Tucker on Navalny


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
If any of you on the Tucker train sees one of his “fair and balanced” stories on Putin killing Navalny, his political opposition, will you post it here? I gotta see how these Putin lovers try and spin this.
If any of you on the Tucker train sees one of his “fair and balanced” stories on Putin killing Navalny, his political opposition, will you post it here? I gotta see how these Putin lovers try and spin this.

One would think he would have asked about Navalny during his interview.
You lefturds always used to suck the cocks of the Soviets. But now that the Soviet Union got itself mothballed, you need to conceal your adoration of vermin like Putin.

You make big dishonest claims. But the truth is, I don’t see anybody on the right endorsing Putin or any of his behavior.

So, in summary:

Go suck another bag of moldy cocks.
What do you think I’m being dishonest about? Funny you claim that immediate after being dishonest about my oral habits.

If you’re not seeing Tucker and Trumpers and other righty’s defending Putin then you’re not looking. Open your eyes.
If any of you on the Tucker train sees one of his “fair and balanced” stories on Putin killing Navalny, his political opposition, will you post it here? I gotta see how these Putin lovers try and spin this.
If a Trumptard was sent outside in -31 weather, do you think they would survive?

I wonder if that trust-fund prick Tucker would survive.
Our illegitimate murderous presidebt has no room to criticize another leader for persecution and murder of their politial opposition. If Biden had any sense, which at this point we know he doesn't, he would repent and ask God for mercy for his own persecution and murder, yes murder of his own political opposition. He allowed Zelensky to murder in prison, Gonzalo Lira January 12, 2024 for criticizing both the zelensky and Biden Regimes. Just because you have your political opposition murdered by another doesn't absolve you of the crime. Biden and Obama and key Federal agencies are guilty of harassing and persecuting President Trump and his supporters. Remember that Patriot act by GWBush whacker? This persecution of president Trump is going to have ramifications against American citizens and that means you too Democrat supporters. Karma....is a bitch.

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