Trump walks out of border security meeting after Pelosi rejects wall pitch


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump walks out of border security meeting after Pelosi rejects wall pitch
President Trump walked out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday afternoon over the partial government shutdown after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again rejected supporting new funding for a border wall, according to those in the meeting... Speaking to reporters after the brief session, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, said the “president just got up and walked out."... “He asked Speaker Pelosi, ‘will you agree to my wall?’ She said no. And he just got up, and said, 'Well we’ve got nothing to discuss,'" Schumer said.... The president, in a tweet, called the meeting “a total waste of time” and appeared to confirm that he left after Pelosi's answer.

DJT has given both Chuck and Nancy every chance to work with in the defence of the Republic. They have shown they are not interested.
President Trump laid out the problem last evening. He pointed his remarks to the two people causing/interfering with the problem.
When he does call a national emergency and finds the funding himself, then Chuckie and Nancy will begin to whine, he will tell them they were warned.
This President is crazy. I think you Democrats better give him what he wants, or he's going to destroy the entire country.

It should be bye bye to tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies that enable his terrorist man child rampaging at pleasing foreign and domestic enemies. This is when it comes to tRump's terrorist obstruction on the government and society. Also tRump's facilitated partial shutdown is also affecting global trade and global markets. tRump a fool's so-called president.

Farming during a government shutdown
It should be bye bye to tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies that enable his terrorist man child rampaging at pleasing foreign and domestic enemies. This is when it comes to tRump's terrorist obstruction on the government and society. Also tRump's facilitated partial shutdown is also affecting global trade and global markets. tRump a fool's so-called president.

Farming during a government shutdown

"Should be"?

But it won't. You Democrats are pretty much screwed, blued, and tattooed. Might as well enjoy the ride. :biggrin:
This President is crazy. I think you Democrats better give him what he wants, or he's going to destroy the entire country.


Considering tRump is not a legitimate president but a fool who is lawlessly enabled to go on his maniac rampage, there are extraordinary measures available to deal with this tyrant and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies. This is if other powers that be choose to do so. tRump is obviously at war with society and the global economy which should make him enemy number one at letting the tyrant know he does not own America or its government. To submit to this tyrant and terrorist who lost his soul could destroy the soul of the country and global markets too and despite what tRump's kissers believe. As such, it appears the entire world is in this mess together after uncivilized morons chose to screw up and violate the law and electoral college in order to run with the 45 devil.
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It should be bye bye to tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies that enable his terrorist man child rampaging at pleasing foreign and domestic enemies. This is when it comes to tRump's terrorist obstruction on the government and society. Also tRump's facilitated partial shutdown is also affecting global trade and global markets. tRump a fool's so-called president.
At last! A voice of reason! :)

it is amazing that leftists refuse to fund border security in any way shape or form

money for a wall or no deal
Trump walks out of border security meeting after Pelosi rejects wall pitch
President Trump walked out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday afternoon over the partial government shutdown after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again rejected supporting new funding for a border wall, according to those in the meeting... Speaking to reporters after the brief session, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, said the “president just got up and walked out."... “He asked Speaker Pelosi, ‘will you agree to my wall?’ She said no. And he just got up, and said, 'Well we’ve got nothing to discuss,'" Schumer said.... The president, in a tweet, called the meeting “a total waste of time” and appeared to confirm that he left after Pelosi's answer.

DJT has given both Chuck and Nancy every chance to work with in the defence of the Republic. They have shown they are not interested.
President Trump laid out the problem last evening. He pointed his remarks to the two people causing/interfering with the problem.
When he does call a national emergency and finds the funding himself, then Chuckie and Nancy will begin to whine, he will tell them they were warned.

It appears to me that Trump has drawn up his Red Line and he's not messing around with it. This is his issue, a winning issue. No other candidates gave a damn about it.

