CNN: Trump more than doubles support among black voters.

Why do you recite this sillly right wing garbage?

Republicans are playing identity politics and have done so for 60 years. Yet they tell people like you it's Democrats doing it and you repeat it as if it is so.

Yet you claim to be non partisan.
Are you worried uncle Joey Xiden won’t think your black if you don’t do what he tells you?
Are you worried uncle Joey Xiden won’t think your black if you don’t do what he tells you?

I'm not really concerned about what Biden will think. What I am concerned about are the policies. And since the Republicans are going to work to end anti white racism, its pretty obvious what they are about. So if you want to return to the back of the bus, that's your problem. But I'm not going to do that with you.
I'm not really concerned about what Biden will think. What I am concerned about are the policies. And since the Republicans are going to work to end anti white racism, its pretty obvious what they are about. So if you want to return to the back of the bus, that's your problem. But I'm not going to do that with you.
Sure you are. You don’t even know how you are gonna butter your bread withiit uncle joe
Let's be intellectually honest.

In recent times, the media (even the liberal media) have screamed: African Americans are moving in droves toward the Republicans.

Then after the election, we learned that they did not.

So it will probably be the same on November 5.

And the dust settles, we will see that most African Americans returned "home" to the Democratic Party.

Don't be silly. NO ONE has ever claimed that blacks were moving over to Republicans in DROVES.

As you know, President Trump proved to be far better for the black community than President Obama or Biden. How? President Trump did what was best for the COUNTRY and did not pander to anyone.

This will clearly make heads here explode. Good to see thinking folks finally figuring out the Democrat party is the party of racists.

The real benefit will come when the people who helped keep democrats in power through voter fraud now turn against them
So 80% of Blacks dislike Trump and you're dancing for joy? That's a pretty low bar.
Do you have any clue how much of the black vote historically goes to the Republican? That was rhetorical because it's clear that you have no clue.
I'm black so I can call the results of a poll done by a white owned TV station a lie with ful confience.

Besides this is the llink.

Sean Hannity dot com. Lol!

Black has Trump support at between 12-14 percent and that's among low propensity voters. These are actually black pollsters who poll black communities.
Denial isn't just a river in Mexico.
What you say or think on this matter is irrelevant white man. The lie you have invented is a fake narrative. I am black, so i'm not debating this with your racist white ---. I'm telling you that trump might have no more than 14 percent support in the black community and that the people who say they are voting for trump are not likely voters. At best they are low information blacks. Blacks aren't going to tell white pollsters anything, and most blacks hang up the phone when a white pollster calls. They will be more receptive to a call from black voters. org.
Pollsters identify their race when calling people?

I'm not really concerned about what Biden will think.
of course not, because you’re a sure thing…Biden has already tossed you aside…
What I am concerned about are the policies.
What policies has Biden done that help you? Be specific…
And since the Republicans are going to work to end anti white racism, it’s pretty obvious what they are about.
Wow…what a shame that would be eh? Is this you finally admitting that you’re racist?
So if you want to return to the back of the bus, that's your problem. But I'm not going to do that with you.
🤣 In what way? Bumper sticker slogans are boring…Tell us how.

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