Unless you want to destroy SS, Medcare, foodstamps, and unempolyment why vote GOP?

here's comes the dishonest fear mongering by the Democrats

right on cue they baaaaa

Such rebuttal needs to be considered

O.K> I love it when liberals make no substance comments. Let's say you go off college--hardly likely for you--since you brought up McDonalds as your career choice--in your avatar picture.

But let's try to imagine:

You work you butt off--don't go out partying--and achieve success through long late night hours of study and great grades--that you hope will someday lead to a great job. Your room-mate on the other hand just went to college to party down. That's all he/she does. Doesn't go to class--and never opens up a book or computer to study. One day he/she comes up to you and says--can you share some of your great grades-(while depleting your grade point average)-so I can get through college?

How would you respond to your college room mate?

Unless you like taking food from the mouths of poor children, and unless you like throwing the elderly out in the street, and unless you like taking away women's rights, and unless you like the idea of destroying the minimum wage so corporations can pay you $2.00 an hour, and unless you like the rich buying the government, and unless you like America's wealth being given to the pentagon for more war, you better vote against the republicans.

Oh brother--another uninformed voter making comments. We have had a safety net in this country since the 1930's or after the great depression--to take care of the truly needy.

What we have today--are a lot of free loaders that are much more intent on sitting on the couch watching their soaps--getting fat--than have any interest what-so-ever in providing for their own families. Unfortunately today-- there are way too many of them. Social Security disability. How many people that are perfectly capable of working are on that right now? LOTS including those in their younger years--30's and 40's. A lifetime government--taxpayer fed--hand-out. 3rd generation welfare families--where no one works or contributes to the tax base of this country. We currently have 49 MILLION people in this country that are receiving food stamps--the largest in this nations history.

These democrat policies--of the "buy your vote" handouts are killing this country. Today we borrow 44.7 cents on every dollar the government spends.


This is one trillion dollars. $100.00 dollar bills stacked together on pallets. We are currently over 17 trillion dollars in red ink. One day because of this run-a-way borrowing and spending--there will be no safety net. No social security--no Medicare--No Medicaid--No Welfare-No unemployment--No food stamps--because other foreign countries will no longer lend us money--fearing that they won't get paid back, because our debt in relation to GDP is too high. Now imagine the interest we already pay on this debt. which currently is around 48 BILLION dollars a year.

No one can BORROW and SPEND their way to PROSPERITY.

You've got stats, but no clue. The last three con POTUS's are responsible for $12 trillion of the national debt, spending on "star wars" which never was a reality, nukes which are rotting in silos, tax welfare to millionaires, and stupid Iraq/Afghan wars. Cons have stolen $2.5 trillion from the SS fund. And you're whining about feeding hungry Americans. Bush Jr. not only destroyed the U.S. and global economy, he left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit. Instead of complaining about welfare to every foreign country that we waste every year in foreign aid, you want to destroy SS, Medicare and food stamps to the elderly and the hungry American children. Al Qaeda loves you. You are their favorite weapon.
here's comes the dishonest fear mongering by the Democrats

right on cue they baaaaa

Such rebuttal needs to be considered

O.K> I love it when liberals make no substance comments. Let's say you go off college--hardly likely for you--since you brought up McDonalds as your career choice--in your avatar picture.

But let's try to imagine:

You work you butt off--don't go out partying--and achieve success through long late night hours of study and great grades--that you hope will someday lead to a great job. Your room-mate on the other hand just went to college to party down. That's all he/she does. Doesn't go to class--and never opens up a book or computer to study. One day he/she comes up to you and says--can you share some of your great grades-(while depleting your grade point average)-so I can get through college?

How would you respond to your college room mate?


Super genius we have here folks.

First, maybe you missed Stephs substance free post and only could see mine. I guess you hold me to a higher bar. No problem.

Second, I'm not Chris Rock. Yes I am a black guy but Chris Rock made the joke about McDonalds.

Third, What the fuck are you talking about.

Fouth, Stick to pics of Daffy Duck you daffy fuck

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