Trumps campaign based on "Springtime for Hitler"

Trump hasn’t had a press conference since February.
What’s he afraid of?
Obviously answering questions.

Trump thinks the main stream press distorts the truth. Does he inform the American people of his views? Constantly! Does he do so through the press? Almost never. Should that surprise anyone? This is not a President who feels the need to appease a liberal press corps that obviously hates his guts.
Now the truth. You and Trump hate when the press quotes Trump accurately.
POTUS has an obligation to give information to the press based on their questions. He can't handle anyone especially the press not bowing down to the supreme leader.
He feeds his idiots like you thru tweets because he can lie with immunity and you eat up every lie.

The President has an "obligation" to give information to the press? Where is that written? In the Constitution? The President has an obligation to provide information to the American people. If he feels that the press has failed in it's obligation to provide unbiased news to the public why is he wrong in going straight to the public with his case? I'm sorry but it's a new world and the media no longer gets to filter what we hear. That's reality.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.

So you admit that sources are unnamed? So you've got an author with a reputation for dishonesty...and he's using unnamed sources...but you believe those sources? Why exactly?
Are you unable to read?
I clearly said Wolff named many of his sources from the WH staff.
And funny you have to call Wolff dishonest with no proof to back it up.
Wolff is and always has been an excellent journalist.
But you know what you duty is to your masters.
Shoot the messenger.

I don't think you have a CLUE who Michael Wolff was before he wrote this book if you're claiming that he's always been an excellent journalist! He has had a reputation of bending the truth and misquoting people that goes back some twenty years to his first best seller Burn Rate.

You must really hate that trump's own staff blew the lid off and verified that he's unprepared, dishonest. an idiot, has no idea what he's doing. Something that was so easy to see by everyone that's not wearing blinders like you.
Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.

So you admit that sources are unnamed? So you've got an author with a reputation for dishonesty...and he's using unnamed sources...but you believe those sources? Why exactly?
Are you unable to read?
I clearly said Wolff named many of his sources from the WH staff.
And funny you have to call Wolff dishonest with no proof to back it up.
Wolff is and always has been an excellent journalist.
But you know what you duty is to your masters.
Shoot the messenger.

I don't think you have a CLUE who Michael Wolff was before he wrote this book if you're claiming that he's always been an excellent journalist! He has had a reputation of bending the truth and misquoting people that goes back some twenty years to his first best seller Burn Rate.

You must really hate that trump's own staff blew the lid off and verified that he's unprepared, dishonest. an idiot, has no idea what he's doing. Something that was so easy to see by everyone that's not wearing blinders like you.

I'm amused by your assumption that a book written by Michael Wolff is factual! He's a little money grubbing sleaze totally lacking in character. You'd be well advised to check out who Wolff IS before you take his account as gospel!
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.

The book contained quotes from more people than Bannon

Trumps "code of silence" is being broken

The author of the book is a confirmed liar and slanderer. It doesn't matter who he "quotes" in his book because they are all fake.
Is that what Hannity told you?
I'm not a brainless troll like you who is only capable of reguritating talking points that are spoonfed to you.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.

The book contained quotes from more people than Bannon

Trumps "code of silence" is being broken

The author of the book is a confirmed liar and slanderer. It doesn't matter who he "quotes" in his book because they are all fake.


He seems to have named his sources.....something that Lying Donnie or yourself never do

Who are they? Are they anyone who would interact with the people this book discusses?
Lots of hatred out there on the left. Sooner or later the a-holes would have to compare the President to Hitler.

The OP does not compare Trump to Hitler
It compares him to "The Producers"

Are you that brainless?
Last edited:
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

"As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win"

So now suddenly you believe Steve Bannon ?

