U.S. escalates online attacks on Russia's power grid


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid
WASHINGTON — The United States is stepping up digital incursions into Russia’s electric power grid in a warning to President Vladimir V. Putin and a demonstration of how the Trump administration is using new authorities to deploy cybertools more aggressively, current and former government officials said.

Oh they are hinting the US is going not have a grid down lmfao ............ WE are under so many attacks and they are settings up the left to think they are right and the stupid asses fall for it every time..
Dangerous game I think, more a threat than nukes. What if someone gets inside ours or their malware and sets it off
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Dangerous game I think, more a threat than nukes. What if someone gets inside ours or their malware and sets it off

They know to how to lay blame real well - they meaning the US now watch in a few weeks or months some where a huge power outage is gonna happen. I think they are saving all the bs for 4th of July lol... hell I ddunnnooooooo
What does MSN and the New York Times have to gain by publishingvthis? For the last few weeks the democrats have been yelling that Trump wants war. He hasn't moved in that direction so the media will nudge things along.
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
This story comes straight from the mouth of the Trump administration. WTF does it have to do with leftists?
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
This story comes straight from the mouth of the Trump administration. WTF does it have to do with leftists?
They are the designated fallguy for Trumps inability to govern.
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
This story comes straight from the mouth of the Trump administration. WTF does it have to do with leftists?
You got it backwards. Like I said, this was yet another concocted fake news story by the NY Times. Has anybody counted the number of times these assholes at the NY Times / CNN / MSNBC etc. have lied and made up shit about Trump?

Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
President Trump accused the New York Times of committing a "virtual act of treason" in response to a report that said the U.S. is ramping up attacks on Russian power grid.

In a pair of tweets Saturday evening, the president called the venerable news outlet "THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!" in all capital letters.

It was the latest attack on the press by a president who often rails against "fake news" and singles out news organizations such as CNN and the Washington Post for condemnation. Earlier in the day Trump tweeted the "Corrupt News Media is totally out of control - they have given up and don’t even care anymore."
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
This story comes straight from the mouth of the Trump administration. WTF does it have to do with leftists?
They are the designated fallguy for Trumps inability to govern.
They constantly throw their shit at the wall in hopes that something will stick.
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
This story comes straight from the mouth of the Trump administration. WTF does it have to do with leftists?
They are the designated fallguy for Trumps inability to govern.
It's scary how far off from reality people will veer to satiate their cravings to confirm an ideological bias.

So now one would think that Roudy would acknowledge the reality of the situation and ask the question, why is Trump driving the country into crisis?
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
This story comes straight from the mouth of the Trump administration. WTF does it have to do with leftists?
You got it backwards. Like I said, this was yet another concocted fake news story by the NY Times. Has anybody counted the number of times these assholes at the NY Times / CNN / MSNBC etc. have lied and made up shit about Trump?

Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
President Trump accused the New York Times of committing a "virtual act of treason" in response to a report that said the U.S. is ramping up attacks on Russian power grid.

In a pair of tweets Saturday evening, the president called the venerable news outlet "THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!" in all capital letters.

It was the latest attack on the press by a president who often rails against "fake news" and singles out news organizations such as CNN and the Washington Post for condemnation. Earlier in the day Trump tweeted the "Corrupt News Media is totally out of control - they have given up and don’t even care anymore."
Trump did not say why he thought the story was an act of treason. Maybe it is because he doesn't know the story is true. The article you posted says Trump may be a mushroom. It also supports the claims made by the article in the OP.

The warning strike was authorized by U.S. Cyber Command, which was granted extended power to conduct cyber “clandestine military activity” in order to “deter, safeguard or defend against attacks or malicious cyberactivities against the United States” last year by Trump and Congress. That authorization followed concerns that the administration needed to respond more aggressively to Kremlin-ordered cyber attacks and hacking campaigns.
Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
Automatons that invoke the left are not clued up sufficiently. The 'left' can also mean 'movement' and is non-political. In the lily-pads, make the lure act as if it is trying to get away from the largemouth, or is injured in some way.

Why Jailed U.S. Investor Calvey is the Least of Putin's Concerns
Why Jailed U.S. Investor Calvey Is the Least of Putin’s Concerns - The Moscow Times
'....It seems what is happening is the corporatization of the geopolitical front....and during the forum Calvey was joined as a cause celebre by the journalist Golunov.'

Sechin is mentioned, which links to the Steele dossier. Golunov was apparently busted for cocaine. See Clinton cocaine video at youtube.
This is so ridiculous it is almost unbelievable, key word being almost. Apparently no one is manning the captains seat.
Thanks, Roudy.

Still, administration officials said they believe Trump was not briefed on the "implants" inside Russia's power grid. Pentagon and intelligence officials said there is concern about keeping Trump apprised of the cyber salvo against Russia for fear of how he might react.
Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
The Left wants to drive this country into a crisis, in order to thwart the chances of Trump getting reelected. That includes a confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, or N. Korea. They literally will do anything, even committing national suicide, in order to achieve power.
This story comes straight from the mouth of the Trump administration. WTF does it have to do with leftists?
They are the designated fallguy for Trumps inability to govern.
It's scary how far off from reality people will veer to satiate their cravings to confirm an ideological bias.

So now one would think that Roudy would acknowledge the reality of the situation and ask the question, why is Trump driving the country into crisis?
Perhaps you forgot that the Left keeps telling us that "Trump isn't tough enough with Russia because 'Putin has something on him'"? This is a great example that no matter what Trump does, the lunatics on the Left will always find a way to attack him.
This is so ridiculous it is almost unbelievable, key word being almost. Apparently no one is manning the captains seat.
Thanks, Roudy.

Still, administration officials said they believe Trump was not briefed on the "implants" inside Russia's power grid. Pentagon and intelligence officials said there is concern about keeping Trump apprised of the cyber salvo against Russia for fear of how he might react.
Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
Eh...blow it out your arse, Trump has confirmed that the US has not engaged in any of those activities, and even if it had, for the fake news NY Times to publish such an article on America's secret activities is akin to treason.
This is so ridiculous it is almost unbelievable, key word being almost. Apparently no one is manning the captains seat.
Thanks, Roudy.

Still, administration officials said they believe Trump was not briefed on the "implants" inside Russia's power grid. Pentagon and intelligence officials said there is concern about keeping Trump apprised of the cyber salvo against Russia for fear of how he might react.
Trump accuses NYT of 'virtual act of treason' for report on US cyberattacks against Russia
Eh...blow it out your arse, Trump has confirmed that the US has not engaged in any of those activities, and even if it had, for the fake news NY Times to publish such an article on America's secret activities is akin to treason.
Trump didn't deny the allegations and the Times say they cleared the story with his administration, per the article you linked.

Has Trump abdicated his role as commander in chief as the article you posted suggests?

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