper for the lot of you to oppose effective efforts to end it.

The AGW crowd produces scores of failed predictions......pronounced evidence of data fraud......and think people will be ok going back to horse and buggy and candlelight based upon an unprovable hail mary pass guess about what might happen 100 years from now????

There's some psychology for you to look into: why do deniers have to put out complete bullshit when attempting to make an effective argument? Why do they have so much difficulty accepting the fact that they simply don't HAVE valid arguments to make?

Trust me s0n......


Ive never spent half a second in here trying to change the minds of the AGW obsessed.

Then you should have no problem leaving and not coming back.

I exist in here to point out the faulty thinking in people like you.

Then how can you bear being such an abject failure? Oh.. I get it. That's why you're such an ass.

Ive posted up the polls on the level of concern the American public has for global warming.

The only thing you seem to be trying to do here is convince yourself that you're normal. I don't know if it works for you but I can't say we're getting much from your efforts.

They all concur.......nobody cares. You can piss and moan and whine until the cows come you have been doing......but it doesn't add up to dick. All the evidence supports that. The AGW crowd gets their nut sacks smashed in here ALL THE TIME and don't even know it. Not your fault though......its a thinking issue with you guys.....cant think on the margin!!! Thankfully, a majority of the population can

The evidence fills over 13,000 peer reviewed studies in the last ten years. The evidence fills the five IPCC assessment reports. All that evidence, analyzed by all those climate scientists come to the same conclusion: the world is getting warmer and human deforestation and combustion of fossil fuel is primarily to blame. Any other conclusion - such as those you persistently push - are simply wrong.

which is why the science isn't mattering. Like to give you a chance ( another ) to show us all where/how the science is mattering? Links please......opinions are like assholes.........the skeptics have produced scores of links ( see epic thread PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING )

A comparison of the number and quality of links to supporting reference material shows lightyears of advantage to those of us supporting mainstream science. Your statement is, quite simply, another in a long chain of willful lies.

Knock yourself out s0n.........( I love this next part ) >>>

:rock::rock:More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum:rock::rock:
In todays throngs of k00ks descend on Manhattan tomorrow........

"The idea that "Climate science is settled" runs through today's popular and policy discussions. Unfortunately, that claim is misguided. It has not only distorted our public and policy debates on issues related to energy, greenhouse-gas emissions and the environment. But it also has inhibited the scientific and policy discussions that we need to have about our climate future."

"A second challenge to "knowing" future climate is today's poor understanding of the oceans. The oceans, which change over decades and centuries, hold most of the climate's heat and strongly influence the atmosphere. Unfortunately, precise, comprehensive observations of the oceans are available only for the past few decades; the reliable record is still far too short to adequately understand how the oceans will change and how that will affect climate."

Dr. Koonin was undersecretary for science in the Energy Department during President Barack Obama's first term and is currently
director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University. you have a leading scientist, formerly in the Obama admin, saying this consensus stuff is TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:

By the way.......the article is very comprehensive here!!!!

Obama’s Lonely Climate Summit – world leaders are staying home

Eric Worrall writes: The imminent climate summit in New York is rapidly turning into an utter embarrassment for President Obama and UN Secretary General Bank Ki-Moon, in addition to becoming a bit of a punishment round for national deputy leaders.

Aussie PM Tony Abbott today defended his decision not to hop on an earlier flight to America, so he could attend the UN climate conference in New York, because he has more important matters to attend to, such as running the country.

Hey Obama and Ban, this ones for you.... :fu:

When leaders around the world forgo a junket to New York City...that's a pretty good confirmation that AGW has jumped the shark.

Just sayin'.
Thirty years ago, when I first met my newly-minted sister-in-law (a German native), we had a brief exchange with respect to environmentalists and the environmental movement. I'll never forget her comment: "There is a saying in Germany - Green is Red".

Years ago.
Obama’s Lonely Climate Summit – world leaders are staying home

Eric Worrall writes: The imminent climate summit in New York is rapidly turning into an utter embarrassment for President Obama and UN Secretary General Bank Ki-Moon, in addition to becoming a bit of a punishment round for national deputy leaders.

Aussie PM Tony Abbott today defended his decision not to hop on an earlier flight to America, so he could attend the UN climate conference in New York, because he has more important matters to attend to, such as running the country.