There are more sources in Wolfe's book than Steve Bannon
Think how bad Trump is going to trounce next Dem candidate when he does try.....omg
By the next election Mueller’s final report will be revealed. Ya think people will vote for someone indicted for money laundering and obstruction of justice?
Yeah you probably do.
No they won't, but Mewler's report isn't going to say any such thing. It will be a big dud.
From the book:

On the Sunday after the immigration order was issued, Joe Scarborough and his Morning Joe co-host, Mika Brzezinski, arrived for lunch at the White House. Trump proudly showed them into the Oval Office. “So how do you think the first week has gone?” he asked the couple, in a buoyant mood, seeking flattery. When Scarborough ventured his opinion that the immigration order might have been handled better, Trump turned defensive and derisive, plunging into a long monologue about how well things had gone. “I could have invited Hannity!” he told Scarborough.
Scarboroough said that? And you think he's a credible source?
Trump 'angry' at inauguration
Wolff writes:

"Trump did not enjoy his own inauguration. He was angry that A-level stars had snubbed the event, disgruntled with the accommodations at Blair House, and visibly fighting with his wife, who seemed on the verge of tears. Throughout the day, he wore what some around him had taken to calling his golf face: angry and pissed off, shoulders hunched, arms swinging, brow furled, lips pursed."

Acording to whom?
We now have a clear picture of what Trump is really like in the White House.
Loathed by his staff, screaming all day, no exercise whatsoever( he’s actually said exercise “ shortens one’s life”)
more and more paranoid, petrified of what Mueller has on him, refusing to read his intelligence briefing for the simple reason he HATES TO READ ANYTHING, a wife that can’t stand him nor sleeps in the same room with him, tears his bed apart each night because he’s in constant fear of someone trying to kill him etc.

Without a doubt this is the most mentally disturbed and incompetent president we’ ve ever had.
Fortunately the American people have noticed which is why he has the lowest approval rating of any president in history.
People who believe this kind of salacious sewage are mentally disturbed.
What's amusing about this narrative is that it more or less signals the end of the liberal claim that Hillary really won the election except it was "stolen" from her by Russian collusion! So instead of pushing THAT fairy you liberals are going to push this NEW fairy tale that Trump never wanted to be President? Think about that entire concept for a're saying that a man who WANTED to lose actually won against a woman who desperately wanted to win...spent three times the amount of money her opponent did...and had the main stream media in her back pocket the whole time? Are you SURE you want to go with this? Because basically you're now labeling Hillary Clinton the most inept candidate of all time! Just saying...

Amazing isn't it?

Never underestimate the gullibility of the voting public

ROFL! Yeah, that's for sure. You're the perfect example!
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.
Look at this lunatic calling a long respected writer “ a lunatic.”
All because he exposed how Trump’s staff and Bannon really felt about him.
You can’t put the genie back into the bottle Corky, it’s out for everyone to see.
Just wait until Trump’s token black, Omarisa writes her book. It won’t be as literate as Wolff’s but it will reveal even more juicy facts on the worst president BY FAR, this country has ever seen.

This guy has never been "respected." He's a known slanderer.
What's amusing about this narrative is that it more or less signals the end of the liberal claim that Hillary really won the election except it was "stolen" from her by Russian collusion! So instead of pushing THAT fairy you liberals are going to push this NEW fairy tale that Trump never wanted to be President? Think about that entire concept for a're saying that a man who WANTED to lose actually won against a woman who desperately wanted to win...spent three times the amount of money her opponent did...and had the main stream media in her back pocket the whole time? Are you SURE you want to go with this? Because basically you're now labeling Hillary Clinton the most inept candidate of all time! Just saying...

Amazing isn't it?

Never underestimate the gullibility of the voting public

ROFL! Yeah, that's for sure. You're the perfect example!

You are an anarchist

Doesn't get any more gullible than that

"I don't need no Gubmint!"

Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!
According to Trump’s own staff THEY feel like he’s losing his mind.

You mean "According to anonymous sources close to the administratation" HuffPo says: , amirite?
They’re not “ anonymous sources” Wolff named them in his book. Funny you always prove how little you know.

Let's have the list of names and their positions. It's dead certain they no longer work for Trump.

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