Urban Protesters: Christian Denomination(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What is the mindset of these anti-TrumpUSA street protesters?

I need to watch my adjectives/adverbs here...


"Americans loved their trafficked cities, and policymakers wanted to capitalize on all the commerce. TrumpUSA was in full swing; however, not everyone was thrilled. There were numerous anti-TrumpUSA street protesters talking about the fear of a new 'brand' of Reaganomics under this newest 'celebrity-president'."


"A criminal syndicate known as Black Mask was organizing terrorist activities with ISIS as well as planning home-invasions of various policemen and political officials in America's major cities. Black Mask simply wanted to create chaos and anarchy, and the Trump Administration advised the CIA and the FBI to manage the case. Meanwhile, the New Yorker was generating political cartoons about Trump's ability to lead America as if it were a giant casino."


"A New Yorker writer named Ajay Satan decided to start dressing up like a vigilante and write editorials paired with stick-figure comic book doodles symbolizing urban vigilantism concerns in this era of Black Mask. Ajay also created collages of beautiful women and suggested that all the media scandals involving Trump's sex-allegations were somehow part of some ludicrous modern Washington 'cartoon.' However, Ajay was also dealing with multiple alimony suits from his two ex-wives. Boy, American society was very very insane."


"Ajay's editorials and comic doodles and sex-scandal writings for the New Yorker all received rave reviews, but when Black Mask sent a compact cassette recording of a Nazi Germany speech paired with a modern-day capitalism 'blurb' about the gluttony of consumerism, accusing the New Yorker of being 'ineffectual intellectuals,' Ajay feared for his life. His two ex-wives advised he ask the FBI for some special protection program, and he did, and the FBI obliged. Meanwhile, anti-TrumpUSA street protesters in Washington, New York, and Chicago demanded to know the status of the President's newest sex-scandal allegations."


"Ajay offered up two sarcastic stick-figure comic doodles of the DC Comics anti-heroine Livewire (an electricity-freak) and the Marvel Comics super-villain Carnage (a messenger of mayhem and terrorism) for a new New Yorker piece about everyday artists and political commentators receiving death-threats from terrorists while meaningless celebrities received all kinds of fan-mail from groupies. Ajay's Livewire (DC Comics) and Carnage (Marvel Comics) renditions represented a modern American paranoia regarding the 'aesthetics' of civics under TrumpUSA."


"After Ajay published his new piece in the New Yorker, Black Mask sent a homemade postcard of Livewire (DC Comics) and Carnage (Marvel Comics) portrayed as 'modern-day saints.' The FBI and the CIA were convinced Black Mask was organizing a terrorism-crusade for the autumn of 2018 with ISIS and was potentially also coordinating a narcotics-ring in Tijuana (Mexico) and Miami (Florida). Black Mask was a hybridized behemoth of Waco and the Unabomber. Ajay Satan wondered if Black Mask would be canonized as 'anti-TrumpUSA prophets'."


"American celebrity/actor Tom Cruise, star of Born on the 4th of July, Rain Man, and American Made, decided to give a special Scientology interview on the politically-moderate/conservative Don Imus Radio Show about Ajay Satan's radicalism-pensive editorials in the New Yorker and how they were drawing the 'ire' of Black Mask. Cruise stated that Scientologists across America were concerned that a potential alliance between Black Mask and ISIS signalled a true anti-capitalism sentiment growing in the Middle East, the Third World, and perhaps even South America. Would participant-media overcome the obstacles of democracy-cynicism? Who would be the new gods of civilization --- policymakers or poets?"


"Ajay Satan retired, but the New Yorker continued to publish political cartoons about modern day protesters holding a grudge against Washington about issues ranging from unemployment to politician corruption. Black Mask was still being tracked by the CIA and the FBI, as U.S. forces stationed in the Middle East were methodically attempting to dissect ISIS. President Trump called all this media activity a sign of great traffic profitability. Was he right?"


GOD: I wonder if Ajay was an Atheist...
SATAN: No, he's a Catholic!
GOD: Well, Tom Cruise is an outspoken Scientologist.
SATAN: Religious pluralism is a hallmark of democracy.
GOD: What is the religious conviction of the protesters?
SATAN: They range from Baptist to Lutheran to Mormon to Agnostic.
GOD: In other words, they come from all walks of life.
SATAN: Precisely; this might be unnerving the Trump Administration.
GOD: Well, people are paranoid about 'Trumponomics.'
SATAN: It can't be as bad as Reaganomics...
GOD: At least Reaganomics fuelled all kinds of shopping (by the wealthy).
SATAN: Well, the Roaring Twenties led up to the Great Depression.
GOD: I doubt there will be another cataclysmic stock-market crash.
SATAN: You never know...
GOD: Let's go watch Captain America: Civil War on Netflix!
SATAN: Maybe all these protesters are harmless 'hippies.'
GOD: That's the hope (in Washington); but we still read the New Yorker.
SATAN: There's something sanguine about nagging dialogue, no?



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