Ukraine will Split into 2-3 Countries


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
By the end of this year, NATO countries will have conditioned continuing financial aid to Ukraine on a cease-fire agreement with Russia. The ensuing negotiations will involve the creation of Eastern and Western Zones (similar to Germany after WW2), with Russia controlling the Eastern Zone. After this is done the Western Zone will be racked with political dissension, and a further split will occur between pro-NATO and pro-EU factions. It is possible that the Pro-NATO faction may wish to attach with Poland, whereas the pro-EU faction may want to go the independent/neutrality route. This may result in Ukraine being broken up into three different countries. Perhaps there may be an eventual reunification, but that will be many decades away.
Russia will eventually take them over. Ukraine is as corrupt as they come and hardly a democracy. The West are suckers once again.

We should fund them yes, because it will weaken Russia and have them and China burn resources. However, there must be serious accounting of the money and weapons. Ukraine needs to win, but will they? The rest of Europe has to use this time to rebuild their military. If after two years Europe is still scratching their behinds, then what?

Obviously Russia has a goal. Putin was quiet as a church mouse during the Bush years. He attacked Ukraine multiple times under Obama and Bidens presidency. Is this an accident?

I read that some terrorists in the Oct 7th attacks had weapons from Ukraine. If so, this is a serious violation and might explain why Bibi and his far right government are saying "we are done listening to others". If we allow such corruption in Ukraine, it is only a matter of time before they fall. Zelensky just canned his general and Ukranians are NOT happy. They believe this was political since this general is more popular than him.

The West has to get their shyte in order and stop funding fascists simply because it is sometimes in our favor. Sure, we aren't going to have Utopian societies, but at the very least, we must support someone who will address and crack down on corruption, not be a poster boy for corruption themselves. If there is dirty work that needs to be done against threats to the West that is the work of intelligence agencies.
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Russia will eventually take them over. Ukraine is as corrupt as they come and hardly a democracy. The West are suckers once again.

We should fund them yes, because it will weaken Russia and have them and China burn resources. However, there must be serious accounting of the money and weapons.

I read that some terrorists in the Oct 7th attacks had weapons from Ukraine. If so, this is a serious violation and might explain why Bibi and his far right government are saying "we are done listening to others". If we allow such corruption in Ukraine, it is only a matter of time before they fall. Zelensky just canned his general and Ukranians are NOT happy. They believe this was political since this general is more popular than him.

The West has to get their shyte in order and stop funding fascists simply because it is sometimes in our favor. Sure, we aren't going to have Utopian societies, but at the very least, we must support someone who will address and crack down on corruption, not be a poster boy for corruption themselves. If there is dirty work that needs to be done against threats to the West that is the work of intelligence agencies.
Ukraine is a bastion of pedophiles, drug addicts and thieves.....pouring money into it is like putting a blow torch up your own ass.
By the end of this year, NATO countries will have conditioned continuing financial aid to Ukraine on a cease-fire agreement with Russia. The ensuing negotiations will involve the creation of Eastern and Western Zones (similar to Germany after WW2), with Russia controlling the Eastern Zone. After this is done the Western Zone will be racked with political dissension, and a further split will occur between pro-NATO and pro-EU factions. It is possible that the Pro-NATO faction may wish to attach with Poland, whereas the pro-EU faction may want to go the independent/neutrality route. This may result in Ukraine being broken up into three different countries. Perhaps there may be an eventual reunification, but that will be many decades away.
Whatever it takes to stop that retarded war.
Russia will eventually take them over. Ukraine is as corrupt as they come and hardly a democracy. The West are suckers once again.

We should fund them yes, because it will weaken Russia and have them and China burn resources. However, there must be serious accounting of the money and weapons. Ukraine needs to win, but will they? The rest of Europe has to use this time to rebuild their military. If after two years Europe is still scratching their behinds, then what?

Obviously Russia has a goal. Putin was quiet as a church mouse during the Bush years. He attacked Ukraine multiple times under Obama and Bidens presidency. Is this an accident?

I read that some terrorists in the Oct 7th attacks had weapons from Ukraine. If so, this is a serious violation and might explain why Bibi and his far right government are saying "we are done listening to others". If we allow such corruption in Ukraine, it is only a matter of time before they fall. Zelensky just canned his general and Ukranians are NOT happy. They believe this was political since this general is more popular than him.

