Trump's efforts to drain the swamp

If Trump fired Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller today, would you agree with this decision?

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Mar 28, 2014
In Trump's efforts to drain the swamp: If Trump fired Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller today, would you agree with this decision?
Why play games with the destroyers of Liberty. Fire them all and let's get back to making America Great again.
"Drain the Swamp." is such an odd phrase being used. Sessions and Rosenstein were both appointed under Trump. To say that it would be draining the Swap would be to say that Trump created his own mess, which I find he has.

Besides that, I strongly disagree with Sessions on almost everything, so I would love to see him removed.

The two main problems I see in this thread, and almost any thread discussing the Russian collusion, is this:

One: Firing special council Muller would be a cataclysmic mistake for the president, as shown in this New York Times article . In fact firing Muller or even making a serious attempt to can be considered obstruction of justice.

The Russian Collusion investigation is a 100% political farce and it should be ended.
I strongly disagree here. The Russian collusion investigation is not political farce. Clouding with another country to a point in which it is a felony is not political farce. The fact that many of the people that Muller has indicted so far have struck plea deals show this is far from a political farce that needs to end.

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