If he sticks to his guns he will succeed, it's too serious an issue for Americans to allow a half-ass job be done for another 25 years. Any serious and successful border protection must require a wall, among other technology and Man Power. It's just the way it is when you have such numbers and motivations on the southern border.
Trump walks out of border security meeting after Pelosi rejects wall pitch
President Trump walked out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday afternoon over the partial government shutdown after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again rejected supporting new funding for a border wall, according to those in the meeting... Speaking to reporters after the brief session, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, said the “president just got up and walked out."... “He asked Speaker Pelosi, ‘will you agree to my wall?’ She said no. And he just got up, and said, 'Well we’ve got nothing to discuss,'" Schumer said.... The president, in a tweet, called the meeting “a total waste of time” and appeared to confirm that he left after Pelosi's answer.

DJT has given both Chuck and Nancy every chance to work with in the defence of the Republic. They have shown they are not interested.
President Trump laid out the problem last evening. He pointed his remarks to the two people causing/interfering with the problem.
When he does call a national emergency and finds the funding himself, then Chuckie and Nancy will begin to whine, he will tell them they were warned.
Lol abandoning negotiations in a tantrum is Chapter 1 in The Art of the Deal :lmao:
It should be bye bye to tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies that enable his terrorist man child rampaging at pleasing foreign and domestic enemies. This is when it comes to tRump's terrorist obstruction on the government and society. Also tRump's facilitated partial shutdown is also affecting global trade and global markets. tRump a fool's so-called president.

Farming during a government shutdown

"Should be"?

But it won't. You Democrats are pretty much screwed, blued, and tattooed. Might as well enjoy the ride. :biggrin:
They bring a box to the table with nothing in it, and how can you react to it
This President is crazy. I think you Democrats better give him what he wants, or he's going to destroy the entire country.


Considering tRump is not a legitimate president but a fool who is lawlessly enabled to go on his maniac rampage, there are extraordinary measures available to deal with this tyrant and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies. This is if other powers that be choose to do so. tRump is obviously at war with society and the global economy which should make him enemy number one at letting the tyrant know he does not own America or its government.

Well guess what? We're into the third year of the Trump Presidency and there's not one single thing you can do about it.

Evidently you leftards haven't figured out that Donald J. Trump is not playing by the same rules his Republican predecessors were bound by.

And in this third year of the Trump Presidency, there's not one single thing you can do to stop him. He is the Godzilla of Presidents, walking through your little progressive playground and destroying everything you've worked so hard for over the last 5 decades.

Might as well get used to it, because he isn't going anywhere.
The Democratic Party is going to lose more voters because they are open borders anti-American bigots.
Trump walks out of border security meeting after Pelosi rejects wall pitch
President Trump walked out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday afternoon over the partial government shutdown after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again rejected supporting new funding for a border wall, according to those in the meeting... Speaking to reporters after the brief session, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, said the “president just got up and walked out."... “He asked Speaker Pelosi, ‘will you agree to my wall?’ She said no. And he just got up, and said, 'Well we’ve got nothing to discuss,'" Schumer said.... The president, in a tweet, called the meeting “a total waste of time” and appeared to confirm that he left after Pelosi's answer.

DJT has given both Chuck and Nancy every chance to work with in the defence of the Republic. They have shown they are not interested.
President Trump laid out the problem last evening. He pointed his remarks to the two people causing/interfering with the problem.
When he does call a national emergency and finds the funding himself, then Chuckie and Nancy will begin to whine, he will tell them they were warned.
Lol abandoning negotiations in a tantrum is Chapter 1 in The Art of the Deal :lmao:
So true. What a fucking joke the "master negotiator" is. I'm taking my ball and going home.


What a fucking pussy this little man-child is.
It should be bye bye to tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies that enable his terrorist man child rampaging at pleasing foreign and domestic enemies. This is when it comes to tRump's terrorist obstruction on the government and society. Also tRump's facilitated partial shutdown is also affecting global trade and global markets. tRump a fool's so-called president.

Farming during a government shutdown

The only ones obstructing are Chuck and Nancy, William

They really just need to go to the White House and be prepared to bend a knee on this.

They backed the Wall before, and now its time just to revert to their previous positions.

President Trump is well prepared to go until January 2025 with this shutdown, if necessary.
Trump walks out of border security meeting after Pelosi rejects wall pitch

Good thing he hadn't already allowed them to wall him in.
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It takes two both sides to negotiate a deal if one sides says no right off the bat there is really nothing to talk about. The left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers the right wants a border wall the only reason a deal can’t get made here is because one or both sides don’t want to make one.

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