The West has to get their shyte in order and stop funding fascists simply because it is sometimes in our favor. Sure, we aren't going to have Utopian societies, but at the very least, we must support someone who will address and crack down on corruption, not be a poster boy for corruption themselves. If there is dirty work that needs to be done against threats to the West that is the work of intelligence agencies.
Putin attacked Ukraine because he had to stop NATO expansion which has not worked too well. Since the war began Finland has been admitted to NATO and Sweden's membership seams likely within a year. If Ukraine is admitted to NATO, Belarus, a long term ally of Russia could seek NATO membership. Putin can not allow this to happen. He has long preached that NATO is Russia's greatest enemy and it can not be allow to continue expanding.
Putin attacked Ukraine because he had to stop NATO expansion which has not worked too well. Since the war began Finland has been admitted to NATO and Sweden's membership seams likely within a year. If Ukraine is admitted to NATO, Belarus, a long term ally of Russia could seek NATO membership. Putin can not allow this to happen. He has long preached that NATO is Russia's greatest enemy and it can not be allow to continue expanding.
Well. If this is going to be a East/West Germany scenario, the West may just one day become a member of NATO.

They would have to aggressively clean up corruption and cut off the East for the most part. The problem is, we don't have the cultural power we once did. When the Beatles, Hendrix and other star musicians were playing their music, the East Germans heard it and were dying to get their hands on the music. It spoke to creativity and liberty through song.

Now, I would probably prefer some music from the East rather than soulless drum machines, auto tune and lip synching. It is the cultural war the West is losing its edge on from music to movies, and our enemies are funding/forcing this failure. We have lost our character and it is going to cost us further. This is why the new Top Gun was so important. The studios didn't buckle to China.
I don't give a fxck about Ukraine.
The Russians can have it.
We should not waste one penny on them.
The Ukraine is not a free country.
It is a one party Kelptocracy.

no ivan, you semi - muslim 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 Mongol - Maskal horde will Split into 32 Countries

Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."

The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.

First, it uses unruly violence as a regular means of resolving international disputes. While violence is common and sometimes necessary in political or social governance, rules have been set for its use under a modern lawful democratic system. Unlike in ancient times, the use of violence now comes under heavy restrictions and is “predictable”. Such an evolution also applies to international relations.

Putin attacked Ukraine because he had to stop NATO expansion which has not worked too well. Since the war began Finland has been admitted to NATO and Sweden's membership seams likely within a year. If Ukraine is admitted to NATO, Belarus, a long term ally of Russia could seek NATO membership. Putin can not allow this to happen. He has long preached that NATO is Russia's greatest enemy and it can not be allow to continue expanding.


By the end of this year, NATO countries will have conditioned continuing financial aid to Ukraine on a cease-fire agreement with Russia. The ensuing negotiations will involve the creation of Eastern and Western Zones (similar to Germany after WW2), with Russia controlling the Eastern Zone. After this is done the Western Zone will be racked with political dissension, and a further split will occur between pro-NATO and pro-EU factions. It is possible that the Pro-NATO faction may wish to attach with Poland, whereas the pro-EU faction may want to go the independent/neutrality route. This may result in Ukraine being broken up into three different countries. Perhaps there may be an eventual reunification, but that will be many decades away.
You need to post links to back up statements made as fact. Please provide them. Refer to the rules.
I think the 12% that Russia has claimed will be turned into a buffer zone.
Russia wouldn't accept that.

And anyway, the country is already defacto split between two countries.

Not that I give any credibility to the predictions in the original post.
After the West fights to the last Ukrainian, we'll do a deal that could have been done in February 2022.
By the end of this year, NATO countries will have conditioned continuing financial aid to Ukraine on a cease-fire agreement with Russia. The ensuing negotiations will involve the creation of Eastern and Western Zones (similar to Germany after WW2), with Russia controlling the Eastern Zone. After this is done the Western Zone will be racked with political dissension, and a further split will occur between pro-NATO and pro-EU factions. It is possible that the Pro-NATO faction may wish to attach with Poland, whereas the pro-EU faction may want to go the independent/neutrality route. This may result in Ukraine being broken up into three different countries. Perhaps there may be an eventual reunification, but that will be many decades away.

Not if NATO has their way.

Russian breakup by NATO.jpg
Too many RWNJs here have bought into the Russian propaganda.
Ever consider the opposite? Too many Russians here have bought into the RWNJ propaganda. Or perhaps "have been bought into".

Which doesn't make your original statement false either, just that maybe not all are who you think they are.
Russia wouldn't accept that.

And anyway, the country is already defacto split between two countries.

Not that I give any credibility to the predictions in the original post.

Too many RWNJs here have bought into the Russian propaganda.

After the West fights to the last Ukrainian, we'll do a deal that could have been done in February 2022.
Moscow 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 imperialists sell us - we always win narrative, but in reality :
Moscow horde´s war record :-1856 defeated by Britain and France1905 defeated by Japan1917 defeated by Germany1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland1969 defeated by China1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by UkraineWW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-a) Hungary 1956b) Czechoslovakia 1968c) Moldova 1992d) Georgia 2008
Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png

Ever consider the opposite? Too many Russians here have bought into the RWNJ propaganda. Or perhaps "have been bought into".

Which doesn't make your original statement false either, just that maybe not all are who you think they are.

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