Hey Obama and Ban, this ones for you.... :fu:

When leaders around the world forgo a junket to New York City...that's a pretty good confirmation that AGW has jumped the shark.

Just sayin'.

dang gotta come into this forum more often......cracks my ass up!!!!

AGWCult is a EnviroMarxism, nothing more nothing less and absolutely no science whatsoever
US CLIMATE CONFERENCE CRUMBLING.... Those NOT attending is growing..

Well the list is growing of those giving Obama and the UN communists the finger. China, Russia, Canada, Australia, India, New Zealand, and on and on... They are leaving in droves as global temperatures fall and CO2 is shown the fraud it has been from the start.

Chairman Ban:
“…even though the leaders from India, China and Russia will not be able to participate in the meeting, there are “other means of communications, ways and means of having their leadership demonstrated in the United Nations.”

The other language he is talking about must be sign language.. utterly no chance of any binding resolutions... Epic Fail!

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Source 2

That is because the earth is cooling. Even NOAA reports record cold temps year after year. Libs don't want to accept this, however, as it shatters their fundamental lynch pin of increased Statism.
In todays throngs of k00ks descend on Manhattan tomorrow........

"The idea that "Climate science is settled" runs through today's popular and policy discussions. Unfortunately, that claim is misguided. It has not only distorted our public and policy debates on issues related to energy, greenhouse-gas emissions and the environment. But it also has inhibited the scientific and policy discussions that we need to have about our climate future."

"A second challenge to "knowing" future climate is today's poor understanding of the oceans. The oceans, which change over decades and centuries, hold most of the climate's heat and strongly influence the atmosphere. Unfortunately, precise, comprehensive observations of the oceans are available only for the past few decades; the reliable record is still far too short to adequately understand how the oceans will change and how that will affect climate."

Dr. Koonin was undersecretary for science in the Energy Department during President Barack Obama's first term and is currently
director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University. you have a leading scientist, formerly in the Obama admin, saying this consensus stuff is TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:

By the way.......the article is very comprehensive here!!!!

My personal favorite paragraph is this one. Its bound to tear some of the faithfuls hearts right out of their chests...
Even though human influences could have serious consequences for the climate, they are physically small in relation to the climate system as a whole. For example, human additions to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the middle of the 21st century are expected to directly shift the atmosphere’s natural greenhouse effect by only 1% to 2%. Since the climate system is highly variable on its own, that smallness sets a very high bar for confidently projecting the consequences of human influences.

He quantifies the miniscule size of our influence and then questions the gloom and doom from the alarmists...

And then there is this little gem... He all but tells the world that the models are CRAP! worthless for any use whatsoever... OMG!!!! Alarmists heads are going to explode...
We often hear that there is a “scientific consensus” about climate change. But as far as the computer models go, there isn’t a useful consensus at the level of detail relevant to assessing human influences.

And this just in time for the manufactured climate crisis conference..
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September 18, 2014 2:00 PM The U.N.’s Climate-Summit Charade
Western nations keep the talks going, to justify costly de-carbonization programs at home.
By Rupert Darwall


Turning up the political heat. (Vladishern, Daniele Taurino/Dreamstime)

At a perilous juncture in world affairs and with the international system visibly breaking down — the first forcible annexation of European territory since Hitler’s war; a bunch of fanatics and psychopaths, perpetrators of a double genocide, seizing control of a vast swath of the Levant, and American leadership exhausted — the U.N. secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, is convening a summit of world leaders to discuss, of all things, global warming.
True, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton calls it the most consequential and urgent set of challenges facing the world, but the leaders of Canada, Germany, China, and India appear not to agree and are giving next week’s meeting in New York a pass.

The idea for the summit is Mr. Ban’s, who has made global warming the overriding mission of the United Nations since becoming secretary general in 2007. No previous secretary general has evinced so little interest in the great matters of peace and war and has so little to show for his efforts. Were it not for the prestige of his job, Mr. Ban would cut a hapless figure, over the years making a string of histrionic warnings and absurdly optimistic forecasts of the imminence of a global warming treaty.

Those might have been understandable at the outset of his term, before hopes for a treaty were repeatedly dashed. Mr. Ban was in Bali at the end of his first year hailing the annual climate talks as the chance to usher in a “a new age of green economics.”

