Trump vs the media and both parties

Uhhh, have you listened to obozo talk about the GOP controlled congress? Or anyone who dares disagree with his marxist agenda?
Yes, he is addressing the issue at hand, not suggesting that they are on the rag or some other kind of personal attack. Trump embodies the troll mentality of an internet conservative, no wonder you like him. He answers harsh criticism not with a rational counterargument but with personal attacks, that shit cannot be allowed to become normal in American politics, we have had too much of that already out the teabagger crowd and it has made us the laughing stock of the civilized world.

^^^more PC bullshit^^^^ Obama and clinton have made the US the laughing stock of the world. The world laughs and weakness and incompetence. It respects strength and honesty.
No, that's just American conservatives who want a mean-spirited authoritarian bully for a president, for some stupid reason.

wrong, mean spirited authoritarian is what we got with obama and what we would get with the hildebeast.
LOL you just want someone who will reliably be mean-spirited and authoritarian to the people who you think deserve it, can't handle even the illusion that it might be directed at you. You would cheer the immigration authorities kicking in a 1,000,000 American doors and dragging people off into the night but you feel threatened by the EPA and bullshit like that.

Yet another American citizen and veteran was brutally tortured, raped with a foreign object, and murdered this week by an illegal, in her own home. She was 68 years old. You libs can cry me a river about kicking illegal criminals the fuck out of OUR country. It happened in illegal sanctuary California, shocker.
I remember repub
Why don't republicans or libertarians want zero regulations on immigration? Let the market decide. The free market will work itself out, right? And no minimum wage either. Let the American workers figure it out.
Actually, I believe that is the libertarian stance on immigration in theory.
I remember Republicans defended illegal employers and sending jobs overseas.

I would say they defended these things until they realized this affects them too but they continued to defend these thing even after that was obvious. What made them change? A democrat is in the white house and they are looking for things to blame him for.

Just like they didn't worry about the debt until Obama Reid and pelosi took over.
This funny, two posters say the same thing - spun 180 degrees.

Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.

Bull shit. FOX exists to counter the extreme left wing bias of the MSM.

Not quite. I'm coming from the opinion that FOX is biased but that bias is necessary. I doubt he would ever admit to the MSM's left wing bias.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.
Trump is responsible for what he says

If it is offensive to both parties, both parties and the media will attack him

Yep, and he will be ready for them. They are all so used to politicians kissing their asses and begging for money. None of them own Trump and that is good for the debate and good for the country.

I don't think he will ever be POTUS, but he is forcing them all to talk about our real problems, and that makes him a statesman.
Or perhaps the anti-statesman in the way that he goes about doing it,

The founders were plain speaking men, so were Truman, Reagan, and Kennedy. So were Churchill, and Thatcher, and Eisenhower.

we need to forget the PC bullshit, and tell it like it is.
Very true. The problem isn't the plain speaking. Reagan, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Thatcher, and Churchill actually had plans and substance to back their rhetoric.

They were also consistant in their life long beliefs...

Trump.......not only not so much....but not at all....

I need more than a willingness to verbally attack your enemies. I need to know that you have held a lifelong belief in what you espouse.

Trump is not the man you think he is.
Trump is pretty much what he always has been. The phonies are many of the other folks running. We don't really know if they're being honest or just playing the game. None of them, aside from Ben Carson, would stand up to everyone. That was the thing about Reagan. We knew where he was coming from and could count on him. I can't say that about any of the Democrats and most of the Republicans.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

Neither establishment party has the guts to debate Trump on the issues and win on the issues. Instead they are trying to take him out with 'gotcha' crap that reminds me a LOT of liberals. When Fox News starts acting like liberals and using their tactics who's left, Rush? Here's what Rush had to say about this gotcha crap and in particular Fox News using the left's made up "war on women" lie to attack Trump,

Rush, "I have lost all respect for Fox News".
What if he called megyn Kelly a disgusting pig? He's not presidential.

but he didn't. he called Rosie O'Donnel a disgusting pig, and she is.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.
Paranoid, delusional nonsense.

Trump has only himself to blame, not 'the media.'

Trump is bad for America; he's also bad for the GOP (which is good for America), but most on the right are to blind and clueless to realize that.
Politically, I hope Trump sticks around. He disrupts the GOP and provides political fodder for the opposition

As an American, I am repulsed that he is provided credibility for our highest office. He is an embarrassment for what it means to be American

As an American I am repulsed that this country elected an incompetent amearica-hating marxist as president twice, I am also repulsed that the dem party will run a criminal for the office in 2016.
This funny, two posters say the same thing - spun 180 degrees.

Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.

Bull shit. FOX exists to counter the extreme left wing bias of the MSM.

Not quite. I'm coming from the opinion that FOX is biased but that bias is necessary. I doubt he would ever admit to the MSM's left wing bias.

Bias is necessary? WTF ?
This funny, two posters say the same thing - spun 180 degrees.

Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.

Bull shit. FOX exists to counter the extreme left wing bias of the MSM.

Not quite. I'm coming from the opinion that FOX is biased but that bias is necessary. I doubt he would ever admit to the MSM's left wing bias.

Bias is necessary? WTF ?

How hard is it to understand? Who else but FOX is giving the rights side on the issues?
This funny, two posters say the same thing - spun 180 degrees.

Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.

Bull shit. FOX exists to counter the extreme left wing bias of the MSM.

Not quite. I'm coming from the opinion that FOX is biased but that bias is necessary. I doubt he would ever admit to the MSM's left wing bias.

Bias is necessary? WTF ?

How hard is it to understand? Who else but FOX is giving the rights side on the issues?

Fox was founded on the premise of giving equal time to both sides, whereas in the past only the left was given voice in the media.

The idea that Fox only gives time to the conservative view is pure bunk.

the problem that libs have with Fox is that they know when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses because liberalism is not based on facts and logic, it is based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeelings.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

Trump is the candidate the RNC deserves.

Run Trump Run.
Donald Trump had the best policy idea of anyone in last night's debate

Vox ^ | August 7, 2015, | Matthew Yglesias
Donald Trump offered the single best, most original policy idea in the Republican Party debate Thursday night. He also demonstrated by far the greatest understanding of a complicated area of public policy. There, I said it. People have been avoiding noticing this out of a dual aversion to Trump's brand of demagogic anti-immigrant politics and an excessive sense that deference is owed to the real professional politicians up on the stage. But while I wouldn't rank Trump as one of the great health wonks of all time, his answer to a question challenging him to defend his past praise of...
This funny, two posters say the same thing - spun 180 degrees.

Bull shit. FOX exists to counter the extreme left wing bias of the MSM.

Not quite. I'm coming from the opinion that FOX is biased but that bias is necessary. I doubt he would ever admit to the MSM's left wing bias.

Bias is necessary? WTF ?

How hard is it to understand? Who else but FOX is giving the rights side on the issues?

Fox was founded on the premise of giving equal time to both sides, whereas in the past only the left was given voice in the media.

The idea that Fox only gives time to the conservative view is pure bunk.

the problem that libs have with Fox is that they know when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses because liberalism is not based on facts and logic, it is based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeelings.

Dude, read first then see if you need to go ballistic. I never said that FOX only gives one side. I specifically asked you "who will give the conservative side of not FOX?"

Calm the fuck down.
Trump is playing a dangerous game. He will either settle down or just will be kicked out of the GOP. Or maybe a miracle will happen and Trump will appear stronger than the establishment. That will be a great day.
This funny, two posters say the same thing - spun 180 degrees.

Not quite. I'm coming from the opinion that FOX is biased but that bias is necessary. I doubt he would ever admit to the MSM's left wing bias.

Bias is necessary? WTF ?

How hard is it to understand? Who else but FOX is giving the rights side on the issues?

Fox was founded on the premise of giving equal time to both sides, whereas in the past only the left was given voice in the media.

The idea that Fox only gives time to the conservative view is pure bunk.

the problem that libs have with Fox is that they know when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses because liberalism is not based on facts and logic, it is based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeelings.

Dude, read first then see if you need to go ballistic. I never said that FOX only gives one side. I specifically asked you "who will give the conservative side of not FOX?"

Calm the fuck down.

Sorry if I misread you. But I have virtually no tolerance for the PC liars in most of the media. Fox crossed the line in the debate from unbiased to biased. They lost credibility.
Republicans founded FOX news so that they would have a friendly media outlet that would always pitch them softballs and portray them positively. I fail to see the wisdom in pissing them off just for a stunt.

Bull shit. FOX exists to counter the extreme left wing bias of the MSM.

I wish that were true. FOX news first and primary mission has ALWAYS been to maintain the NeoCon's grip on the GOP establishment. Nothing else even comes close.

They would rather support an obviously loser neocon like Romney or McCain than a genuine conservative that can win, like Gingrich, Paul or Trump.

FOX is going the way of CNN as it has been taken over by members of the professional political class and share all the same root assumptions that the professional political class holds to. They are not 'Fair and Balanced' unless they have a hand picked loser opponent and can 'balance' them out with a neocon wonk.

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