Two Thirds Of Americans Still Believe Jesus Was Born of a Virgin, Merry Christmas!

the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
They had limited self rule under the Romans.
The masses recognized Him as "one who spoke with AUTHORITY", unlike the Pharisees.

BTW, I'm a Sabbatarian, not a Sunday worshiper -- you know, like Jesus and the apostles and prophets
There were only 5,000 Jews?
people believed a lot of stuff back was easier to ''brainwash'' people
no phones/inet/mass communication....not nearly as much schooling

Not true. They knew, better than the kids raised by single mothers today, exactly how babies are made.

“After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. 19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly.”

Joseph knew biology well enough to be shocked and hurt and this decided to break it off from her and put her away.
Where do you people get this stuff that people didn’t know how babies were made?
the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
They had limited self rule under the Romans.
The masses recognized Him as "one who spoke with AUTHORITY", unlike the Pharisees.

BTW, I'm a Sabbatarian, not a Sunday worshiper -- you know, like Jesus and the apostles and prophets
There were only 5,000 Jews?
About the same amount that were actually executed in the HoloHoax. The rest died from smallpox, starvation and anemia from fleas and lice
the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
They had limited self rule under the Romans.
The masses recognized Him as "one who spoke with AUTHORITY", unlike the Pharisees.

BTW, I'm a Sabbatarian, not a Sunday worshiper -- you know, like Jesus and the apostles and prophets
There were only 5,000 Jews?
About the same amount that were actually executed in the HoloHoax. The rest died from smallpox, starvation and anemia from fleas and lice

neither SMALLPOX nor STARVATION nor ANEMIA are spread
by fleas or lice. TYPHUS is spread by fleas and lice. As to the numbers
dead----you sunday school whore lied
In the original Hebrew text the word "virgin" is not used.
Mary is described more like a 'young woman'.
Anyway. Anyone who believes a 'virgin' can't get pregnant doesn't know anything about human physiology.
the Pharisees hated him but he threatened their positions? Just what were their
They had limited self rule under the Romans.
The masses recognized Him as "one who spoke with AUTHORITY", unlike the Pharisees.

BTW, I'm a Sabbatarian, not a Sunday worshiper -- you know, like Jesus and the apostles and prophets
There were only 5,000 Jews?

I am still confused as to what the sunday school "ladies" claimed were the
POSITIONS of the Pharisees. Nobody seems to want to tell me. My
impression when I attended sunday school was that those ladies thought that
the "money changers" in the temple courtyard were "Pharisees" and that the
High priest in the Temple was a "Pharisee" and that the tax collectors
were Pharisees-----maybe even Herod. I was so confused by Sunday school that I
SYMPATHIZE with gentile graduates thereof
In the original Hebrew text the word "virgin" is not used.
Mary is described more like a 'young woman'.
Anyway. Anyone who believes a 'virgin' can't get pregnant doesn't know anything about human physiology.

in the NT----written in Greek-----Mary is described as a virgin-----ie a girl who
never had sex. In the OT-----the word "VIRGIN" is not used to describe
the mother of the alleged "messiah"
people believed a lot of stuff back was easier to ''brainwash'' people
no phones/inet/mass communication....not nearly as much schooling

Not true. They knew, better than the kids raised by single mothers today, exactly how babies are made.

“After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. 19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly.”

Joseph knew biology well enough to be shocked and hurt and this decided to break it off from her and put her away.
Where do you people get this stuff that people didn’t know how babies were made?

where do you get this BS about retroactively reading Joseph's mind?----
(oh----I know----try to shoe horn the book into something logical)
5,000 people is all Jews?
Lol, some hyperbole there to be sure.

Jesus was a popular figure at the time, but mainly because the people were desperate from Roman abuse, and to shed their rule. So they would latch on to the latest Messiah that might free them from Rome.

