Two Thirds Of Americans Still Believe Jesus Was Born of a Virgin, Merry Christmas!

IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
As long as Joseph bought it, all was well.
All joking aside, Mary was a teen age girl in a society where adulteresses were stoned to death if not shunned the rest of their lives.

She displayed a huge amount of courage in going through with the pregnancy.

They had old hags with twigs even back then.
Joseph protected her, I guess, whether the baby was his or not. That was mighty nice of him.
If I were going to believe in any of this, or pray to anyone, it would be Mary.

"protected her" from what?. Joseph and Mary were----according to the NT---"betrothed" Even if they had screwed a bit before marriage------
such an act would not really have been considered a BIG CRIME
Ask Jim. He's the one who said she would have been stoned.
However, I do remember, Rosie, that it took a few angels to convince Joseph that the baby was God's--apparently Joseph was quite sure it wasn't his. Awkward.

I commented on jewish jurisprudence at that time. She would not have been stoned.
If you recall-----the issue which was supposed to elicit a "DEATH SENTENCE" was
"ADULTERY" -----pregnancy was never considered sufficient evidence for ADULTERY
in Jewish Jurisprudence. You are thinking islam
Being saved means accepting god. That can occur at any point in time you silly fool.
Accepting Christ's sacrifice for your sins. And that's a DAILY thing.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
So much hatred. Good to know none of you will be celebrating Christmas.
I love Christmas. Why would you call it hate to recognize that Mary wasn't a virgin?
What will you be celebrating?
Hope. Peace. Goodwill toward Men.
Do you not do that every day? What is special about Christmas?
The lights. And no, I do not celebrate peace, hope and goodwill every day. We get too busy, don't we? It doesn't hurt to have a holiday to remind us of what is really important.

Actually old lady I have to admit I try to bring goodwill and peace every day in my real life outside this board.

Doing it once a year is not following the teachings.

Personally I do not care if Mary was a Virgin, Jesus was son of God or if he rose from the dead because what I care more about is the teaching of doing right daily and not once a year...
IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
The Jews that KNEW HIM FACE TO FACE don't share your opinion.
You knew them?
How many knew him?

So suddenly there are no historical records, or you just cant be bothered to check out the actual facts on this matter?
You knew them?
How many knew him
I KNOW Him. He is my older brother.

The apostles knew him.

The masses knew Him, believed Him and loved Him. ALL JEWS.

The Pharisees knew Him but felt their positions were threatened by Him, so they hated Him.
Being saved means accepting god. That can occur at any point in time you silly fool.
Accepting Christ's sacrifice for your sins. And that's a DAILY thing.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus is not christ. Christ is a title that many prophets held. Comes from the greek word Kristos and the Hebrew word mashiyach or messiah.

There are plenty of people that came on the father before jesus was around.
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IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
The Jews that KNEW HIM FACE TO FACE don't share your opinion.
You knew them?
How many knew him?

So suddenly there are no historical records, or you just cant be bothered to check out the actual facts on this matter?
That post was a troll because my first post was obviously a joke.
Besides, the news didn't think too much about jesus. He didn't even fulfill the prophecy
Besides, the news didn't think too much about jesus. He didn't even fulfill the prophecy
1. Millions of Jews converted to Christianity, so obviously many of them did think quite a bit of good about Jesus.

2. He fullfilled two different sets of prophesies, the Messianic and Suffering Servant prophesies.

3. You obviously do not know much about this topic; maybe you should just declare victory and walk away?
You knew them?
How many knew him
I KNOW Him. He is my older brother.

The apostles knew him.

The masses knew Him, believed Him and loved Him. ALL JEWS.

The Pharisees knew Him but felt their positions were threatened by Him, so they hated Him.

the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
"positions" according to your Sunday school teacher? Who were the "masses" ? did they have any group or political affinity or will AT ALL?
And people who speak like you do of God will endure unspeakable atrocities for all eternity.

Thats the true Christian spirit of forgiveness. :laugh:

You lost fools think that you should be able to do or say anything you like, and never be held accountable.

But you will be.

Incidentally, I can forgive you and still hold you accountable. That's the nature of doing the right thing. One can forgive a killer, a vile corrupter, a deviant...but forgiveness doesn't wipe out accountability.

