Unions are (basically) Evil


Unions were a solution for a time.
Unions were always evil and always undermined freedom. They caused high prices and fewer jobs for everyone and only benefited themselves at others' expense. They were fascists who used libgovt connections to get higher wages while everyone else had to work at free market wages.

Do you have the IQ to understand??

Unions were a solution for a time.
Unions were always evil and always undermined freedom. They caused high prices and fewer jobs for everyone and only benefited themselves at other's expense. They were fascists who used libgovt connections to get higher wages while everyone else had to work at free market wages.

Do you have the IQ to understand??

Unions gave power to labor. which helped empower more people and helped grow the economy. In the past people thought higher wages would hurt economic growth but it turns out that wage growth is key to long term economic growth.
Unions gave power to labor. .

actually they gave power only to those who had llib fascist connections to govt while others in labor had to pay the high prices for union fascist wages.

Everyone benefited from union power, not just union members.

One of the problems of industrialization has always been finding customers for the production capacity. It turns out that one thing that really helps is having higher wages in the economy so the workers can actually afford stuff.
Everyone benefited from union power, not just union members.

too stupid of course!! How did non union workers benefit from paying higher prices. How did union fascists benefit from learning that you get ahead with violence rather than liberty??
When I said not to change I didn't mean to just repeat yourself.
10000% stupid and insane!! Where you have people you have customers and they are not hard to find as you claimed ! Totally stupid and just what we'd expect from a liberal!!
Those damn police unions are the most evil of all...
Why don't they try breaking the baseball football basketball or hockey unions? Those guys aren't overpaid?

I just heard that your dollar is worth the most in Mississippi. Question? Why don't corporations in America all move to Mississippi if it's so cheap to live in the wages is so low there?
One of the biggest problems we face today is the loss of power by labor and unions.
I have to agree. It's not like big business doesn't have it's unions. Their unions are the politicians that their corporate lobbyists influence. Then of course, there's the supreme court staffed by corporate lawyers that told us corporations are people. People that don't have to go to jail, get drafted, can multiply into other people called subsidiaries and holding companies, can declare countries thousands of miles from here as their residencies for tax purposes. I wonder if any of these union hating working stiff conservatives are allowed to declare Ireland their residency for tax purposes if they vote republican.
I have to agree. It's not like big business doesn't have it's unions. Their unions are the politicians that their corporate lobbyists influence..

100% stupid and liberal of course. unions are the biggest lobbyists of all and biggest spenders on political ads too!!
Truth about unions!!!!!! How do I know? I belonged to a union for 30 years and seen it!

We must first separate the unions. A. A private sector union, and B. A public sector union.

Let us start with A.

A private sector union is fine and dandy. If they push their prices or compensation to high, what happens is exactly what happened to the UAW, (and that is the union I belonged to) the compensation drops, or everyone buys cheaper products from non-union shops. The only way for a private sector union to keep pay and compensation high, is either to control all of the people in that sector of the economy, or legislate that no competitive products can be IMPORTED in without a heavy tariff. The UAW failed repeatedly to unionize Toyota, Honda, BMW, and all of the other offshore people who entered the country to build autos on our shores. And so, any lib in this thread that currently is driving a Honda, Toyota, BMW, or an imported car, you have no room to speak a word for unionization! Why? Because YOU voted with your wallet, and now YOU want the rest of America NOT to have the ability to vote with theirs. It is the classic case of "do as I say, and not as I do!"

B. Public sector unions are one of the worst problems in this country! Yes, I said it!!!!!!!!! How do you negotiate with a politician who is supposed to represent the taxpayers, offer support to that politician for a better deal, then fleece the taxpayers that pay your wage? The politician is long gone before the full fiscal effect is felt, so the people who get the "stuff" is the politician and the public union; while the people who get the proverbial shaft is the taxpayer. How do you demand a raise from many a people paying taxes earning less than you do? In fact, faaaaaar less than you, and then get a retirement package of pay, forever health benefits, and a COLA allowance that private sector people footing the bill can't even dream of? After 20 or 25 years no less, then go for the double dip, lol.

We have seen the outcome of these deals by looking at states like California and Illinois, where localities are going broke. (let us not forget Detroit) Chicago is in deep trouble, and the public unions continue to demand more.

The reason that public unions can do this, is basically because LIBERALS believe that they can tax enough to make their deals whole. What they don't get is "they are only screwing themselves." The money train is ending as we can plainly see, and the PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS are going to be the 1st ones thrown off the train; ala Wisconsin. If they were wise, (which they are not) they would cement the deals for those who relied on them that are of a certain age, and change them for those that are not of a certain age. But no, no, oh hell no they say; and now they are going to learn a very valuable lesson rather quickly................you can only get what you get if the taxpayer either agrees, or there are enough taxpayers to do it. Taxpayers don't agree, and since you aren't willing to meet us 1/2 way, to hell with you, you may very well lose it all!!!!!! Go see if the "fat cat" union President you thought was wonderful will help you survive. I doubt it. He/she is to busy getting the next democrat elected who will lie to the next generation of public, sector, union, workers.
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Any time anyone talks about public employees it becomes very clear why public employees need unions.
Any time anyone talks about public employees it becomes very clear why public employees need unions.

exactly how else could they earn twice as much as comparable jobs in the private sector without using liberal violence and corruption
Any time anyone talks about public employees it becomes very clear why public employees need unions.

Exactly! How else could they fleece the taxpayer without them? Pathetic, just pathetic.

Let me tell you something there libby, if you are good, or needed, or important, or even a good worker...........you DO NOT NEED a UNION!!!!!! But then again, especially in the public sector..........if you are useless, helpless, and hopeless, you need a union to prop your worthless asses up!

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