After the collapse of attempts to agree on a new treaty two years later, he told delegates at Copenhagen, “You sealed a deal,” which they hadn’t, and promised to have a legally binding treaty in 2010, which there wasn’t.

Having lost the race to have a new treaty in place before the end of the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period, Mr. Ban declared at the start of the 2012 Durban conference, “It would be difficult to overstate the gravity of this moment.”

So he gave it his best shot: “Without exaggeration, we can say: the future of our planet is at stake.” In fact, Durban was the high water mark of hopes for a son-of-Kyoto. Agreement in Durban on a road map to an outcome “with legal force” was later eviscerated by developing nations at subsequent conferences.

There’s no mystery as to why a global treaty embracing the world’s biggest emitters is out of reach. Mr. Ban only has to look at the growth of carbon dioxide emissions from the developing nations and to his native South Korea for the answer
Last year, developing nations accounted for 59 percent of the world’s fossil-fuel emissions, compared with only 33 percent in 1990, the base year of the Kyoto Protocol.
Of these, only the billion-plus-population nations of India and China had larger absolute increases than South Korea, which had a bigger increase than the whole of Africa. Indeed, the increase in South Korea’s fossil-fuel emissions between 1990 and 2013 (513.1 million tons of CO2) almost exactly equals the 513.4 million tons emitted by the U.K. in 2013.

Just as climate scientists are reluctant to specify a date by when global temperatures will spike upward to where their supercomputers say they should be, so climate negotiators are desperate to avoid setting a drop-dead date by which time a new climate treaty must be agreed on or admit the effort is not going to succeed. The West’s failure at Copenhagen marks a milestone in the shift in power from the West to the East. Since then, the West’s decline has continued. It will be in an even weaker position to get a binding treaty in Paris next year than it was in Copenhagen, an eventuality the Obama administration appears already to have conceded.

ALL of it here:
The U.N. s Climate-Summit Charade National Review Online
US CLIMATE CONFERENCE CRUMBLING.... Those NOT attending is growing..

Well the list is growing of those giving Obama and the UN communists the finger. China, Russia, Canada, Australia, India, New Zealand, and on and on... They are leaving in droves as global temperatures fall and CO2 is shown the fraud it has been from the start.

Chairman Ban:
“…even though the leaders from India, China and Russia will not be able to participate in the meeting, there are “other means of communications, ways and means of having their leadership demonstrated in the United Nations.”

The other language he is talking about must be sign language.. utterly no chance of any binding resolutions... Epic Fail!

Source 1
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That is because the earth is cooling. Even NOAA reports record cold temps year after year. Libs don't want to accept this, however, as it shatters their fundamental lynch pin of increased Statism.

Couldnt have said it better myself.......the environmental movement is a lynchpin in the movement for government control of everything.

This video is both instructive and fascinating......details the agenda of hard core socialists/Marxists. Infiltrate the institutions of America and grind America down via public policy. Inclusive in that is using the Environmental movement to destroy small business via regulation.( and look whats happening now :coffee:). When people have infiltrated these Marxist meetings, their jaw hits the floor........

What is curious to me is.......I'm not sure whether the AGW wingnuts in here are sock puppets or hopelessly duped bubble dwellers??? Either way......all of these people have one thing in common: they loath their own country with a passion. Speak to any devout AGW person long enough and you find a deep resentment of America.......


People wonder why 1 in 4 Americans wants to leave the union? Its because they see America going away thanks to these hate-America radical fluffernutter fucks.:Boom2:

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US CLIMATE CONFERENCE CRUMBLING.... Those NOT attending is growing..

Well the list is growing of those giving Obama and the UN communists the finger. China, Russia, Canada, Australia, India, New Zealand, and on and on... They are leaving in droves as global temperatures fall and CO2 is shown the fraud it has been from the start.

Chairman Ban:
“…even though the leaders from India, China and Russia will not be able to participate in the meeting, there are “other means of communications, ways and means of having their leadership demonstrated in the United Nations.”

The other language he is talking about must be sign language.. utterly no chance of any binding resolutions... Epic Fail!

Source 1
Source 2

Notice how these people can't speak without calling you ALL some name?

is this REALLY the government you wanted?

to be badgered, bullied into what they decide is good for YOU? and if DARE go against them, you're a flat earther, denier, anti-science

You think I haven't been called names by the folks on your side of this argument?

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