Truth is I feel terribly sorry for the fools who through their own blind conviction that they have the answers, reject Christ and offend the Holy Spirit. Because those of us who are saved know the Holy Spirit is God's disciplinarian, and not inclined to be anything but just and righteous. If you offend the Holy Spirit, your eternity will be painful and very, very long. So you can imagine what sort of view we have of the people who create threads on internet message board, specifically aimed at offending Christians and angering the Holy Spirit. Why do people do that?

Because they are vile and corrupt. And because they reject salvation.

And they will suffer for it, it's the worst way you can be.
Being held accountable doesnt mean you have to "endure unspeakable atrocities for all eternity". God does the holding accountable. Not you silly fake Christians. You fools are hypocrites and shouldn't profess to be Christian.

Yes it does. Because that is the punishment for rejecting Christ.

It is the very base of Christianity. That's why we call it being *saved*, you fool. We are *saved* from everlasting torment and misery.

Those who aren't *saved* are choosing that.

The way you guys get all mad about it reminds me of my 14 y.o. and his little pouts when he gets busted for lying, and has to stay home. "But but but!" He always has a justification for being disobedient and dishonest.

And hey, if he can justify it to himself fine. And I feel sorry for him when I tell him he can't go hang out at his friends'...but he's still going to be punished. And he thinks that is just the worst of me. He thinks I'm terrible and mean and a horrible mother because I hold him accountable.

He's got it bass ackwards, just like you do.

You shouldn’t bring your kids into a discussion.

Sure I should.
Your saying that doesn't make you less creepy, by the way. You're still a creepy creeper weirdo.

Is that so? Please explain.
Besides, the news didn't think too much about jesus. He didn't even fulfill the prophecy
1. Millions of Jews converted to Christianity, so obviously many of them did think quite a bit of good about Jesus.

2. He fullfilled two different sets of prophesies, the Messianic and Suffering Servant prophesies.

3. You obviously do not know much about this topic; maybe you should just declare victory and walk away?
Ok I'll play
1. What's the time frame you are speaking of? Your "gotcha" is a little broad. Bigly.
2. Who says so? Christians? The new testament? The jews that were forced to convert and say that?
Pretty sure the details of the Christian treatment of the Jews shortly after his death would dispute that. Would you like to go down that road?
3. Your turn
the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
They had limited self rule under the Romans.
The masses recognized Him as "one who spoke with AUTHORITY", unlike the Pharisees.

BTW, I'm a Sabbatarian, not a Sunday worshiper -- you know, like Jesus and the apostles and prophets
the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
They had limited self rule under the Romans.
The masses recognized Him as "one who spoke with AUTHORITY", unlike the Pharisees.

BTW, I'm a Sabbatarian, not a Sunday worshiper -- you know, like Jesus and the apostles and prophets

BTW . You did not answer as to the POSITION OF
THE PHARISEES which according to you was threatened by Jesus. Were
high priests----Pharisees? Try to remember the details you learned in sunday
school. I am FASCINATED. Was HEROD a Pharisee?
1. What's the time frame you are speaking of? Your "gotcha" is a little broad. Bigly.

Lol, dude, these are basic facts of the public domain. I am not going to spoon feed you.

2. Who says so? Christians? The new testament? The jews that were forced to convert and say that?
Pretty sure the details of the Christian treatment of the Jews shortly after his death would dispute that.
Would you like to go down that road?

roflmao, the Jewish authorities were persecuting the early Christian church and you seem to think it the other way around! roflmao lololol

3. Your turn

No, I dont have the time to waste on a nitwit like yourself.

There are plenty of books on the topic, go read some.
the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
They had limited self rule under the Romans.
The masses recognized Him as "one who spoke with AUTHORITY", unlike the Pharisees.

BTW, I'm a Sabbatarian, not a Sunday worshiper -- you know, like Jesus and the apostles and prophets

Sabatarianism is kind of missing the point of the Sunday worship, to remember the resurrection, not the old testament Sabbath.

Christians do not have to keep the Jewish Sabbath anyway, but if that floats your boat, do whatever you want.

Those of us who love God try to obey Him in the best way we know how, even if we are sincerely wrong in doing what we do.

God judges the heart, not the letter of the law.
Remember the SABBATH DAY -- to keep it holy.

Six days shall you labor and do all your work, but the SEVENTH DAY is the SABBATH of the Lord Your God.

I'll follow my brother, Jesus. You can choose to follow the Catholic fathers

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