Jesus was not that kind of leader, but still roughly a third of Jews converted and then much more among the Gentiles.
people believed a lot of stuff back was easier to ''brainwash'' people
no phones/inet/mass communication....not nearly as much schooling

Not true. They knew, better than the kids raised by single mothers today, exactly how babies are made.

“After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. 19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly.”

Joseph knew biology well enough to be shocked and hurt and this decided to break it off from her and put her away.
Where do you people get this stuff that people didn’t know how babies were made?
they thought the earth was flat/etc
you couldn't research like you can today
no, they were not as educated as today.....the leaders--along with the parents--- told them what to think....
What will you be celebrating?
Hope. Peace. Goodwill toward Men.
Do you not do that every day? What is special about Christmas?
The lights. And no, I do not celebrate peace, hope and goodwill every day. We get too busy, don't we? It doesn't hurt to have a holiday to remind us of what is really important.

Actually old lady I have to admit I try to bring goodwill and peace every day in my real life outside this board.

Doing it once a year is not following the teachings.

Personally I do not care if Mary was a Virgin, Jesus was son of God or if he rose from the dead because what I care more about is the teaching of doing right daily and not once a year...
You have a very Merry Christmas, Bruce_T_Laney .

Thank you dear and that greeting mean a lot...
So much hatred. Good to know none of you will be celebrating Christmas.
I love Christmas. Why would you call it hate to recognize that Mary wasn't a virgin?
What will you be celebrating?
Hope. Peace. Goodwill toward Men.

Better keep “hope, peace and goodwill out of your politics then. Leave religious celebrations where they belong.
I don't know what you mean by that.
5,000 people is all Jews?
Lol, some hyperbole there to be sure.

Jesus was a popular figure at the time, but mainly because the people were desperate from Roman abuse, and to shed their rule. So they would latch on to the latest Messiah that might free them from Rome.

Jesus was not that kind of leader, but still roughly a third of Jews converted and then much more among the Gentiles.
When did they convert? Do you know why they did?
I like how you ignore what i wrote and continue on with your tunnel vision.
Why are you scared to discuss? :rolleyes:
In the original Hebrew text the word "virgin" is not used.
Mary is described more like a 'young woman'.
Anyway. Anyone who believes a 'virgin' can't get pregnant doesn't know anything about human physiology.
While the words used were literally 'young woman' it had the same context and implied meaning of 'virgin' through its use, much like 'young maiden' used to have in our culture.
When did they convert? Do you know why they did?
I like how you ignore what i wrote and continue on with your tunnel vision.
Why are you scared to discuss? :rolleyes:

I am not afraid to discuss, it is just that I have better things to do than to discuss a subject with a person who doesnt know the first thing about it.
When did they convert? Do you know why they did?
I like how you ignore what i wrote and continue on with your tunnel vision.
Why are you scared to discuss? :rolleyes:

I am not afraid to discuss, it is just that I have better things to do than to discuss a subject with a person who doesnt know the first thing about it.
Then why bring it up? Just to throw around your ignorant "gotchas?"
You wont name any details because either you are a religious hack, ignorant or scared.
Sad really. You are like 60. What do you have to be scared of on an anonymous message board?
In the original Hebrew text the word "virgin" is not used.
Mary is described more like a 'young woman'.
Anyway. Anyone who believes a 'virgin' can't get pregnant doesn't know anything about human physiology.
While the words used were literally 'young woman' it had the same context and implied meaning of 'virgin' through its use, much like 'young maiden' used to have in our culture.
Any 'virgin' on the planet can become impregnated after she starts ovulating. THINK!!!!!!
5,000 people is all Jews?
Lol, some hyperbole there to be sure.

Jesus was a popular figure at the time, but mainly because the people were desperate from Roman abuse, and to shed their rule. So they would latch on to the latest Messiah that might free them from Rome.

Jesus was not that kind of leader, but still roughly a third of Jews converted and then much more among the Gentiles.
There were many conversions under the Greeks because the Greeks didn't want to kill us.
Not too many conversions under the Romans because they wanted us dead.

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